
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 68

Chapter 68 Vegapunk's Research Base

["This is Mr. Roja. Karasu is clapping vigorously. His voice is very small, but his applause is very loud.]

[Before Roja's speech, he didn't think the speech was useful, it seemed to be just a form, a useless form, but Roja used a simple speech to tell him what is the power to penetrate people's hearts. ]

[The speech is really good, Karasu feels that after listening to the speech, his whole body is different, the inferiority complex in his heart dissipates, and a lot of self-confidence and self-esteem are established on the spiritual level.]

[There was thunderous applause below, while Roja looked at everyone with a smile, and then pressed his hand slightly, indicating that everyone can finish. ]

[It was just a movement of raising your hand and pressing down, and the place immediately returned to silence. ]

[It can be said that at this moment, Roja has been recognized and convinced by all the workers representatives below, and this is only after a short speech. ]

["Before I came here today, Karasu told me that everyone can't speak, and I don't know how to give a speech. I think everyone thinks speech is too lofty. In fact, there is only one thing in speech, and that is sincerity."]

["Everyone can talk about their own feelings, feelings of being oppressed, and yearning for a better life. This is also a speech. It doesn't need too many gorgeous rhetoric, just simple and practical words are enough."]

["Everyone is a comrade, fighting for a goal, what else do you need to worry about among comrades? Just speak out what you think boldly." Roja said. ]

[Speech among workers must be sincere. Only when you treat people with sincerity will others treat you with sincerity. It is meaningless to say some false words. Simple and plain does not mean that you have no strength. ]

[After Roja finished his speech, he also met face-to-face. He began to talk to the workers representatives present about the current process of the revolution and the actions that need to be carried out in the future. ]

[Roja mentioned that they have already started contacting the scientists in Baldimore, and even invited the most famous genius Vegapunk to develop revolutionary weapons for them. ]

[Speaking of which, he was able to continuously transport food from East Blue, and the trade union movement in the coal mining area is developing rapidly. It is estimated that in less than a month, the trade unions in the coal mining area and the steel plant will be fully formed . ]

[At that time, one hundred thousand workers will be able to equip with advanced weapons and control their own destiny. ]

[These are things that don't need to be kept secret from the people here. The hundreds of worker representatives can be trusted by Karasu to come to the underground cavity dug by Mori, which already means that they don't need to keep too many secrets from them. ]

[Not to mention, Coal Iron City is not closely connected with the outside world, and the only ones who can often deal with workers are the supervisors. ]

[There is also the supervision of trade union personnel, and it is basically impossible to inform. ]

[And letting them understand the process of the revolution will also increase their confidence in the revolution. They are all workers' representatives and affect many workers. If they do not have confidence, then it is even less likely for the workers to have confidence in the revolution. ]

["Of course, although the revolution is progressing smoothly, we still cannot relax." Roja exhorted. ]

["First of all, we must actively strengthen the coalition between the workers in the coal mining area and the workers in the steel factory. They are both oppressed and exploited, and they are all comrades fighting for the revolution. They must respect and help each other."]

["In the future, the supervisors who go from the iron and steel plant to the coal mining area will no longer be able to beat and scold the coal miners, and they will not be able to put on airs. The task indicators will be satisfied in the coal mining area. Can you do this? Karasu." Roja looked at Karasu asked. ]

["I will complete the task." Karasu said. ]

[The workers' representatives of the various steel factories present also assured their tickets. This is not a difficult task, and their trade unions have basically accommodated the workers of the steel factories. ]

[Speaking of it, perhaps because of the fine tradition of frequent uprisings, the internal workers of the steel plant are relatively united. Even without the arrival of Roja, they would have staged a vigorous uprising in recent years. ]

[Of course, if Roja doesn't come, more than 95% of their uprisings will fail repeatedly. ]

["The second point is to win over the supervisors of the steel factory. The supervisors, like us, are the exploited and victims in the Kingdom of Lvneel, but they are temporarily attracted by some interests of the royal family."]

["We can also bribe, but we must pay attention to one degree in this process. One is not to disclose any actions and information of our trade union, and the other is to build a good relationship." "]

["Let me make a suggestion. Steel factories and coal mining areas also have quotas, don't they? You can use small teams as a unit to send representatives to negotiate with supervisors, for example, to ensure that the daily quotas are fulfilled in exchange for correspondingly more relaxed working conditions." ]

["For example, the supervisor is no longer bothering to monitor your work, etc. These are all advantages. Don't confront the supervisor, but to get closer and paralyze their sight."]

["And this is also related to the third point I mentioned. The construction of a weapon base requires a lot of steel. I hope that everyone can produce more steel every day. Let Mōri transport the parts that are not in the indicator. "]

[Speaking of this, the worker representatives below showed embarrassment on their faces. ]

["If you have doubts, it's okay to say it. Our trade union is not a monopoly. Only by discussing with everyone can we find out the gaps and make up for the gaps." Roja said in a gentle voice. ]

[Roja's amazing affinity played a good role, and soon, a worker representative stood up from sitting cross-legged and said: "Mr. Roja , steel may not work well".]

["The output indicators of iron and steel factories are generally linked to iron ore. The World government will transport a similar amount of iron ore every month, and then transport away the target steel."]

["These iron ores generally produce a little more steel than the quota, and what we can get is the extra, but compared to the total amount, it is too little."]

["Moreover, the supervisors and soldiers will occasionally pay attention to this batch of extra steel and secretly pull it out to sell. Therefore, if you want to get enough steel through here, you must either improve the ironmaking technology and increase the iron yield." ]

["Either by buying iron ore from outside, and then using the coal and machines here to make iron." Said the powerful worker representative. ]

["However, improving the iron-making technology should not work. The machines here are all custom-made. Changing the iron-making technology also requires the modification of the machines."]

[Roja remembers that his name is Kekroll, and he has a deep impression on him, because he is the strongest and tallest among the workers' representatives, with a height of more than four meters, like an iron tower. ]

[Now, Roja has a deeper impression of him, because he speaks very logically, not as reckless as he looks. ]

["I see, thank you for your suggestion, Comrade Kekroll, then the third point will be put on hold for now, and I will find a solution as soon as possible." Roja said with a smile. ]

[The meeting is over, wait until the worker representatives leave. ]

[Roja asked Karasu about Kekroll. ]

["He is a slave sent by the World government. He was the captain of the Blacksmith Pirates before. After being arrested by Marine, he was sent here to participate in the smelting of steel."]

["I see." Roja nodded. ]

["Do you have any suggestions for steel?" Roja asked Karasu. ]

["Buy iron ore, secretly make iron here, or directly exchange coal for steel." Karasu said. ]

[The biggest card they can use now is actually nothing else, but the coal here, which is equal to infinite Berry, and money can usually solve more than 90% of the things. ]

["But I prefer the former one."]

["Oh? Can you tell me why?" Roja asked. ]

["First, large quantities of iron ore are easier to buy than large quantities of steel. We have enough coal and the smelting machines that the World government has spent a lot of money building here." ]

["Secondly, the location of the weapon base should be as close as possible to the Kingdom of Lvneel, so it is naturally more advantageous to smelt iron here."]

["Thirdly, everyone in the iron and steel plant is actually relatively negative now, so the output is average. If they are fighting for themselves and adding enough food, the output can be raised to a higher level, and we can complete the output we need in addition to the target It is absolutely sufficient."]

[Karasu said a little bit, and Roja became more and more relieved. ]

[He can see that Karasu is indeed growing a little bit, becoming more calm and intelligent. ]

["I see, I will send people to look for iron ore purchase channels." Roja nodded and said. ]

[The next morning, Roja woke up from his sleep and headed to the port after having breakfast. ]

[Today, we are going to Calm Belt to find an island suitable for building a scientific research base. ]

[As for the search for iron ore, Roja was only able to contact Naguri and Koshiro through the phone bug, asking them to pay attention along the way. ]

[As for Roja, there is no manpower left, and the remaining people are just enough to steer the ship. ]

[Compared to iron ore, it is more important to find the Calm Belt island. ]

[Maybe it's because the Calm Belt, which is close to the Kingdom of Lvneel, really doesn't have many islands, or maybe it's because Roja and the others are unlucky. ]

[It took ten days for Roja and the others to find a suitable island. ]

[A beast island located in the Calm Belt, except for the weird weather and more beasts, there is nothing bad about this island. It has a large area, a good environment, and fresh air, which is really good. ]

[The next day, when Roja was still sleeping on the beast island, the sound of the phone bug woke him up. ]

["Mr. Roja, I am Vegapunk."]

["Oh, the meeting place is Urok Island." Roja yawned, looking for the Calm Belt island for ten days is really tiring and mentally exhausted. ]

["Understood, in a day's time, we will arrive at Urok Island." Vegapunk said. ]

["We may be a little later, you should be there in about a day or so."]

[Two days later, at the port of Urok Island, Roja managed to meet Vegapunk. ]

[His head seems to have grown a lot in a month. ]

["Have you determined where the weapon base will be built?" Vegapunk asked. ]

["It's been confirmed, just follow us."]

[Soon, the revolutionary army's ship stayed in the port of Urok Island for no more than an hour, and then sailed out again, followed by Vegapunk's ship. ]

[After sailing for a day, the Judge couldn't help complaining: "Their ship is too bad, with no technology at all. If it were our ship, it should have arrived long ago."]

[Judge's complaints are true. Roja's ship is really a broken merchant ship. Coyana is so rich in vain. There is not much sea trade at all, and the ship is also an old ship.]

[Vegapunk didn't care about Judge's complaints, he just took out a very sci-fi electronic board with electronic charts on the screen. ]

["There should be no suitable islands around here, and this place is already very close to the Calm Belt."]

[Vegapunk just finished talking,

Judge complained that the ship without any technology, in Judge's eyes of seeing a ghost, directly levitated up and went straight into the sky. ]

[Just when Judge thought that Roja and the others had even pointed out the anti-gravity technology, the ships below them also followed suit. ]

["Devil Fruit?" Vegapunk said with interest: "Float Fruit? No, the Golden Lion is not dead yet, so it should be the Gravity Fruit."]

[Vegapunk is a little interested, Gravity Fruit is also a top-level Devil Fruit, and it is also a Devil Fruit with great research value. ]

[The two ships flew in the sky for a while, and came to the Beast Island that Roja had set foot on before. ]

[Looking at the completely original island in front of him, Vegapunk couldn't help but twitch his eyes: "Why don't you just let us build a production base out of thin air on this island?"]

[What do you take them for? They are just scientists, not gods. How can they turn materials into machines and buildings out of thin air? Speaking of materials, what about materials? What about coal and steel?]

["Cough cough." Roja couldn't help coughing twice: "Time is too tight, and now I can only wrong you for two days. Within five days, the steel and coal will arrive. Within ten days I can also find a good engineering team and scientific research team. "]

[Time is indeed too tight. The engineering team and scientific research team have just set off from Baldimore, and the coal is still in the Kingdom of Lvneel, so Fujitora has to go there at night. ]

[During this time, the Revolutionary Army has been working overtime, and it is really impossible to spare more manpower and time. ]

["In the past few days, you can first select a site on the island, draw a picture of the blueprint, etc., and start working immediately when the manpower and supplies are ready." Roja said with apologized face. ]

["For the book's sake, I'll just wait for you this time." Vegapunk said a little speechlessly. ]

[After finishing speaking, Four Plus Punk leaned over curiously and asked in a low voice: "You really wrote that book?"]

["Which book?"]

["It's the one you gave me last time."]

["Well, I wrote most of the details, but the main ideas are from my home education," says Roja. ]

["Where is your hometown?" Vegapunk became more and more curious. ]

[Different from ordinary people, Vegapunk has a lot of knowledge in his mind, he can be said to be the most knowledgeable person in the world. ]

[So he is very clear that any kind of advanced thought will never appear out of thin air, and its research must be based on a complete data, such as the history of the development of the kingdom Or a complete history of world development. ]

[And this kind of thing, even Ohara doesn't have it, but it happened to come from the young man Roja. ]

[As for the advanced nature, the advanced nature of this book is beyond doubt, and Vegapunk can be seen just by reading it through. ]

["krojashi Kingdom." Roja said. ]

["Isn't the Krojashi Kingdom a small kingdom in South Blue? Such an advanced idea would also be born?" Vegapunk was a little puzzled, but he didn't continue to ask. ]

[Instead, another question was asked: "Is there any other book like this?"]

["Nope, that's all for now. After the Lvneel Kingdom's revolution succeeds, I'll compile it and publish a second book." Roja spread his hands.]

["So if you want to read the second book, please help me research some powerful technologies to make the revolution of the Lvneel Kingdom easier."]

["What an unpleasant brat." Vegapunk raised his eyebrows and said angrily. ]

[Four days later, with the efforts of Fujitora, the first batch of coal from the Kingdom of Lvneel arrived, as well as some steel and black market purchases from the indicators of the Kingdom of Lvneel. A little steel bought can at least last for a while. ]

[Ten days later, Naguri and Koshiro, headed to Baldimore, their caravan arrived [bringing some advanced machinery and electricity] Hundreds of scientists and engineers from Baldimore Team. ]

[At this point, the first scientific and technological research and development base of the Revolutionary Army has officially started. ]

[The infrastructure construction in full swing is like a seed that begins to grow in the soil, and in the future, this place will surely become a towering tree in the revolutionary army. ]