
Doomsday World, Ice and Snow

The globe enters an ice age and an ice apocalypse descends, killing 95% of the human beings on the planet as a result!  In his previous life, Zhang Yi had helped many people because of his kind heart, only to be killed by them.  Reborn back to a month before the end of the Ice Age, Zhang Yi awakens his spatial ability and begins to frantically hoard supplies!  Scarcity of supplies? He directly emptied a tens of billions of dollars worth of super mall warehouses!  Uncomfortable to live in? He built a super safe house comparable to a doomsday fortress!  When the end of the world comes, everyone else freezes to the dogs and can give up everything for a bite to eat.

SophieStoryteller · Sci-fi
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91 Chs

Zhou Ke'er's Decision

Zhou Peng ripped off Fang Yuqing's clothes, and despite the temperature in the room being over sixty degrees below zero, he wanted to do a deep exchange.

Fang Yuqing was already powerless to resist, lying there with her eyes lost in thought.

However, Zhou Peng took off his trousers before realising a cruel fact, there was no way for him to raise his head.

Just kidding, the super low temperature of -60 to 70 degrees not to mention, his physical fitness was also poor to the extreme.

He wouldn't be able to use it even if he was given the chance!

"Get up, get up for me!"

Zhou Peng anxiously used many methods, but none of them had any effect, and there seemed to have lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Fang Yuqing sneered and mocked, "You're useless!"

"Ah !!!!"

The room echoed with Zhou Peng's desperate roar, like a teddy that had been gargled with lychees.


Zhou Keer finally gave Zhang Yi an affirmative reply after a night of deep thinking.

She knew that this was Zhang Yi's test for her.

Although it was very dangerous, if she didn't do it, it wouldn't be long before she would definitely die in the hands of Chen Zhenghao and the others as well.

She had to put up a fight once.

That night, Chen Zhenghao and the others sat inside the living room, then had a junior brother go to the kitchen to cook.

Zhou Ke'er stared at them from the corner and suddenly stood up and said, "I'll go help him."

Chen Zhenghao's eyes looked at her coldly, his smile somewhat oozing.

"Hahaha, I knew you couldn't help it!"

Zhou Ke'er's body stiffened and her blood was about to freeze.

Chen Zhenghao continued, "Two days without food, no one can stand it. Don't be afraid, once you've tasted it once, you'll be addicted to it, the flavour of that kind of meat is very tasty, it's better than any meat I've had in the past!"

Zhou Ke'er was slightly relieved in her heart, biting her lip, she said, "I don't want to die, I want to live."

Chen Zhenghao thought that Zhou Keer had figured it out and nodded, "That would be best. You are still of some use to me now."

"Originally, I was planning to use you as an ingredient if you really refuse to eat meat!"

Zhou Ke'er took a deep breath and silently turned around to help in the kitchen.

The inside of the kitchen was filled with splattered blood, as well as some unprocessed limbs and broken arms, it was like hell.

Even with Zhou Ke'er's stuffy nose, she could still smell the stench that rushed through the sky.

She forced herself to hold back her inner discomfort and walked over to give that little brother who was cooking a hand.

That little brother had a numb face and didn't say anything, only pointing to the axe and broken furniture next to her, telling her to chop wood and build a fire.

Zhou Ke'er obediently did as she was told.

Nowadays, with the lack of energy, cooking could only be done by burning furniture to make a fire.

Inside the kitchen, a simple stove was temporarily built, with an iron pot placed on top.

After the fire started, the snow inside slowly started to melt and turned into water.

However, this snow water was not clear, after melting it was extraordinarily turbid, and there were some impurities in it.

However, it was good enough to have a mouthful of food right now, and no one bothered to speak about it.

Zhou Keer kept her eyes on that little brother while observing the movements outside the kitchen.

A fine sweat gradually emerged from her palms, because if her next move was discovered, she would surely die!

After a while, that little brother finished chopping the meat and threw it into the pot, pouring some random seasonings into it.


The junior brother coldly dropped a sentence and left the kitchen.

Zhou Keer waited for a long time, confirming that it was safe before reaching into her pocket and taking out a small bottle.

Then in a panic, she unscrewed the cap of the bottle and poured in a bunch of white medicinal powder towards the inside of the soup.

After doing so, she hurriedly stuffed the bottle back into her pocket.

It was only at this moment that she felt her heart beating as fast as a single-cylinder engine, and her legs kept shaking because she was too nervous.

She swallowed hard and picked up the spoon to stir the powder inside the pot.

The whole process was thrilling, but there weren't any accidents.

This wasn't a film shoot, there weren't that many twists and turns.

Due to the harsh environment of survival, everyone had become numb.

They could never have imagined that Zhou Ke'er would drug the broth.

At lunchtime, Zhou Ke'er brought a large pot of meat soup to the table, and they immediately came over to fish for the meat with red eyes and impatience.

Zhou Ke'er, in order to trick them, also served a bowl of soup and silently returned to the house.

No one cared about her either, everyone just wanted a hot bite for themselves now.

Hot food was tantamount to life! One more bite was one more hope of survival.

After Zhou Ke'er returned to her room, she sat on the bed with the broth in her hand.

Then she began to wait silently.

What she had put in the pot was a sleeping pill, a full half bottle!

This sleeping pill had a quick effect, taking one capsule would put a person to sleep in 30 minutes.

Especially after eating, the blood itself gathers towards the stomach, and one is prone to sleepiness.

With such a large amount, even if an elephant came and ate it, it would have to pass out.

As a doctor, Zhou Ke'er was well aware of how far this kind of dosage would make them drowsy.

Unless they were subjected to a particularly violent stimulus, they would not be able to wake up at all for a short period of time.

So it wasn't long before Zhou Keer heard their rising and falling snores coming from the living room.

Zhou Keer carefully came to the living room and saw that everyone was lying asleep on the sofa and chairs.

She held her breath and sent a message to Zhang Yi.

"I gave them a large amount of sleeping pills, and they all passed out."

"What are you going to do next?"

A wall away was Zhang Yi's residence.

He had been waiting for news from Zhou Keer as a way to confirm whether she could complete the mission.

Only by proving that she possessed enough value would she become a pawn in Zhang Yi's hands.

After seeing the message, Zhang Yi raised an eyebrow and said to her, "Drag them above the balcony."

He was not going to go over there, lest this was a set up by the other party.

Zhou Keer bit her lip and finally said, "Okay!"

An ordinary person would have been scared half to death, because in case Chen Zhenghao and the others suddenly woke up at this time, they would definitely kill her.

However, Zhou Keer, as a professional doctor, was very sure of the efficacy of the medicine.

She dragged Chen Zhenghao and the others out one by one and threw them on the balcony as requested by Zhang Yi.

Even if it was cold and windy outside, they still wouldn't wake up in a short period of time, which was the case with people who were in deep comas.

Instead, because of the cold weather, their bodies would automatically choose to lower their body temperature, prolonging their lives in a dormant manner.

All this that Zhou Keer did, Zhang Yi stood in front of the window and saw it clearly.

How many people were under Chen Zhenghao Zhang Yi knew very well, and through the surveillance, nothing could escape his gaze.

Only after seeing Zhou Keer panting and dragging all those people out did he nodded in satisfaction.

"What else do you want me to do next?"

Zhou Ke'er asked with a trembling voice.

"That's fine, wait for me for a while!"

Zhang Yi put down his mobile phone and turned around to return to the bedroom.

After pondering for a while, he took out a thick cold-proof suit from within the foreign space and put it on his body.

He also took out ten hemp ropes the thickness of a child's arm and hung them on his waist.

In his left hand, he was holding a strung crossbow, and behind his back, he was carrying a mountain-opening sword.

Zhang Yi thought about it and felt that it was still not safe enough.

He again opened the safety of the pistol that he hadn't had the chance to use since he bought it back and held it in his hand.

After doing so, his heart felt full of security.

Zhang Yi came to the floor-to-ceiling window.

For the first time after the end of the world, he reached out to open the door lock of the floor window.

The process was complicated, the door lock had fingerprint, electronic and physical locks, a total of three layers.

After unlocking it, Zhang Yi came above the balcony.

The bitterly cold wind blew over, and through the cold-proof clothing, the feeling was not particularly profound.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh, the professional level cold-proof clothing was bull.

Zhou Keer was holding her bladder by the window, shivering as she looked at him.

"Are you ... you going to kill them?"

The corner of Zhang Yi's mouth quirked, and he raised the gun in his hand to aim at the villains on the ground, and vaguely aimed at Zhou Keer as well.

He smoothly threw those ropes at Zhou Keer's feet.

"It's not me, it's you!"