
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 83

Chapter 83.

[After calming down, Kong also carefully looked at the intelligence again. ]

[Shield the loss to see, if the record in this report is not that they excused themselves, it can only be said that they really lost unjustly. ]

[After all, no one could have imagined that a rebel army whose navy had easily suppressed more than thirty times would actually have three strong men who could resist Sakazuki and other two. ]

["The rebel army of the Lvneel Kingdom." Kong chanted the name, feeling that things were basically out of control. ]

[Even Sakazuki and the three of them have completely failed, and if they are sent again, they can only send stronger people. ]

[At present, the entire navy, talking about being stronger than Sakazuki, is only Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr and Tsuru. ]

[Among them, Zephyr had basically retired semi-retired from the position of Admiral five years ago, and he was no longer on the front line, but was only responsible for the teaching of recruits. ]

["Let whom?" Kong is still thinking, in fact, the current high-level combat power of the navy is very stretched. ]

[Because in recent years, there are too many powerful pirates, and the navy can't even keep an eye on a fleet. ]

["Fleet-Admiral, urgent intelligence from the New World." Just when Kong was still having a headache about the affairs of the Lvneel Kingdom, another urgent piece of information came. ]

[And this time the intelligence is far heavier than the Lvneel Kingdom. ]

[The Roger Pirates encountered the Flying Pirates in the waters of edd, and after a big battle between the two sides, the Golden Lion had begun to worry about all the pirate fleets under his command, wanting to decide the victory with the Roger Pirates at one time. ]

[ "These two guys eventually ran into each other." Kong only felt that the blood vessels in his head were protruding. ]

[This matter has long been expected by their navy, after all, except for Whitebeard, a legendary pirate who is obviously not interested in the world, Roger and Golden Lion are the two closest to Pirate king at present. ]

[They have always been old rivals, everyone knows that the Pirate King in the new era, will depend on which of the two of them wins and who loses, these two legendary pirates, sooner or later, will have to do a battle. ]

[It is precisely because of this matter that the navy has gathered all the high-level combat forces such as Sengoku, Garp in this time period to deal with Roger and their collision at any time. ]

[Originally, the three of them were also recalled because of their powerful combat power, but they are now trapped in the small puddle that the Lvneel Kingdom once thought. ]

[ "It happened at this time." Kong sighed, but still said to the signal soldier: "Send them a message back to Sakazuki, just say let them make their own decisions for now." ]

[ "Yes." The liaison soldier saluted and left quickly. ]

[And just as the soldier's front foot left, the door on the back foot was pushed open forcefully.]

[The incomparably majestic, terrifying Garp walked straight in, slapped on Kong desk, and grinned and showed a big white tooth: "Big brother Kong, I heard that Roger is going to fight with that guy, Shiki in the Edd Sea. "]

[ "Let me go, I'll arrest both Roger and Shiki." Garp laughed boldly. ]

["Hey, Garp, I've decided to send Sengoku." Kong said with a little headache. ]

[Roger and Golden Lion are doing it, which is a good thing for their navy, and if they control it well, at least one of the two legendary pirates can be reduced. ]

[So he sent a more stable Sengoku over, sat on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and collected a dish depending on the situation, which is the best. ]

[If Garp goes, I don't know what variables will be made.]

[However, Garp did not eat this day at all, and after he finished talking with Kong, he walked directly out of the office. ]

["I'm going to decide anyway, Big Brother Kong, if you have anything you want to say, wait until I come back. "]

[Garp left majestically. ]

[On the other side, in the kingdom of Lvneel, Akainu, Kizaru and Aokiji they received a reply from the headquarters. ]

[ "Make your own decisions." Akainu said. ]

[ "What does this mean?" Kizaru tilted his head and wondered. ]

[Hey, they are asking for help, not asking what to do next, there are only more than a thousand soldiers left in their hands, how to make their own decisions. ]

[It's good to send a warship over, send some money and food, just rely on those two Navy outposts, a small camp that can accommodate up to a hundred people, how to feed this group of them.]

[For a moment, Kizaru thought that the headquarters had given them up. ]

[But soon, they also thought that it was probably not that the headquarters gave up on them, but because there were more important things that involved the main energy of the headquarters. ]

["What now?" Akainu also lost his previous conceit and asked. ]

[ "What else can be done, only to put it out first." Kizaru was very casual, he put his hands on the table, his legs crossed, and he leaned comfortably against his chair. ]

[Anyway, it's already like this, it's good to just fish here, at least better than fighting those legendary pirates. ]

[ "Are you listening to us? Kuzan?" Akainu looked at Aokiji who had been absent-minded on the side. ]

[Since the defeat of Coal and Iron City, Kuzan has always been this kind of soulless. ]

[ "Ah, sorry, I'm a little messy right now, I will go out for a walk." Aokiji apologized and turned to leave the room. ]

[ "Did Kuzan get hit hard?" Kizaru looked at the back of Aokiji leaving, his eyes a little puzzled. ]

[ "Perhaps, it's a shame." Talking about the loss of this war, Akainu couldn't help but clench his fists, which was the most humiliating defeat he had experienced in all his years as a navy. ]

[From beginning to end, I was led by others by the nose, and I was defeated. ]

[ Aokiji left the room and walked aimlessly on the somewhat deserted street. ]

[He's in a mess right now. ]

[If it had been before, when he was looking at the navy that suffered heavy losses in the port, he would have already said what he knew about Roja, but even now, Aokiji did not say it.]

[Maybe it was the ragged army of workers who left a deep impression on him, or maybe it was Fujitora's words that we are righteous that deeply stimulated Aokiji.]

[ He became a little silent, and the burning justice gradually cooled down. ]

[Or rather, after he became a navy, he saw a lot of darkness, just forcibly burning himself. ]

[And now, he finally can't burn.]

[From the Kingdom of Goa to the Kingdom of Lvneel here, the confusion that had been accumulated in his heart was finally detonated by Fujitora, and he became confused about the justice he had always been proud of. ]

[His justice, the people he wants to protect, is now on his opposite side, and his power is no longer to protect civilians, but to suppress. ]

[Looking at the closed door on the side of the road, the vigilant residents in the door, Aokiji suddenly had an idea. ]

[He wanted to have a good chat with the residents here and see what the people here thought of the workers' rebels, the royal family, and their navy.]

[Maybe he can find an answer from this.]

[Aokiji may not have discovered that in the process of going to the Kingdom of Goa many times and understanding the revolutionary army and Roja, some excellent ideas and methods have begun to subtly penetrate into his heart. ]

[He began to unconsciously learn from Roja to investigate, to study, to find problems.]

[Thinking of this, Aokiji casually knocked on the door of an ordinary house. ]

[The one who opened the door was a middle-aged man with a somewhat fearful gaze, if Roja was here, he could recognize it at a glance, this was the supervisor of the family on the investigation report. ]

[The gears of fate began to turn at this moment, as if there was an invisible silk thread connecting something. ]

["That, uncle, there are some things I want to ask, okay?" Aokiji asked. ]

[Maybe his amazing affinity played a role, or maybe the uncle saw the vice admiral cloak on his body, hesitated, and the man closed the door and communicated with Aokiji on the street.]

[This action is a little impolite, showing a strong sense of rejection, but Aokiji did not care. ]

[ "Can you tell me, as a local, what do you think of the Coal and Iron City rebels." Aokiji asked. ]

[At first, the uncle was still reluctant to say more because of the identity of Aokiji's navy, and Aokiji talked for a long time before gradually letting him let down his guard. ]

[ "haah, I don't evaluate the previous rebel army, but this rebel army is very different from the previous one." Uncle Overseer couldn't help but speak. ]

[He started talking from the day of the Coal and Iron City Uprising, talked about what Roja had said to them, talked about Roja putting them back, and did not embarrass them. ]

[It is said that the rebels did not do anything wrong in the city, even if they requisitioned merchant ships, they also used Berry to make corresponding compensation. ]

[ "It's a well-behaved army, at least, after they've been there for a few days, we won't be too scared to see them again." ]

["Moreover, if you really put yourself in their shoes, what can they do if they are unrighteous? I just worked in Coal and Iron City during the day, and after staying for a while, I would change shifts with people, and Roja felt the burden on my body." ]

[ "They work in Coal and Iron City every day, in the worst environment, if it were me, I am afraid I would not be able to resist the uprising."]

[Uncle Overseer said with some embarrassment, because Roja let them go and told them about the investigation of pneumoconiosis, plus this rebel army is far more disciplined than the previous times. ]

[So even the uncle overseer, who used to be the opposite, did not have too many negative evaluations of them, but because of his family's pneumoconiosis, he had a grudge in his heart for the royal family that caused all this. ]

[Aokiji talked a lot with the uncle overseer, the royal family, the world government, and their navy. ]

[Among them, about the royal family, the world government and the navy, no matter how he asked, Uncle Overseer did not say anything excessive. ]

[But from some subtle facial movements, Aokiji can also roughly feel his thoughts. ]

[After saying goodbye to this uncle, Aokiji visited some people again. ]

[People who have great malice towards the rebel army are only a very small minority, but those who are dissatisfied with the royal family account for the majority. ]

[They are all people who have lived here for generations, and after Roja exposed the matter of pneumoconiosis, among these residents, the popular anger against the royal family gradually rose. ]

[Originally, the poor environment of the Lvneel Kingdom was very worthy of complaints, not to mention that it also caused pneumoconiosis. ]

[After some searching, when Aokiji returned to the camp, he felt very tired, not physically, but psychologically. ]

[ "You're back, Kuzan." When Aokiji came back, Kizaru was reading the newspaper with his legs on the desk, and when he saw Aokiji returning, he slightly lowered the newspaper and said hello. ]

[ "Mr. Borsalino." Aokiji is now desperate to find someone to talk to, but unfortunately the teacher Mr. Garp is not here, he can only find Kizaru. ]

["What do you mean by justice in our navy?" ]

[ "You've finally reached this stage." Kizaru glanced at Aokiji's slightly confused expression and took a cigarette. ]

["At the beginning, I had the same doubts as you, so I went to ask many people, and Mr. Sengoku told me that the so-called justice is justice when the king comes to the world." ]

[ "World governments that are above everything are justice, because they can make laws, they can establish order. "]

["Mr. Garp said, justice should follow the heart, good and evil, what do you think is just, that is very important, the world government is not absolute justice, the nobility is not, you have to rely on your own judgment, within the limited rules, do as much as you think is righteous. "]

["Teacher Zephyr said that justice is justice that does not kill, the navy only has the power to enforce the law, not the right to judge, the trial is decided by the law, the navy is only responsible for arrest, even if it is a pirate, it cannot be killed at will." ]

[ "Isn't it chaotic?" Kizaru continued to look at the newspaper, without raising his eyes, and said with a crooked smile: "So justice is such a thing, everyone has their own understanding."]

[ "Then what is your justice? "]

[ "Ambiguous, this is my justice." Kizaru said with a smile. ]

[ "What do you mean?" Aokiji was stunned for a moment, ambiguous justice, what the hell is this? ]

[ "It is justice without a statement." Kizaru seemed to cover himself with the entire newspaper. ]

["When it's time for me to go up, I can go up, other more things, don't express a position, as for how to do things, that's my business, do things flexibly, impartially, that's all." Kizaru said calmly. ]

[To be honest, if the tone of his speech is not so lewd and eccentric, he is very much like a stable senior at the moment. ]

[ "Thank you, Mr. Borsalino." Aokiji thanked him. ]

[Although he does not approve of the justice of Kizaru very much, he feels that he is more like the justice of the teacher Mr. Garp, but compared to Mr. Garp, he has more thoughts about whether the rotten order should exist in things. ]

[ "Have you found your justice?" Kizaru asked curiously. ]

[ "Nope." Aokiji shook his head: "It's just that the mood is a little more relaxed, maybe in the near future, I will find an answer." ]

[Kizaru looked at Aokiji and shook his head with a smile. ]

[Among the three Vice Admirals, he is the most flexible in dealing with people, and Akainu and Aokiji are both people who are easy to go to extremes in his opinion, but Akainu is more determined and will never waver when going to extremes. ]

[Aokiji, on the other hand, has more thinking, and these thoughts he can easily not jump out of, thus going to the other extreme. ]

[ "So, sometimes, people still have to be flexible." Kizaru secretly said in his heart, and he continued to flip through the newspaper, as if this newspaper could be read for a day. ]

[On the other side, in the coal and iron city, the workers who have achieved a major victory are celebrating and cheering. ]

[They achieved a major victory, starting from the first battle with the royal guards, plus this battle, with Navy reinforcements. ]

[The victory of the two battles gave them great confidence. ]

[The remaining union representative, Mobu, walked up to Roja excitedly and said: "Mr. Roja, don't leave either, we will directly occupy here and implement new policies."]

[Listening to Mobu's words, the smile that existed on Roja's face disappeared in an instant, his face became a little serious, sighed lightly, and criticized: "Mobu, you are a typical blind activist. "]

[ "I ask you, did you say such a thing, have you investigated? Among the Navy soldiers and officers we captured, did you know through them the strength of the world government?"]

[ "Just by virtue of two victories, without passing any investigation, I want to launch a continuous revolutionary movement at once."]

[ "I still have the old view that the world government is far stronger than us, and the Kingdom of Lvneel is the focus of the world government, and once they are serious, we have no room for resistance." ]

[ "Either you leave together, or you stay here, you can only negotiate and let them make concessions, and then continue to hibernate and accumulate strength."]