
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 15

Chapter 15 The Second Quiz

"Comrade? What a nice title."

Dragon couldn't help admiring it.

Compared with the words compatriots, same family, and comrades, there seems to be a natural intimacy for the members of the Revolutionary Army.

It is different from pirates who come together for various reasons and do not belong to the same goal.

It's different from the Marines who uphold justice.

Their revolutionary army, all of them, have a common goal and are fighting for this common goal.

That is to overthrow the world government and establish a new system.

This is the goal of all revolutionary armies, they are like-minded people.

Comrades, comrades, people with the same aspirations, do not emphasize positions, only aspirations.

"From now on, in our revolutionary army, we will call each other by comrades, not by positions."

Dragon said to Sabo and the others.

Previously, acquaintances used to call each other names, while unfamiliar people used titles or other unfamiliar titles.

And the title of comrade, whether it is a stranger or an acquaintance, is polite and eager.

Although it is only a title, Dragon can feel that just a title can also enhance the cohesion of the revolutionary army as a whole.

And, besides this comrade, he was even more curious.

How Roja went about his research next.

He has also done similar things like research, after all, he has traveled to too many places and witnessed too much darkness.

But subconsciously told him that the research done by Roja should be completely different from the kind of research he thought.

"Even though he's only an eight-year-old boy, he feels like a mature teacher to me."

Sabo said with a strange face.

"Obviously Admiral Fujitora was his teacher when he was young, but at some point, the two sides seem to have completely switched over."

This feeling is so strange.

That kind of mature aura, and immature body and face, formed an extremely strong contrast.

"It's because every step of his is too clear, there is no confusion, only firmness, and this kind of firmness is usually achieved by people with rich experience and a detailed understanding of their own life and the world they live in. "

"It's hard to imagine that an eight-year-old boy, after going through the hell of subjugation, has no confusion at all and has a clear plan for every step he takes."

Ivankov said with a serious face.

Don't look at him who is often out of tune.

But as a king who can save dying countries, Ivankov's wisdom is very high when he is serious, and his vision is extremely vicious.

"Even a strong man like Fujitora, who can destroy his eyes and make his ambition clear, can't get rid of confusion, but this boy named Roja can do it."

"It's just this decisiveness. At least I now believe that he can become the leader of the revolutionary army."

Ivankov said bluntly.

The members of the Revolutionary Army did not look at Roja unilaterally from the perspective of strength like the group of pirates and Marines in the chat room.

What they value more is Roja's thoughts and qualities as a leader.

For the revolutionary army, the strength of the leader is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he can be firm in every step and walk in the right direction.

The Revolutionary Army is not afraid of lack of strength. They were able to develop from the Volunteer Army to the present Revolutionary Army, not by the power of the dragon, but by the thought of the dragon.

Ideas create the common right aspiration that brings all men together under the banner of the Revolutionary Army.

The upper limit of the power of thought is the upper limit of the power of the revolutionary army, and the vitality of thought is the vitality of the revolutionary army.

Right and wrong are not important to most people.

But for the Revolutionary Army, it is very important.

[Fujitora and Roja returned to the house after making a decision, took out a map, and they wanted to determine where to go next. ]

The picture on the giant screen was frozen at this moment, and then a loud voice sounded.

[Start of quizzes with prizes]

[Question: In the next five years, where will Roja stay the longest]

[1: East Blue]

[2: West Blue]

[3: South Blue]

[4: North Blue]

[5: Paradise]

[6: New World]

Another quiz with prizes.

The emergence of this prize quiz made all the people in the chat room excited.

Because they have already witnessed the reward of the first prize quiz.

Resurrection cards, Conqueror's Coating, and body repair potions that can be called panaceas.

How can this not be exciting?

Luffy: This time I must answer the question successfully, get the resurrection card reward, and revive Ace.

Zoro: I'm going to resurrect Kuina.

Shimotsuki Koshiro: Let's work together, Zoro.

Trafalgar Law: Wait for me, Corazon.

Sengoku: Rosinante.

Garp: The old man wants to revive Ace.

Nami: Bell-mère.

Franky: Mr. Tom.

Voices echoed one by one.

In comparison, everyone has regrets hidden in the bottom of their hearts.

The desire to revive the person in my heart is the strongest.

Of course, there are still some for stronger combat power and longer lifespan.

[Ten seconds of thinking time, after ten seconds, the answering will begin. ]

[Within ten seconds of thinking, no one is allowed to send information through the chat room]



Accompanied by the beginning of the grand sound.

Everyone in the world also began to think nervously.

Nobody, not even the Whitebeard trio who have already been rewarded, is clueless about rewards for answering questions.

They are more able to experience the dream of that reward.

Sphinx Island.

"Think of the right answer quickly, sons."

Whitebeard shouted.

"Father, each of us should choose a different answer. The number of answers is limited, and the number of us entering the chat room exceeds this number."

Marco yelled.

When answering the question for the first time, some people may not believe that the reward is waiting and watching, and some people may not have time to think about this level.

Of course, most of it may be because there are not so many people entering the chat room, and the world is imprisoned, so no one discusses openly in the chat room.

Therefore, the first prize-winning quiz was done in a panic, alone for the battle.

And the second time, those organizations that have many people entering the chat room can use the method that Marco said.

It's just that a loophole was obviously filled in the second time, and that was the loophole for the chat room to transmit information.

If this loophole is closed, it will be difficult for those organizations that have not gathered together to confirm each other's chosen answers through the chat room.

And besides that, there are other problems too.

That is the distribution of rewards.

Even if it is the same organization, when everyone is imprisoned, the rewards obtained by a single person answering the questions are ultimately rewarded to the individual, not the organization.

Coupled with the fact that the rewards are so attractive, no effective guarantee can be established.

Whether this method can be used depends on the cohesion of the organization and the moral level of the members themselves.