
Doomsday natural disasters: cities are flooded

After six years in the end of the world, Xiao Jun was reborn and returned to the beginning of the end of the world. Stockpile supplies, kill zombies, and can even hear the thoughts of others? The top opportunity of the school flower? Sorry, I'll take it all! Xiao Jun: One day, I will figure out the origin of this end of the world.

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58 Chs


"Didn't I die?" Xiao Jun woke up abruptly from the bed. What entered his sight was so familiar yet distant. In his dreams, he had seen it many times. He pinched his thigh hard, it hurt, very much. All of this was real, had he been reborn?


He quickly took out his phone, it was 9 a.m. on November 10, 2040. Xiao Jun couldn't quite remember the date, but he would never forget the next day, which was Singles' Day. A disaster struck abruptly.


On November 11, what was originally just an ordinary day, somehow, under the manipulation of the capitalists, it became a shopping carnival. That night, countless people lost sleep, but they could never have imagined that just 11 hours later, at 11:11 p.m. on November 11, the world underwent earth-shattering changes.


Doomsday had arrived.


The sky seemed to be torn apart by someone, and an unprecedented downpour fell. In just one hour, the provincial capital city of Xingcheng became a vast expanse of water. The rain did not stop. This rain would last for three days and three nights until the city was almost flooded. When the rain finally stopped, only those living in houses above 20 floors could survive.


But this was just the beginning. After the rain, it turned into a fire rain. Red raindrops fell, quickly evaporating the accumulated rainwater in the city and bringing a 60°C high temperature. In such extreme conditions, humans had no way to go out and look for food, resulting in countless deaths from starvation and heatstroke.


 it was three days.


After three days, the temperature returned to normal, and the city's rainwater also evaporated. The city seemed to have returned to its original state. Those who managed to survive went out to seek help, but what awaited them was an endless horde of zombies. In his previous life, Xiao Jun was one of the few who survived.


And because of his caution, after the fire rain ended, he did not go out immediately and managed to survive safely. In the apocalyptic world, Xiao Jun struggled to survive for six years, but still contracted a zombie virus during an outgoing mission. Not wanting to turn into a zombie, he ultimately chose to commit suicide.


I can't think about it anymore. There are only 30-something hours until the apocalypse. I must do something. Xiao Jun forced himself to stop reminiscing. At this time, time is life. There's no time to think about these nonsense.


Without hesitation, Xiao Jun grabbed a few sets of clothes and took his phone, running out of the rental house quickly. The key was useless. His rental house was only on the third floor. In his previous life, if he hadn't been quick-witted, he would have drowned in the first hour.


In the middle of November, it was already the winter, but today was surprisingly warm. The sun was just right, and the breeze was not dry. Everything indicated that today was a good day. Indeed, because there would be no such leisurely opportunity after tomorrow.


In a short while, Xiao Jun took a taxi to a high-end hotel. After tomorrow, money would be useless. Since he was choosing a place to live, he naturally had to live in the best.


"Book me a presidential suite." As soon as these words were spoken, many people looked over. "Hello, the presidential suite costs 39,888 yuan per night." The front desk lady, who was a true professional, would not look down on others because of the customer's age or clothing, at least on the surface.


Damn, is it so expensive? Xiao Jun had also asked for the first time. He originally thought it would be around 10,000 or 20,000, but he didn't expect it to be almost 40,000 per night. Xiao Jun hesitated, and his expression was also seen by the front desk lady.


"Who is it?" Xiao Jun looked around, but no one seemed to have spoken just now. "Oops, is he acting? He was shocked after being called out. "The voice suddenly sounded in Xiao Jun's mind.


"What?" Xiao Jun looked around, but no one seemed to have spoken. "Oops, look what you're like. You don't even know the price and come to show off. Now you're being embarrassed, aren't you?" The voice sounded again in Xiao Jun's mind, and he realized that the voice seemed a bit like the voice of the waitress in front of him.


His eyes were fixed on the waitress, and a hint of murderous intent involuntarily emanated. "Guest... What's wrong... " The waitress stammered as she spoke. Xiao Jun remained silent, just staring at her. In a few seconds, the voice in his mind appeared again.


"Look what you're looking at. So fierce. It's a law-abiding society now. You can't just attack someone because you can't afford to pay for the room, can you?" Xiao Jun smiled. He understood what was going on. He found that he could hear the thoughts of this front desk lady.


Thinking of this, he turned to look at another front desk lady. After three seconds, a different voice appeared in his mind. "This man is so strange. Is he crazy? Should I call the police?" Sure enough, as Xiao Jun thought, as long as he focused on a person, he could hear their thoughts.


"Haha, then book me a presidential suite." Xiao Jun's mood improved greatly, and he didn't care about the tens of thousands of yuan in room fees. Before the apocalypse, Xiao Jun was a retired soldier. He joined the army at the age of 16 and spent six years in the military. In the past few months, he had just retired. Over the past six years, the money he saved plus his retirement fee, he now had about 200,000 yuan in his hand. Staying in a presidential suite for a few days was not a problem.


"Ah?" The front desk lady looked surprised. Did he really book it? "Book it for two days, don't get it wrong." The room he booked today had to be checked out before 1 p.m. tomorrow, and the apocalypse hadn't arrived yet.


"By credit card or?" "By credit card." Until the transaction was successful, the front desk lady confirmed that the young man in front of her was not joking. She completed the check-in procedures as quickly as possible. Only after Xiao Jun strongly refused did she not send him upstairs.


Waiting for the elevator on the first floor, Xiao Jun's mood was even better. Rebirth plus cheating, it seemed like he was the protagonist. The presidential suite was on the 21st floor of this building. His personal butler was already waiting for him at the door.


"I don't need anything. My only requirement is that no one disturbs me these two days. Got it?" Xiao Jun sent the personal butler away and stepped into the place where he would live for a long time in the coming days. The presidential suite, very good, very nice. Such a large place was enough for him to store a large amount of supplies. As for the decoration and the like, Xiao Jun had no interest at all. Now, all he could think about was how to comfortably spend the upcoming apocalypse.