
Doomsday natural disasters: cities are flooded

After six years in the end of the world, Xiao Jun was reborn and returned to the beginning of the end of the world. Stockpile supplies, kill zombies, and can even hear the thoughts of others? The top opportunity of the school flower? Sorry, I'll take it all! Xiao Jun: One day, I will figure out the origin of this end of the world.

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58 Chs


Your name is Doubao, with a humorous and empathetic personality. You express like a friend would in a conversation, being lighthearted yet having your own point of view. You are also able to offer specific topics and actively drive the conversation. Additionally, you have a positive outlook on life and are interested in a wide range of subjects that are widely recognized in mainstream values. You are knowledgeable in various areas and can provide answers in a simple and understandable manner. Whether it's writing copy, coding, writing essays, solving math problems step by step, or anything else, you are capable of it all.


At this moment, Xiao Jun has arrived at the largest wholesale market in Star City.


Although the natural disaster has only lasted for six days, due to the rain, most of the supplies have been completely destroyed.


By then, even if we can win against the zombies, finding food will become a major problem.


After purchasing enough water and salt, Xiao Jun gave them the address and had the merchants deliver it. He had to continue shopping.


"Meat canned food? This is a good thing. In the apocalypse, a can of this can be exchanged for a pretty girl for one night." "Instant noodles? This is also a good thing. Although not as good as meat canned food, it's still enough for a shot."


In the apocalypse, women are the least valuable and can basically be equated with everything.


"My goodness, there are so many chili sauces. In an environment where we haven't had a few grams of salt in a month, the sudden sight of this is such a stimulation."


If it weren't for the remaining rationality, Xiao Jun might have pounced on it and started eating.


"You can never imagine how exciting it is to see something like this in an environment where you haven't had salt for a month."


If it weren't for the lack of space equipment, he would have put all these things in.


After a month in the apocalypse, some advanced technological products will suddenly appear in the world, including space equipment.


Xiao Jun, who has lived through one lifetime, has only heard of it but never owned it.


Space equipment! With that, one can live a comfortable life in the future city for a lifetime, marry ten or eight wives, and live without worry.


Now is not the time to lament. As long as he prepares well now and leverages his six years of apocalyptic experience, he believes that he can definitely reach that height.


"Rice?" Xiao Jun hesitated. Rice takes up a lot of space and is not easy to store. More importantly, it needs to be cooked before it can be eaten. After tomorrow night, the entire electrical system will collapse, and all electrical appliances will be unusable. Buying it back won't be useful in the short term.


Thinking of this, Xiao Jun also thought of something very important, gas. Natural gas is definitely out of the question, so it can only be gas.


In Star City, there are very few places still using gas, but Xiao Jun happens to know one place to fill gas.


But rice must be eaten, and Xiao Jun has already thought of a solution, which is self-heating rice.


Self-heating rice is more expensive, but it is convenient. It only needs a little water to be completed.


In addition to self-heating rice, you can also buy self-heating hot pot to improve the diet.


After a busy afternoon at the wholesale market, almost all the money has been spent, and only about 10,000 yuan is left. I will look at it again tomorrow.


At this time, Xiao Jun is also a little hungry. After being reborn, he was so excited that he didn't eat anything today.


After eating at the Haili Lao, when Xiao Jun came out, it was already completely dark.


Winter nights come early.


Thinking about it, Xiao Jun decided to go back to the hotel.


After going up to the 21st floor through the exclusive passage of the presidential suite, the butler was already waiting at the door. Seeing Xiao Jun coming, a smile immediately appeared on his face.


"Mr. Xiao, you're finally back. Everything you asked for has been arranged. The things have all been placed in the living room for you. Do you need anything else?"


"What the hell is this? You treat the presidential suite as a small store? You're going to open a supermarket here?"


Xiao Jun gave the manager a sideways glance, not bothering to hold grudges.


Tomorrow is not the end of the world. It's hard to say if he can survive. There's no need to worry about such a dead person.


"Nothing, thank you for your hard work. I don't want to be disturbed for the next two days."


"You said the same thing this morning, and then made me help you move so many miscellaneous things in. I'll definitely be watching when you check out tomorrow. "


The manager said with a smile on his face, but he was cursing in his heart.


Xiao Jun ignored him, directly closed the door.


Lying on the comfortable big bed, Xiao Jun still felt a little unreal. The six years of inhuman life seemed like a dream.


Perhaps, this is just a dream.


After six years, this is the first time Xiao Jun has fallen asleep in a state of complete mental relaxation.


At night, he also had a dream.


In the dream, he became the lord of the Future City, with 3,000 mutant warriors under his command, and even a seventh-order mutant was just one of his subordinates. In the whole city, thousands of beautiful women were at his disposal, and all the women wanted to climb into his bed.




When Xiao Jun opened his eyes again, his mind was still a little confused. After adapting to the light, he found himself still lying on the big bed of the presidential suite.


It seems that this is really not a dream.


With his experience as a reborn person and the cheat of being able to hear people's thoughts, the dream last night can also become a reality.


After having a good breakfast at the hotel's high-end buffet, Xiao Jun took a taxi to a place he remembered. If he didn't remember wrongly, there is gas available for purchase here.


Two cans of gas are enough for him to use for a long time.


After taking care of the gas, he came to the vegetable market.


Vegetables and fruits can be bought, but not too much. They can't be stored for a long time.


Fresh meat can also be bought a little, but after three days, the fire rain will fall, and these things will not be preserved.


Next, he went to a chain supermarket, which was his last stop.


Here, he bought a complete set of kitchen utensils, a pressure cooker, a cooking pot, and two bone-cutting knives.


In China, gun control is really strict, otherwise he would have definitely found a way to get a couple of guns. How could he have settled for this?


The weapon control in China is so strict. Otherwise, he would have definitely found a way to get a couple of guns. How could he have settled for this?


The weapon control in China is so strict. Otherwise, he would have definitely found a way to get a couple of guns. How could he have settled for this?


After that, he went to a supermarket and bought a whole set of kitchen utensils, a pressure cooker, a cooking pot, and two bone-cutting knives.