
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 123

Chapter 123: War On Sky Island

[Jaya Island is the island where the golden land of Shandora is located as recorded in Noland's voyage diary. It is also the island where he met the Sandians. ]

[This island is a small island. Roja and the others landed from the port. There is a small town called Mock Town. ]

[It is a place where pirates gather, but although the pirates gather, the rare thing is that the original residents of the town did not suffer much harm. It seems that the pirates need the shops they opened for consumption. ]

[However, Roja still exercised his muscles in this Mock Town. ]

[There are many extremely vicious pirates here. They were dealt with by the revolutionary army, and they were regarded as eliminating harm for the people. ]

[After some supplies in Mock Town, Roja also explored Jaya Island, wanting to see the places related to Noland's notes. ]

[But obviously, this is basically impossible. Four hundred years will be enough to erase all traces. ]

[However, when Roja walked to the other end of the island, he found a strange building here, which turned out to be a half-broken house. ]

[Looking from the front of this house, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it. However, from the side, it looks like the house has been split open by something in half.]

[And when Roja carefully observed this strange house, he realized that it was not just the house that had been split open, but the entire island. ]

[The house and the edge of the island are basically completely close to each other. It seems that the entire island has been split open, and the house is just at the cut position, which is why such a strange scene occurs. ]

[But what made Roja couldn't help but sigh was that this house was outrageous. If Noland's fairy tales were followed, Noland speculated that part of Jaya Island sank into the deep sea due to an earthquake. ]

[This house must have been affected at that time. Four hundred years later, this half of the house is still standing here, which is incredible. ]

["What do you want to do to my house?" Just as Roja was observing the house. ]

[The door of the half-remaining house actually opened, and a young man with a chestnut on his head walked out. ]

["Your house?" Roja said in surprise. This house, which was obviously four hundred years ago, actually belonged to him. Moreover, the chestnut on the boy's head looked strange. ]

[After a while, Roja and the boy sat on the floor. The boy already knew Roja's identity as a revolutionary army. ]

["So you are the revolutionary army. I saw in the newspaper what you did in the Lvneel Kingdom. It is really amazing." The young man knew Roja's identity as a revolutionary army and couldn't help but said with excitement. ]

[He was born in the Lvneel Kingdom. Regarding the bad environment and bad memories of Lvneel Kingdom, he has no good impression of that country. ]

[In the process, Roja also learned the boy's name. ]

[Mont Blanc Cricket, yes, Mont Blanc, Noland's full name is Mont Blanc Noland, this boy is the descendant of Noland. ]

[Because of his ancestor Noland, he was often scolded and bullied by passers-by for no reason during his childhood, so when he was fifteen years old, he fled the Lvneel Kingdom and came to Jaya by accident. ]

[After discovering that the island was exactly the same as the one described in the atlas, he decided to find the real golden land in this place to wash away the family's four hundred years of shame. ]

["Although you hate Noland, you seem to believe in him and the existence of Sandora." Roja looked at the young man and said with interest. ]

["Well, although I hate that man, he is definitely not a big talker." Cricket's eyes were firm. ]

["Both I and everyone in the Montblanc family in the past four hundred years firmly believe in this, because our ancestor Noland is a truly honest man and he never lies."]

["According to the records left by the ancestors of the Mont blanc family, the crew members who went to sea with Noland also believed in the existence of Sandora. However, the furious king ignored all this and executed Noland directly." ]

[Cricket looked a little serious. Because of this matter, he has never liked the so-called royal family and nobles. They are just a group of scum holding weapons called power. ]

["Moreover, when I came to this island unexpectedly and saw that the island was exactly the same as the description in the atlas, I knew that the Golden Land must exist, but there was a problem somewhere, like this half The room is the same."]

["Half a room, like an island. It can overcome the storm of the Grand Line. The man who came here was indeed not an idiot and a big talker." Roja stood next to the house.]

[Looking at the island that seemed to have been cut off; "It's just that the island was cut open, and the Sandians and the Golden Land disappeared."]

["The Golden Land that sank to the bottom of the sea, and the Sky Island that the record pointer points to?" Roja looked up at the sky. ]

[He rang the melodious bell that he heard when he was near Jaya. Of course, Fujitora and the others didn't hear it, it was a sound that only he heard. ]

[The sound of the bell is very similar to that in Noland's voyage diary. It is the sound of Sandora's golden bell. ]

["It didn't sink to the bottom of the sea, but ended up in the sky for some reason?" Roja looked at the sky and thought. ]

[Is it Sky Island in the sky? Where the Record pointer is pointing. ]

["Sky Island? Let me take a look." Cricket took out a sailing diary from his arms and looked through it. ]

["Sky Island did not seem to exist like a legend four hundred years ago. There are many things about Sky Island passed down in the world. It is recorded in Noland's sailing diary that he once encountered a special vehicle called Waver, he speculates is a product of Sky Island."]

["There is also a fish that can survive without sea water, called the empty fish."]

[Cricket looked at the book in his hand and said, Roja couldn't help but asked with a bit of jealousy: "Is this Noland's voyage diary? Can you let me see it?"]

[Cricket was self-righteous and handed the voyage diary in his hand to Roja. Roja flipped through it twice and couldn't help but feel a little happy. ]

[Different from the Noland voyage diary he once bought at North Blue, this voyage diary has more details and contains more records of Noland's six years of sailing experience. ]

[It is not like North Blue's voyage diary, which only records Sandia and ends there. ]

[Perhaps because the people who published the book at North Blue felt that Noland died because of Sandora, and his subsequent more bizarre Grand Line experiences were all made up, so they were deleted. ]

["Can I copy a copy of this voyage diary?" Roja felt like he had found a good book and couldn't put it down. ]

["Of course no problem." Cricket said with a smile. ]

[Having learned about the deeds of the Revolutionary Army, he already had a good impression of the Revolutionary Army, and Roja showed such fondness for Noland's voyage diary. For Cricket who had been bullied since childhood because of Noland's deeds this is a very happy thing. ]

[Roja carefully looked through Noland's voyage diary there, until Fujitora and the others completed supplies, came here, and found Roja. ]

["It's such a nice weather today." Roja closed the sailing diary, stood up, smiled at Cricket and said: "Let's go, Cricket."]

["Ah? Where to go?" Cricket looked confused. ]

["Go to Sky Island." Roja said with a smile. ]

[When the huge revolutionary warship lifted off directly under the influence of gravity, Cricket opened his mouth. ]

[Under the control of Fujitora, the warship quickly climbed up. Before long, Jaya Island below had turned into a small dot. ]

[Not long after, they arrived at an altitude of several thousand meters. ]

["Sea of clouds?" Thousands of meters above the Jaya Islands, everyone saw a thick, boundless sea of white clouds. ]

[Roja was more cautious and did not let Fujitora rush in immediately. Instead, he approached and touched Them with his hand. ]

[It feels very strange, like clouds and water. The clouds are a bit too thick. ]

["This cloud has the effect of sea water." Dragon was extremely surprised. He stretched his hand into the cloud and felt that his whole body's strength was somewhat weakened. ]

[In order to confirm his conjecture, he simply used the Moonwalk and got in with his whole body. Sure enough, in an instant, of course, when most of his body got into the cloud, his whole body was instantly paralyzed. ]

["It's really magical. There is actually a sea of clouds in the sky, and it has the same effect as sea water." Dragon fell from the sea of clouds and then fell on the deck. He looked at the sea of clouds in the sky with surprise on his face. ]

[Although he also has the ability to fly, he has never been to such a high altitude. ]

[Thousands of meters above the sky, there is such a scene. People can't help but wonder whether there really is a Sky Island. Just above this sea of clouds, there is a new world.

["A cloud that has the effect of sea water and can suppress people with abilities." Roja wrote in his notes, preparing to pass this thing to Vegapunk. ]

[This novel substance and phenomenon should also be of great research value to him. ]

["Mr. Dragon, you take action to separate a passage. Mr. Issho, rush forward." Roja said. ]

[Since arriving here, the melodious bell in his mind has become clearer and clearer, and he can gradually feel the description in Noland's voyage diary. ]

["The sound of the bell seems to be telling me, like a light in the endless darkness."]

["Understood." Dragon raised his hand, a large number of storms surrounded the warship, and a tornado directly drilled a big hole in the sea of clouds. ]

[It can also be blown open by the wind like clouds, and it will also slowly close due to pressure, but compared with sea water, the closing speed is much slower. ]

[Roja and the others rushed up all the way. It was unimaginable that the sea of clouds was hundreds of meters deep. ]

[When they finally broke out of the sea of clouds, what they saw was an extremely vast pure white world. There were only clouds here. The clouds were like the sea, boundless as far as the eye could see. ]

[At this point, their warships can even sail on this sea of clouds without falling. ]

["What a magical world." Among the Revolutionary Army, the only one who is well-informed is Naguri, but even Naguri has never been to Sky Island. Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be speechless. ]

["What is that?" Ivankov saw a pillar of cloud reaching the sky not a far away. ]

[It looks like a waterfall formed by huge clouds, and it looks spectacular. ]

[White clouds, like liquid, flow down from very high in the sky. ]

[Boom. ]

[A huge shadow shrouded, Roja and the others looked up. ]

[What I saw was a ship that was only half in size. It was a pirate ship. It looked like it had gone through a long period of time, and the wood was somewhat rotten. ]

["The ship fell from above? Is that the Sky Island above?"]

[Cricket couldn't help but said excitedly, he suddenly had a premonition, A feeling as if being pulled by the thread of fate. ]

[Four hundred years of family shame will be wiped away today. ]

["Go up."]

[Having already arrived here, Roja naturally only has this idea. ]

[The legendary Sky Island, Roja now has a little understanding of what some pirates call freedom and adventure, their yearning for the mysterious and unknown, and their distaste for the unchanging environment.]

[A strong resistance psychology produced in a closed environment. ]

[If you want to eliminate their mentality, it is very simple. If one day in the future, the revolutionary army can closely connect all the small islands in the world through some kind of means of transportation. ]

[If everyone can understand the features of all the islands in the world and have official ways to go there, this kind of isolation will naturally be eliminated. ]

[Of course, it is an extremely long process. It is so long that if Vegapunk does not come up with black technology, Roja feels that it will be something that he will never see in his lifetime. ]

[Same as before, they ascended high into the sky. After about three thousand meters, Roja and the others saw a sea of clouds again. ]

[There are actually two layers of clouds in the sky. ]

[After another ascent, Roja and the others emerged from the second layer of cloud sea. ]

["The air here has become much thinner." Fujitora reminded. ]

[If you don't pay attention, you may suffer big losses when fighting here. ]

[However, compared to this, Roja and the others have already focused their attention on the island visible to the naked eye in the distance. ]

[There are rainbows hanging around the island, and pure white clouds below. A large number of buildings are on the clouds, forming a town. Farther away, there are extremely huge plants. "You can even see the land like the ground."]

[It's Sky Island. ]

[The idea appeared in everyone's mind that there really is a Sky Island above 10,000 meters in the sky, and there is life living here. ]

[Like a dream. ]

[The warship landed on the sea of clouds and sailed towards the Sky Island in the distance. ]

[After getting closer, they discovered that underneath Sky Island, it was not clouds holding the land, but a town built on the clouds. ]

[It's just that the clouds there are very different from the sea of clouds under their boat. Some plants can also grow on the clouds. ]

["The people here seem to be a little unwelcome to us." Fujitora felt strong hostility from the front. ]

["It's not that they don't welcome us, they seem to be dealing with some enemy." Roja's knowledge and keen eyesight made his observations more accurate. ]

[These Sky Island people seem to be guarding against something. ]

["With wings on the back, are they Sandians? But they don't look like they are." Roja thought to himself as he looked at the people on Sky Island not far away.]

["Coming." Roja's Observation Haki caught some movement, and he looked behind him. ]

[The sea of clouds was churning in the distance, and after a few minutes, figures rushed out of the sea of clouds. ]

[They hold weapons, have oil paint lines on their bodies, and have strange tools under their feet, including skateboards and boats. But the amazing thing is that these tools of theirs can enable them to sail freely and quickly on the sea of clouds. ]

[Roja's eyes lit up when he saw it. ]

[He has thought about this kind of thing before, asking Vegapunk to develop some tools such as marine motorcycles. These tools are not of much use in the Calm Belt, but in Goa and the Far North Kingdom. These tools should be able to play a very good role within the territories under their jurisdiction. ]

[Unfortunately, it was eventually rejected by Vegapunk, who refused to research and develop this tool that in his opinion had low technical content. ]

["This kind of thing is a powerful one." Roja thought in his mind. ]

[In Noland's sailing diary, it was recorded that this Sky Island product can sail freely on the sea with a high degree of freedom. ]

["It seems that the time and place we came here are not coincidental." Fujitora also felt the emotions from the front and rear. ]

[It was the emotional tension and fear of facing an old enemy and about to start a war. ]