
Doomsday World, Ice and Snow

The globe enters an ice age and an ice apocalypse descends, killing 95% of the human beings on the planet as a result!  In his previous life, Zhang Yi had helped many people because of his kind heart, only to be killed by them.  Reborn back to a month before the end of the Ice Age, Zhang Yi awakens his spatial ability and begins to frantically hoard supplies!  Scarcity of supplies? He directly emptied a tens of billions of dollars worth of super mall warehouses!  Uncomfortable to live in? He built a super safe house comparable to a doomsday fortress!  When the end of the world comes, everyone else freezes to the dogs and can give up everything for a bite to eat.

SophieStoryteller · Sci-fi
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91 Chs

rely on help from sb.

<p _msttexthash="268004763" _msthash="672">张译站在阳台上,身体靠在窗户上.只要情况不对,他可以随时回到房间.

<p _msttexthash="194968917" _msthash="671">陈正浩和他的手下在隔壁的阳台上,看起来好像要昏过去了.

<p _msttexthash="122195060" _msthash="670">不过,张译却不能确定他们是不是真的昏迷了.

<p _msttexthash="164587904" _msthash="669">如果这是他们和周可仁设下的圈套,引诱他进来呢?

<p _msttexthash="124373678" _msthash="668">有可能他一越过,他们就会站起来消灭他!

<p _msttexthash="99851128" _msthash="667">而且,两个阳台之间有十多厘米的距离.

<p _msttexthash="56171466" _msthash="666">不锈钢栏杆在大雪中特别滑.

<p _msttexthash="184320968" _msthash="665">如果他想爬上去,周可仁只要推他一把,他就可以从24楼坠落.

<p _msttexthash="6417684" _msthash="664">所以——

<p _msttexthash="101203245" _msthash="663">张译将手中的枪对准了地上的陈正豪等人.

<p _msttexthash="110221735" _msthash="662">"用这些绳子把他们的手绑在背后给我!"

<p _msttexthash="107697265" _msthash="661">"而且我记得陈正豪身上有枪,也给我."

<p _msttexthash="24505481" _msthash="660">周可仁一脸傻眼.

<p _msttexthash="322656282" _msthash="659">她已经两天没吃东西了,只喝了一点水,还拖着十个人到阳台上.她已经没有力气了.

<p _msttexthash="340461823" _msthash="658">见张译如此小心翼翼,不愿帮忙,她咬了咬干裂的嘴唇,怒道:"你太小心了!

<p _msttexthash="249981797" _msthash="657">"谨慎是这艘船永恒的飞行员.我不会冒丝毫风险,"张译平静地说.

<p _msttexthash="123382779" _msthash="656">周可仁无奈,只好在枪口威胁下听从张译的命令.

<p _msttexthash="114812672" _msthash="655">她拿起绳索,将他们的双手牢牢地绑在背后.

<p _msttexthash="223442609" _msthash="654">当她伸手到陈正豪的口袋里掏出枪时,张译的枪对准了她的脑袋.

<p _msttexthash="73273343" _msthash="653">"把弹匣从枪上取下来,扔给我."

<p _msttexthash="549111576" _msthash="652">周可仁看着张译,然后咬了咬嘴唇,问道:"我怎么能相信你?如果我做了这一切,而你背叛了我怎么办?

<p _msttexthash="466732890" _msthash="651">"你现在别无选择,只能相信我.只有信任我,你才有机会在这种恶劣的环境中生存,"张译回答道.

<p _msttexthash="167284442" _msthash="650">周可仁想了想,意识到自己别无选择,只能相信张译.

<p _msttexthash="139999639" _msthash="649">她不能越过道德界限去吃人,否则她无疑会饿死.

<p _msttexthash="217614007" _msthash="648">按照张译的指示,周可仁从枪上取下弹匣,扔在张译脚边的地上.

<p _msttexthash="338501228" _msthash="647">张译侧头看了一眼,确认确实是陈正豪的枪,然后对周可仁说道:"暂时回房间.

<p _msttexthash="59557550" _msthash="646">周可仁小心翼翼地回到了房间.

<p _msttexthash="29636217" _msthash="645">她的心砰砰直跳.

<p _msttexthash="250773640" _msthash="644">因为如果陈正豪等人醒了,张译可以退到房间里,但她注定要失败.

<p _msttexthash="70216107" _msthash="643">但正如张译所说,她别无选择.

<p _msttexthash="226885100" _msthash="642">回到房间后,张译并没有立刻踏上阳台.他从地上捡起陈正豪的枪.

<p _msttexthash="112431319" _msthash="641">他看了一眼弹匣,发现里面还有三颗子弹.

<p _msttexthash="163834580" _msthash="640">张译把枪扔到另一个空间,然后从浴室里取了一根水管.

<p _msttexthash="121034264" _msthash="639">他把管道对准隔壁阳台上的人,让水流出来.

<p _msttexthash="326211756" _msthash="638">他不想用枪,部分是为了保存子弹,部分是为了避免惊动别人并造成不必要的麻烦.

<p _msttexthash="182291226" _msthash="637">水花从管道中射出,落在几米外阳台上的陈正浩等人身上.

<p _msttexthash="10077106" _msthash="636">From indoor temperatures of over 20 degrees Celsius to outdoor temperatures of negative 70 degrees, almost a hundred-degree difference!

<p _msttexthash="2637908" _msthash="635">The warm water sprayed out, emitting steam due to the extreme cold.

<p _msttexthash="1253356" _msthash="634">But as it landed on them, it instantly froze.

<p _msttexthash="2950636" _msthash="633">In the room, Zhou Keren witnessed this scene, tightly hugging herself.

<p _msttexthash="1579682" _msthash="632">Freezing to death like this was truly a cruel fate.

<p _msttexthash="4936178" _msthash="631">Due to the washing effect of the ice-cold water, the group gradually regained consciousness.

<p _msttexthash="3246750" _msthash="630">The icy water had penetrated their bodies, causing them to freeze all over.

<p _msttexthash="2376192" _msthash="629">A small Calamari's lips turned purple as he screamed in terror.

<p _msttexthash="1818258" _msthash="628">He tried to get up, but found his hands bound behind him.

<p _msttexthash="3595527" _msthash="627">With the ground covered in a layer of ice, he kept slipping and couldn't stand up.

<p _msttexthash="1838148" _msthash="626">Chen Zhenghao also woke up as the icy water hit his face.

<p _msttexthash="2310178" _msthash="625">He looked baffled, then suddenly realized he had been drugged!

<p _msttexthash="2428595" _msthash="624">However, he didn't have time to investigate who had drugged him.

<p _msttexthash="7951086" _msthash="623">The freezing cold water that drenched him made him feel like he was in an ice cave, every pore pricked by a thousand needles.

<p _msttexthash="898261" _msthash="622">Everyone woke up, screaming in fear.

<p _msttexthash="6548958" _msthash="621">But no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get up, hindered by the ten people crowded on the balcony.

<p _msttexthash="116688" _msthash="620">"Zhang Yi!"

<p _msttexthash="5738473" _msthash="619">Chen Zhenghao saw Zhang Yi outside the balcony, spraying them with the water pipe, and roared in anger.

<p _msttexthash="5166512" _msthash="618">Zhang Yi finally came out of the room. He had opened a crack in the seemingly impenetrable window.

<p _msttexthash="2925754" _msthash="617">However, now his hands were bound, and his life was in immediate danger.

<p _msttexthash="2794324" _msthash="616">"You've caused enough trouble. It's time to die," Zhang Yi said coldly.

<p _msttexthash="7552441" _msthash="615">Chen Zhenghao and his group had killed almost half of the building's residents, nearly catching up to Zhang Yi's count.

<p _msttexthash="4463251" _msthash="614">Continuing to keep Chen Zhenghao alive would only lead to a desperate fight with Zhang Yi.

<p _msttexthash="3854227" _msthash="613">Although Zhang Yi wasn't afraid, for safety's sake, it was better to eliminate him.

<p _msttexthash="1971125" _msthash="612">Zhang Yi wasn't joking when it came to his life and safety.

<p _msttexthash="966940" _msthash="611">What could be safer than a dead person?

<p _msttexthash="3900559" _msthash="610">Chen Zhenghao and the others struggled and roared with their last bit of strength.

<p _msttexthash="1807884" _msthash="609">But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get up.

<p _msttexthash="3233308" _msthash="608">The cold ice water drenched their faces, filling their mouths and collars.

<p _msttexthash="2202941" _msthash="607">Their clothes were soaked, turning into stiff blocks of ice.

<p _msttexthash="6184802" _msthash="606">Two minutes later, they lay on the ground, unable to make any sound, convulsing with blue and purple faces.

<p _msttexthash="3400566" _msthash="605">Three minutes later, they couldn't move at all, turned into ten blocks of ice.

<p _msttexthash="4338542" _msthash="604">Five minutes later, the blocks of ice grew even larger, merging into a single mass of ice.

<p _msttexthash="1360619" _msthash="603">To conserve water, Zhang Yi stopped spraying.

<p _msttexthash="2949089" _msthash="602">Frozen like this, without modern medical help, they wouldn't survive.

<p _msttexthash="2731482" _msthash="601">Zhang Yi returned to the room, locking the sliding window securely.

<p _msttexthash="1799135" _msthash="600">He removed the thick winter gear and called Zhou Keren.

<p _msttexthash="1371461" _msthash="599">"You've passed the test. You can come over now."

<p _msttexthash="6181435" _msthash="598">In the adjacent room, Zhou Keren heard Zhang Yi's voice, and the tension that had gripped her finally eased.

<p _msttexthash="1201915" _msthash="597">Trembling, she said, "Okay, I'm coming over."

<p _msttexthash="4140565" _msthash="596">She grabbed her medical kit and hurriedly opened the door, escaping the hellish room.

<p _msttexthash="12022322" _msthash="595">Zhang Yi unlocked the four layers of heavy security locks on the door, stepped back two steps, and raised the gun in his right hand towards the entrance.

<p _msttexthash="12437386" _msthash="594">He turned to look at the surveillance camera, confirming Zhou Keren's condition was fine, then used a mobile app to unlock the final electronic door lock.

<p _msttexthash="338234" _msthash="593">"You can come in now!"

<p _msttexthash="4553367" _msthash="592">Outside the door, Zhou Keren heard the voice, raised her cold and pale hand, and pushed hard.

<p _msttexthash="1554241" _msthash="591">The door was heavy, and she exerted a lot of effort.

<p _msttexthash="413543" _msthash="590">But as the door cracked

<p _msttexthash="1551615" _msthash="589"> open, a wave of warmth rushed out, enveloping her.

<p _msttexthash="1138605" _msthash="588">Zhou Keren's eyes lit up with excitement.

<p _msttexthash="1485380" _msthash="587">She hadn't felt this kind of warmth in a long time!

<p _msttexthash="2929472" _msthash="586">So she increased her effort, pushing the door open, and stepped inside.

<p _msttexthash="2045264" _msthash="585">The moment she entered, it felt like stepping into heaven!

<p _msttexthash="3302962" _msthash="584">The previous icy sensation that covered her body was rapidly dissipating.

<p _msttexthash="1911676" _msthash="583">The intoxicating warmth felt like soaking in a hot bath.

<p _msttexthash="1724138" _msthash="582">Gradually, she even began to feel an unbearable heat.

<p _msttexthash="4537910" _msthash="581">After all, she was wearing six layers of clothes, with two layers just being down jackets.

<p _msttexthash="1435161" _msthash="580">In Zhang Yi's 27°C room, the heat was hard to bear.

<p _msttexthash="4161729" _msthash="579">So, she disregarded the gun aimed at her by Zhang Yi and hurriedly took off her clothes.

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