
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen: 31 Years Old Dragon And 8 Years Old Roja

Sengoku: Up to now, it is still an army of volunteers, has it not yet developed into a revolutionary army?

Kong: As expected of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, compared to his strength, his luck and charisma are simply amazing.

The empty words also represent the thoughts of the audience.

Watching until now.

There is no doubt about Dragon's strength and talent. He has been thirty-one years old since he left Windmill Village six years ago.

The 31-year-old Dragon Physique and Haki are even stronger, and they are only the last line away from the top powerhouses in this sea.

His luck was even better with a blast.

During these six years.

He got the allegiance of Bartholemew the Great Bear and Ivankov the She-boy King.

Both of these are solid Shichibukai-level combat power, and even Kuma will have Admiral-level combat power in the future.

Not to mention that there is a country behind Kuma.

This kind of combat power belongs to Dragon.

He can pull up a Four Emperors-level team in an instant.

This is the leader of the revolutionary army, the existence of full strength, talent, character and luck.

Only in this way can it become the only existence that poses a huge threat to the rule of the world government in the past 800 years.

Kaido: Too naive, or too naive, Monkey·D·Dragon, you have this level of power at the moment, and you still want to develop power through speech? Ridiculous, war, only war.

For a natural war freak like Kaido.

The dragon and his volunteer army reveal a feeling of weakness from beginning to end.

Too gentle, and gentleness equals weakness.

Don't dare to fight, only dare to talk about it.

Will the world government be defeated by mouth-watering speeches?

Rocks: Indeed, with this level of strength, there is no corresponding awareness.

Golden Lion: To overthrow the World government, the means are too mild. The World government is not a kind person.

Douglas Bullet: In my hometown, with this level of power, I have long since quit the franchise country. Is it more comfortable to become a pirate than to pay the Heavenly Gold honestly?

Morley: How do you know, Mr. Dragon's thoughts?

Dragon: Mori, well, there are pirates, although I don't agree with their ideas, but I am really not enlightened enough in this period.

Dragon said in a heavy tone.

In fact, watching the movie again, he found that his problem was really big.

He had received the support of Kuma and Ivan early on, and he definitely had no shortage of strength in his hands, but at this moment, he never thought of creating his own armed force.

As Golden Lion said, he still underestimated the evil of the World government.

Vegapunk: If it wasn't for that incident, I'm afraid you hate fighting, and you, who hate war, wouldn't have made up your mind.

As soon as Vegapunk's words came out, everyone became curious.

What kind of event would make the gentle dragon decide to form a revolutionary army.

Someone asked, but apparently neither Dragon nor Vegapunk chose to answer.

But Sengoku and the others have heard a little bit about it.

Although the threat of the Revolutionary Army really entered the World government at the World Summit eight years ago.

But it was not long after Ohara that Monkey·D·Dragon, Ivankov and Bartholemew Kuma really made their name.

Then the answer is already obvious.

Dragon's movie viewing came to an end.

Everyone is amazed at the life footprint of this legendary figure, and everyone is amazed at the rapid expansion of the Revolutionary Army, the predecessor of this legendary organization, the Self-voluntary Army.

Monkey·D·Dragon, he can indeed be called a legend, his lofty ideals, his strength and talent, his charisma and so on.

Lindbergh: The process of Mr. Dragon's Self-Volunteer Army is over, and the next thing is the boy named Ashirat Roja. I don't know how the leader of the Revolutionary Army in another world created the Revolutionary Army from scratch.

Trafalgar Law: According to the previous movie viewing time, the movie viewing in both worlds started in the same year, 30 years ago.

In other words, this period of watching movies in another world is roughly from the time 30 years ago to the last time watching movies, about six years.

Gion: Six years is too short.

Not only Gion, everyone is not very optimistic about Roja from another world.

Because it's different from a dragon.

Dragon is 25 to 31 years old, which is the peak period of a person. Whether it is experience, physical strength, or strength, he is at the best stage of a person.

And Roja does.

In six years, it is only seven or eight years old, and it is 13 or 14 years old.

This age is still a teenager, not even an adult, what can he do?

Tsuru: This is what confuses me the most. There is such a big difference in age, and Dragon has already founded the Self-voluntary Army.

In this parallel world, how did Ashirat Roja replace Monkey D Dragon as the leader of the Revolutionary Army?

They are watching the movie at the moment, but they are also watching the movie on the premise of knowing the final result.

This is where it gets most confusing.

It is precisely because I know the final result that I can't help but compare Roja and Dragon every time I watch the movie.

Every time there is a comparison in the mind, one can feel the huge gap between the two situations.

However, with such a huge gap and situation, the final result is completely different.

Everyone is puzzled.

The same is true for Dragon. Of course, he doesn't care about the false name of the so-called leader of the Revolutionary Army.

He is curious.

How exactly Roja was revolutionary.

This young man who had nothing and started in hell must have surpassed him in some ways, that's why he became the leader of the revolutionary army.

Dragon has a clear understanding of himself.

This also means that if he in another world has the same character as himself, then he can probably guess the other party's choice.

If there really is someone who is far superior to him in terms of revolution, then he will definitely hand over all the power in his hands.

This is where the revolutionary army differs from the world government and pirates.

He focused his attention on the giant white screen that gradually lit up, hoping to find the answer he wanted from it.

[This year is Sea Circle Calendar 1493]

[This is the ruins of the Krojashi Kingdom. It has been a year since the Krojashi Kingdom was destroyed by the World government because it could not pay the heavenly gold]