
Central Java

D-Day +50 Semarang, Central Java

The city of Semarang, the capital city of central Java, located at the North coast of Java Island, about halfway between Surabaya City in the east and Jakarta city in the west.

The city of Semarang probably cannot be compared with the two megacities, Jakarta as the capital city if counted with the surrounding urban areas has more than 40 million people, Surabaya on the east has more than 20 million, while Semarang has around 6 million people.

Between these three cities, Semarang seems nothing special, but in this Doomsday Era, the city of Semarang will be the key to survival for the people of Java Island. Of the 5 Doomsday pillars that will drop in Indonesia, the only one dropped in Java island will be located 10 kilometers south of Semarang City.