
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 151

Chapter 151 Saint Garling, Celestial Dragons

[Boom. ]

[The two human figures collided countless times in an instant, erupting with destructive power like a natural disaster. ]

[The air visible to the naked eye exploded in the air, forming small air explosions. The air explosions exploded, shattering the surrounding luxury buildings. ]

[boom. ]

[There was another terrifying collision, entangled with terror. The fists of Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki collided with a Western sword in the air. ]

[When the aftermath of the terrifying impact dissipated, two figures rushed out from the smoke and dust, facing each other, moving sideways at extremely fast speeds. ]

[These two figures, one is tall and majestic, the other is tall and well-proportioned. ]

["Figarland Garling, long time no see." Zephyr looked at the man in front of him who was wearing gorgeous clothes and holding a Western long sword, and grinned. ]

[During the time of the Valley of Gods twelve years ago, although he did not directly participate in the battle, in the aftermath, he still saw one of the Celestial Dragons' secrets, Garling of the God Knights. ]

[In the battle with Rocks Pirate and Roger Pirates, he led the God Knights to great glory. According to Garp, he is a strong man who is not inferior to Admiral. ]

[Now the head-on collision really feels extremely powerful. ]

[However, Zephyr is not false at all, Figarland Garling is not inferior to Admiral, and he is a genuine Admiral level. ]

["Admiral Zephyr." Figarland Garling held the sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other, looking at the Zephyr in front of him, calmly and elegantly. ]

[Facing this Marine Admiral, he did not ask stupid questions about why he was here. He just said calmly: "Now you and I will deal with the revolutionary army people and suppress this riot. I can guarantee that the Five Elders will not Investigate your problem."]

["Hahaha." Zephyr couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Do you know why you want to join the revolutionary army? Garling."]

["It's because I don't want to be the dog of Celestial Dragons."]

[ Zephyr laughed, his muscles bulging like a complete fool. He punched out, and the air around him seemed to be drained instantly, and then twisted between the two of them. ]

["It's so stupid that just because of the so-called dignity of untouchables like you, you would give up your highest status and join that kind of organization with no future." Saint Garling frowned, still elegant]

[Compared to Zephyr's crudeness, he just swings the sword gracefully. It seems to be just a light swing, but it is an extremely sharp sword energy, like a wave. The collision with Zephyr, he is not at any disadvantage. ]

["No future? In my opinion, it is you who have no future." Zephyr's will did not waver at all. He grinned and said: "Celestial Dragons are destined to be overthrown."]

["Just you?" Saint Garling's face was full of disdain. ]

[The status of Celestial Dragons has gone through eight hundred years of postgraduate examination. It is a small organization, even if Marine Admiral joins, so what? ]

[Want to overthrow the Celestial Dragons? Even if the entire Marine rebels, they can't do it. ]

[Just Marine Admiral, am I a little confused about the relationship between master and servant? ]

["We?" Zephyr looked confident. ]

["Our enemy is just your Celestial Dragons, and your enemy will be the entire world."]

["Answer me, Garling, are you ready to be the enemy of the world?"]

[ Zephyr roared loudly, with a passionate smile on his face, he punched out, the fist was heavier than the mountain mountain, Haki was vertical and horizontal, and his wrist strength was unparalleled. ]

[Since joining the Revolutionary Army, he seems to be gradually regaining his original peak state, one that can be tied with Sengoku, Garp and one of the pinnacle pillars of Marine.]

[If Zephyr's old friends and students saw this passionate fighting posture, they would probably sigh with relief. ]

[The Black Arm Zephyr from before is back. ]

["The power of words~" Garling said with an indifferent expression.]

[But I have to say that in terms of momentum, he has completely lost to Zephyr. ]

[He couldn't imagine why this Admiral, who had experienced the death of his wife and children and had withdrawn from the Marine frontline for several years, had such a strong fighting spirit and will. ]

["You don't know what you are fighting for, Garling." Zephyr's eyes were burning. ]

[Hold the so-called Celestial Dragons high, illusory glory, nobility, how can it be compared to us "untouchables" holding fists with the awareness of death. ]

[The overall strength of Saint Garling is stronger than that of Zephyr, but the performance of the battle is that Zephyr suppressed Saint Garling. ]

["Is that the Admiral combat power of Celestial Dragons? Garling." Roja looked at the elegant man holding a Western sword and wearing gorgeous clothes. ]

[Unlike ordinary Celestial Dragons, Garling has a powerful strength and handsome face, not all Celestial Dragons are idiots. ]

[The resources they control are the strongest in the world. If they want to become stronger, it will be much easier than ordinary people. This is unfair, but that is the fact. ]

["God Knights, Admiral combat power among Celestial Dragons, big news, big news." Morgans is now scared and happy. ]

[He pressed the shutter button hard, as if he was treating every photo as if it were the last time he took a photo in his life. ]

[He is beside Roja, never leaving him, as if the whole of Mary Geoise is safe only by Roja's side at this moment. ]

[However, it is obvious that he overlooked one point. The leader of the revolutionary army, the regiment, is the focus of all enemies' eyes. ]

[In the distance, the battle between Saint Garling and Zephyr continues, and there are two more figures with powerful auras. Under Morgans' fearful eyes, they are stepping on Moonwalk and heading towards Roja. ]

[But Roja's eyes are still calm, as if the two figures are not running towards him. ]

["I will accept the head of the leader of the revolutionary army." A man in a white suit shouted loudly. ]

[On the other side, there is a man wearing luxurious clothes similar to Saint Garling, with a cold and condescending look on his face, as if he doesn't bother to speak. ]

[He is holding a shotgun and is also aiming at Roja. ]

[Morgans is trembling. His fighting ability is not very strong. It is obvious that each of these two people is much stronger than him. ]

[However, the next moment, when the two of them were only tens of meters away from Roja, the ground rose like a hill. ]

[Dark purple light waves descended from the sky. ]

[Two figures, in an instant, have blocked Roja's body. ]

["How could it be possible for you to get close to Mr. Roja so easily?" Mori's huge voice sounded. ]

[She harpooned the hill-like ground, like swinging a giant hammer, and smashed it towards the CP0 strongman in a white suit. ]

["Revolutionary Army Cadre, Mori." Faced with Mori's attack, the CPO man did not dare to attack it head-on. He quickly used a few Moonwalks to avoid the attack. ]

["On the gambling table, how could we let you come up and reveal our strongest trump card?"]

[Fujitora fell like a meteorite, the terrifying gravity surrounded him, his staff sword was unsheathed, and he stopped the Celestial Dragons. ]

[The sharp collision between the short spear and the staff sword made a crisp sound of gold and iron. ]

["Who are you?" Fujitora lowered his head slightly, opened his eyes full of whites, and asked in a low voice. ]

["Do untouchables also have the right to know my name?" The man holding a shotgun just said indifferently. ]

["The God Knights? Not all Celestial Dragons are trash." Fujitora said. ]

[Such words are quite serious for a good old man like him, which shows his dissatisfaction with Celestial Dragons. ]

[The strong met, and the next moment, two battles slightly inferior to the Admiral level broke out instantly, and terrifying killing waves scattered. ]

[The rocks that shattered and spattered were like bullets. ]

[Morgans gritted his teeth and wanted to stand in front of Roja, but it didn't mean that he was willing to sacrifice for Roja. ]

[But now that we have boarded the pirate ship of the Revolutionary Army, he naturally cannot watch the young leader of the Revolutionary Army being seriously injured or even killed in the aftermath of the battle before he get the benefits. ]

[However, when he was about to stand in front of Roja, he saw Roja taking a step forward. ]

[The bullet-like gravel shot towards Roja, but when it was about to hit Roja, it was directly twisted and shattered. Morgans was stunned to see it. ]

["What is this?" Morgans asked in a daze. ]

["I don't know." Roja relied on the powerful Observation Haki to easily capture the gravel splashing in front of him. ]

[Then he lightly tapped his fingers to break the gravels one by one. Morgans could clearly see that the gravels didn't even touch his fingers before they shattered. ]

[It looks a lot like Armament Haki, but it doesn't seem to be stronger. ]

[Morgans looked at the young man in front of him and couldn't help swallowing. ]

[I originally thought that the young leader of the Revolutionary Army was not very strong due to his age, but now it seems that at least I have a high probability of not being able to defeat him. ]

[This current weakness of the Revolutionary Army is hard to imagine what kind of monster his pervert talent will grow into in a few years. ]

[ "The battle has begun in full force. " Roja just briefly tested his new power, and he focused more on controlling the overall battle. ]

[Listening to voice of all things, coupled with the monster-level talent for observation haki, the scope of his insight is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. ]

[In this huge realm of gods, the God Knights and CPO finally reacted and began to take action. ]

[The foundation of Celestial Dragons is vividly displayed at this moment. The powerful God Knights guard the power of some of the CPs that protect Celestial Dragons. ]

[Dragon, Aokiji and the others have begun to fight against these strong men. ]

[However, there are not many people in the God Knights. Although there are many CPOs, the number of strong people does not seem to be as large as Roja imagined. ]

[Dragon, Aokiji and the others took action to block the strong men among them, but the remaining people were unable to even compete with the elite soldiers of the Revolutionary Army and the freed slave strong men. ]

[Mary Geoise has been at peace for a long time. The high-ranking Celestial Dragons, with the protection of Naval Headquarters, the protection of CP0 lackeys, and the internal God Knights, the Five Elders never thought that one day they would be knocked on the door. ]

[Their response was too slow. A large number of Celestial Dragons slaves have been released. This torrent has formed. In a short period of time, it completely overwhelmed the momentum of CP and the God Knights. ]

["Celestial Dragons."]

[However, facing this situation, Roja's expression did not relax at all. On the contrary, he deeply realized the terrifying background of Celestial Dragons. ]

[Seizing the vacancy when the Five Elders left, and when almost all of Marine's top combat forces left, Marine Admiral Zephyr joined the Revolutionary Army. ]

[Seizing the opportunity when Celestial Dragons failed to react, he took the initiative and released a large number of powerful slaves. ]

[Even under these various favorable factors, they could only barely tie with part of the Celestial Dragons' defensive strength in Mary Geoise. You can imagine the World Government's heritage. ]

[Under normal conditions, it is impossible for any organization in the world to cause huge damage to Mary Geoise. There is simply an iron wall here, which is so powerful that it makes people feel despair. ]

[Roja took out a pen and paper and recorded everything he saw, heard and thought on Mary Geoise. This was an extremely valuable opportunity. ]

[This is also the only chance the revolutionary army has. Only for the first time can it catch the World Government by surprise. Once they are prepared, it will not be possible to achieve such an effect. ]

[The next time if he come to Mary Geoise, he will either be captured by the World government and become a slave of the Celestial Dragons. ]

[Either he leads the revolutionary army to completely destroy this place, destroy all the decadent feudal aristocratic rule, plant the banner of the revolutionary army on the throne, and bring justice to the throne. It's time to reestablish ourselves in this world. ]

[The area close to the periphery of the realm of the gods. ]

[The hurricane swept and spread the shock wave, sweeping everything around it into the sky. ]

["The leader of the CPO?" Dragon took a few steps back and looked solemnly at the tall man in front of him wearing a white suit and a white smiling mask.]

[There is no doubt that his Admiral level combat power is not inferior to Zephyr at all. ]

["You have made too much trouble and rebelled against the gods."]

[The CPO man's voice is deep and full of oppression. ]

[The next moment, a clicking sound was heard, and the white suit made an overwhelming sound of tearing. ]

[The man's shadow continues to grow on the ground, and black flames are like strips, burning around the man's body. ]