
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 63

Chapter 63: The Blonde Donquixote

The people in the chat room call the experts directly.

Roja's empty-handed white wolf is playing a true evil.

Use World government property to develop forces against the World government.

Everyone was directly shocked by this operation.

The key is that you really can't find any faults.

The value of coal and steel in the Kingdom of Lvneel is definitely not low.

There is Mori, who can dig holes in the ground at will, and Fujitora, who can control gravity and manipulate a large number of objects to levitate. These two dig coal and transport it out in the dark, absolutely no one will know.

The key is that the World government cannot guard against it.

Originally, these two kinds of fruit abilities are very rare, who would have thought that these two are still together.

Doflamingo: Hey, hey, the World government from another world met Roja, it's considered to be the nemesis, Celestial Dragons have been high for so long, it's time to make a move."

Saint Peter: Don't be too happy so early, no matter how powerful Vegapunk is, he is only one person after all, and MADS is only a scientist, not an engineering team. It is not so easy to create a weapon production base.

As soon as Five Elder came, everyone in the chat room looked at him and smiled, full of joy inside and out.

[Vegapunk left. When he left, Roja gave him a book so that he could read it when he was free. ]

[It is the collection of revolutionary thought guidance. ]

[The revolutionary army of the Goa Kingdom basically has a copy. ]

[Roja will give it to people who may become his comrades in future, in his opinion and Vegapunk is such a person. ]

["Will such an arms dealer also become our comrade?" Fujitora was slightly puzzled. ]

[With his observation haki, he felt bad emotions on MADS. From the bottom of his heart, he doesn't like these people, even though Vegapunk is slightly better among these people. ]

["I saw Vegapunk as a teenager in the eyes of others in the book "Genius of Baltimore", and one thing in it impressed me deeply." Roja said. ]

["It reads like this,' Vegapunk couldn't bear to see people suffering from the severe cold, so he wanted to develop a whole island heating system for a day. This is a very messy idea, but he actually designed the island heating system."]

["Just when the system was beginning to take shape, it failed because of a shortage of technology and funds. Vegapunk cried bitterly because he couldn't let people live a good life. Since then, he has left Baltimore. "]

["I don't think that such a person who can cry for the people of his hometown is a bad person. He may become a philistine because of financial problems, but I believe that a person's background is always there, and it's just buried because of certain things."]

[Roja looked at the MADS ship in the distance and said: "Vegapunk, he will definitely become our comrade, this is what my intuition tells me."]

["Perhaps I should read more books." Fujitora was silent for a moment, then jokingly said: "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have destroyed my eyes."]

["There are many things in the world that you can't bear to look at, but at the same time, there are more things worth seeing."]

["Don't worry, Mister Issho, there are so many Devil Fruit abilities in this world, maybe there is one that can help you restore your eyesight." Roja comforted. ]

["Then I'll go first." Fujitora said to Roja, he has to rush back to East Blue, and the time is still very tight. ]

["Take this with you." Roja retrieved five phone bugs from a suitcase, and handed the suitcase to Fujitora. ]

["You keep one for yourself, and leave the rest to the Kingdom of Goa."]

[Communication is very important. Roja suffered from lack of high-quality phone bugs before, so it was extremely inconvenient to communicate with the Kingdom of Goa. ]

[If he had the ultra-long-distance telephone bug that can communicate across sea areas from the beginning, he would be able to get Gomon to start preparing food at East Blue right now. ]

[These phone bugs exist in pairs, one-to-one, and I heard that ultra-long-distance phone bugs are like this. ]

[Phone bugs at close range can have personal numbers, and then one phone bug can connect to several. ]

[ Fujitora left, speaking of it, this is the first time Fujitora has left Roja's side for such a long time. ]

[Roja is very grateful and respectful to Fujitora, not only because of the life-saving grace of the Kingdom of Krojashi, but also because of his simple kindness and justice. ]

[After Fujitora left, Roja didn't stay idle. He bought a large number of North Blue charts and began to study them. ]

[And, he let Naguri sneak into the steel factory at night, and sent a phone bug to Karasu. ]

[Through the phone bug, Roja told Karasu about Vegapunk and his plan to build a weapon production base, and Karasu was also very excited after hearing it. ]

["You must continue to promote the trade union affairs. You can from here in the coal mining area first, and vigorously promote it in the steel factory."]

[Roja told Karasu that the coal mine workers will get twice the result with half the effort after he transports the grain, and before that, it will be half the effort ,wasting time is not worth it.] ]

["I understand." Karasu nodded in agreement. ]

["Tell Mori, let him dig a passage underground during this period of time. The exit should be a hidden seaside, and the other side should be connected to a large coal mine."]

["No problem, I will tell Mori."]

[After hanging up the phone, Roja studied the chart again, looking for islands suitable for building factories. ]

[The next morning, Roja got up early, in his research last night he did not find a suitable island. ]

[There are no islands that are sufficiently hidden in the world. Not to mention the north blue, the world today is not the same as four hundred years ago, and now there are very few unknown islands. ]

[Even if there is one, it is probably a deserted island with a very small area and basically not much use. ]

[Roja's goal is not simply to find a suitable island for a weapons production base. ]

[He is planning to build a scientific research base level, and even an island that can be used as a base at any time. ]

[If you really want to find an island of this level, you can only go to Calm Belt. ]

["Unfortunately, Mr. Issho is not here, otherwise, i can consider going to Calm Belt to look for it." Roja thought in his heart. ]

[Any island in the Calm Belt is stronger than the islands on the current sea chart, and the security is absolutely invincible. During this period, even Marines basically cannot cross the Calm Belt. ]( Vegapunk didn't build marines ships at this time that by he is say )

[However, there is still enough time. The meeting with Vegapunk is scheduled for a month later. There is still half a month before Fujitora comes back, and the remaining half month is enough to go to Calm Belt. ]

["The things at the trade union side are going well than at my side. There is no Mr. Issho to keep an eye on the Marine side, which is a bit alarming."]

["I'd like to go to Baldimore, but it's a bit far from here, half a month may not be enough time to go back and forth." Roja thought for a while. ]

["Let's go and investigate the Donquixote Family." Roja thought about it, and now it seems that this is worth doing. ]

[Thinking of this, Roja called Naguri and a dozen soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, plus Belo Betty, and prepared to go to the location of the Donquixote Family. ]

[And when Roja came to the boat, he found that there was already a boy about twelve or thirteen years old. His eyes were covered by blond hair. Although he couldn't see the complete facial features, his temperament was quite like a noble young master. . ]

[I told you, Mr. Roja, this is the child I picked up on Rock Island, which is the illegal island occupied by the Donquixote Family. " Naguri explained to Roja.]

["He has no parents. When I met him, he was picking up food in the trash can. I felt sorry for him, so I brought him back."]

[The blond boy was very quiet and introverted. When Naguri introduced him, he lowered his head and didn't say a word. ]

["My name is Roja, Ashirat Roja, what's your name?" Roja walked up to him and said gently. ]

[The blond boy looked at the boy who seemed to be younger than him, and the boy in front of him seemed to be the leader of the powerful Uncle Naguri. ]

[Roja's temperament is gentle and inclusive, and it is easy to generate a sense of trust. ]

[The young man who had been silent all this time looked at Roja's sincere eyes and said, "Rosinante."]

["Do you still have relatives?" Roja asked. ]

[Rosinante was silent for a moment, then shook his head. ]

["Then would you like to join us?" Roja continued to ask. ]

[Rosinante turned his head and glanced at Naguri, and then at Roja in front of him. The person in front of him didn't seem like a bad person, so he thought about it and then nodded. ]

["Welcome to the Revolutionary Army, Rosinante." Roja smiled and shook hands: "You can take this place as your home."]

[At that moment, Rosinante felt an inexplicable power from Roja, as if it gave his gloomy life a little bit of color. ]

["Set sail, comrades." Roja turned around and said loudly: "Target, Urok Island."]


[The ships of the Revolutionary Army sailed on the sea full of vigor as usual. ]

And outside the chat room at the moment.

Because of the appearance of the blond boy, several people in the sea were not calm.

Trafalgar Law: Corazon, actually Corazon, he joined the Revolutionary Army in another world?

Doflamingo: oh, my stupid brother seems to be holding a life-saving straw again, but this time it is no longer Marine, and the Revolutionary Army is in this moderate organization, slowly Live your little life.

In the gloomy castle of Dressrosa, Doflamingo sits on a shadowy throne, and his true thoughts cannot be seen under the dark glasses.

However, the simple body movements showed that his heart was not as peaceful as it is at the moment.

When I was a child, I picked up food in the garbage dump with my younger brother, and took care of my seriously ill mother together.

Except for that stupid father, he didn't resent other family members.

It's just that he will get rid of anyone who is not good for him, that's all.

"My stupid brother."

After a long time, Dolfamingo's complex voice rang out in the empty palace.


Sengoku sighed silently with complicated eyes.

He was never married and had no children in his life. Rosinante, who he once treated as his own son.

"It's good to join the Revolutionary Army, at least you don't have to join the Marine as an undercover agent."

If there is anyone in this world that Sengoku thinks he is the most sorry for, it is Rosinante.

He shouldn't have let him go undercover.

Now joining the Revolutionary Army, it would be much better to be under Roja's men than under his own.

The three people located in different places in the world and with different status fell into different memories respectively when they saw the skinny blond boy on the giant screen.

[ It was already night when They arrived at Urok Island. ]

[Compared to the Kingdom of Lvneel, the environment of Ulok Island is undoubtedly much better, with fresh air. The only disadvantage is that the security is not good. ]

[Although the Donquixote Family has occupied this place, and Roja can feel it, they seem to want to establish order here. ]

[But after all, this place used to be a famous lawless area. Most of the people who came here were unruly pirates. It is difficult to establish order and requires long-term management. ]

[Roja and the others walked along the way and saw many pirates fighting with the Donquixote Family. ]

[But most of them are places like casinos. Roja and the others found a peaceful hotel to stay in. ]

[It was night, Roja and Fujitora made a phone call. ]

[Fujitora told him that he had already reached the Red Line with all his strength and was expected to arrive at Goa Kingdom within two days. ]

[This speed has greatly exceeded Roja's expectations. It's different from traveling alone and driving a boat. ]

[And after the phone call ended, Roja casually picked up the book from the bed and read it. This is a batch of books he just bought, a collection of North Blue diaries. ]

[It is a collection of sailing diaries of some adventurers on the market. Some of the things in it are still of certain value. ]

[For example, a navigator named Saroc in it recorded what he saw and heard when he went to the white town of Flevance. ]

["When I came to this country, I could clearly feel the beauty of this country."]

["The white ground, the white houses, even the vegetation are white, like a pure white kingdom without the slightest filth, pure and beautiful."]

["Because there are rich uranium-lead mines in the country, the residents here are also very rich. Among the North Blue countries I have passed, Flevance is the best. Of course, It would be best if the Amber Lead here is not used to make lead bullets for war. "]

[The navigator named Saroc is a well-known navigator in North Blue. In this collection, Roja thinks that the voyage diary he wrote is the most readable and credible. ]

[He continued to read it with great interest. ]

["Sea Circle Calendar On February 11th, 1480, Mr. Marcack died. He was the head of the family where I lived. He was only in his early thirties, with a gentle personality and he was never ill before.]

["But he died, and when he died, the skin all over his body turned white, just like the color of this country."]

["Mr. Marcack's parents told me that some people in the country also died of this disease recently. This is a terminal disease, and the pathogenesis has not been explored yet."]

["Poor Mr. Marcack, this is the first time that I hate white, and it is also the first time that I feel that the color of this country is not as pure as I imagined." ]


["Come in, the door is unlocked." Roja frowned, closed the book gently, and said to the door. ]

[After a while, the doorknob was turned slightly, and Rosinante walked in. ]

["What's wrong? Rosinante." Roja said softly. ]

["Mr. Roja, are you here to investigate the Donquixote Family?" Rosinante was silent for a while, and the group asked. ]

[This young man is too introverted, he seems to have a lot of things hidden in his heart, and there is an inexplicable calmness, even vicissitudes. ]

["That right." Roja said. ]

["Can you tell me why you are investigating the Donquixote Family?"]

["Hmm." Facing Rosinante's inquiry, Roja thought for a while, but finally said without hiding too much.]

["In order to take advantage."]

["Take advantage?"]

["Yes, after a while, we will do a big thing and liberate the Kingdom of Lvneel. To do this, we need to fight against the powerful Marines around the Kingdom of Lvneel."]

["Donquixote Family is the largest pirate force nearby, I think it can be used to help resist Marine's power to a certain extent." Roja explained patiently. ]

["Liberation." Rosinante chanted this word, and he didn't know much about this word. ]

["Speaking of which, since you have already joined us, go to Naguri to get a book. After reading it, you probably have an understanding of us." Roja without the slightest impatience, smiled gently and said to Rosinante. ]