
Final Stop

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Sanjiu felt she was truly a fool, but she was not alone. Both Puppeteer and Soulsqn were qualified enough to be listed in this "asinine list".

The reason that she felt so was that Ji Shanqing, wondering why they did not realize this, asked, "Sis, why didn't you use the choker to imitate the code-writing ability?"

He dropped the question like a bombshell, stunning them. They hemmed and hawed for a brief moment, but nothing came out of their mouths.

Then all of them stopped moving.

They had utilized the time-lag to return to the Data Stream Library before the Veda arrived in the hall. There might be a good chance that they would bump into the Veda midway. Hiding inside the hole was a no-go as the hole was barely larger than a human head. They needed to blast it to accommodate them, and an explosion, other than giving them away, would not do them any good.