
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Twenty-six

"Ding-dong! The C-level zombies have been buried!"

"Increase 20 doomsday coins."

"Get 3 power attributes."

"Get 2 physical attributes."

"Get 2 endurance attributes."

"Get skills: mastery of Xingyiquan."

"The level 2 tomb has been emptied. Please bury it again."

The electronic synthesis sound fell, and the hot heat swept through the whole body again.

That feeling of strengthening the body finally appeared again!

Xiao Yi only felt that his body seemed to lose its gravitational involvement in an instant, and his whole body was about to fly.

The fatigue after the war also disappeared in an instant, followed by the full energy of the whole body.

A few minutes later, the comfort of the sudden improvement of attributes disappeared.

Xiao Yi felt that he had returned to normal.

"It's really a C-level zombie! I can't believe I've improved so much!"

With shock, Xiao Yi brought out his physical attributes again.

"System! Smot up my attribute value!"

[Name of the City of Sin (Intermediate) City Owner: Xiao Yi]

[Gender: Male]

[physique: 82]

[Spirit: 66]

[Power: 83]

[Endurance: 82]

[Agility: 80]

(The average of adult males is 60)

[Skills: None]

[Item: Knife of Evil (Primary) Space Package (Primary)]

[Doomsday Coin: 78]

Xiao Yi is very satisfied with the sharp improvement of physical attributes, but the skill column still shows "none".

This surprised Xiao Yi.

I just heard the electronic synthesis sound and said that I have obtained "mastery of Xingyiquan".

"System! Why hasn't the newly acquired Xingyiquan mastery skill been attached to me?

[Sorry, the skills acquired by burying zombies must be obtained through purchase.]

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned: "That is to say, I have to buy the skill with doomsday coins to get this skill?"


Xiao Yi nodded. In this case, buy it yourself.

"System, I want to buy Xingyiquan to master skills."

[Initializing the system shelf...]

[Successful initialization...]

[Please buy!]

With the electronic sound, a picture similar to a shelf appeared in front of Xiao Yi's eyes.

On the shelf, there is an empty ****, and only a simple martial arts secret pattern is suspended in the first grid of the shelf.

[Xingyiquan is proficient in: one of the traditional Chinese boxing techniques, which is extremely lethal. They are dragon-shaped, tiger-shaped, bear-shaped, snake-shaped, dragon-shaped, monkey-shaped, horse-shaped, chicken-shaped, swallow-shaped, mole-shaped, harrier-shaped and eagle-shaped. Each form can bring different improvements to martial arts. This boxing can be used in the knife. Immediately after purchase, you will be proficient in all forms of Xingyiquan. Price: 50 doomsday coins (inventory 1).

The price of fifty doomsday coins is not expensive.

After all, it is a skill that can improve your combat skills.

Although Xiao Yi's physical fitness is very good, in fact, his combat skills are extremely poor.

Except for simple slashing, there is no skill at all.

If you learn to be proficient in Xingyiquan, your combat effectiveness can at least double!

Xiao Yi thinks it's a good deal for fifty doomsday coins.

"Purchase Xingyiquan proficient!"

[Conditions are met, buying...]

[Consume 50 doomsday coins.]

[Purchase successful.]

[The current doomsday balance is 28]

At the moment of successful purchase, Xiao Yi suddenly felt enlightened, and instantly mastered the essence of Xingyiquan and countless experience memories of Xingyiquan.

It's as if he had been practicing Xingyi boxing for decades.

There was a sound everywhere in his body, as if he was evolving.

Five minutes later.

Xiao Yi has completely mastered Xingyiquan.

Now his physical quality has reached the peak of human beings, and with the skill of scientific, reasonable and effective bursting of all energy, even in the face of the world-class Sanda champion, Xiao Yi has the certainty of a decisive victory!

Xiao Yi gently pushed the sleeping Lin Mancha away, and then got up and put on his clothes.

I played the whole set of Xingyi boxing in the room.

"Wow...! Whoo-hoo! ..." In the room, the fist wind roared, and Xiao Yi's figure sometimes turned into a tiger and leopard, sometimes like an eagle spreading its wings, and the next moment, it suddenly looked like a dragon and a snake.

The fierce sound of breaking the air finally woke up Lin Mancha.

Lin Mancha felt that his whole body was sore and soft, and there was a tearing pain in some parts of his body.

The gentleman moaned softly, and Lin Mancha was ready to get up.

But the soft voice quickly attracted Xiao Yi, who was resting beside him. The snow-white velvet quilt was too light, and it immediately slipped down the moment Lin Mancha got up.

Reveal everything that is more snow-white inside.

Xiao Yi, who had just finished boxing, suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Mancha, with fire in his eyes, and walked to Lin Mancha again.

There was a trace of fear in Lin Mancha's eyes: "Master... You've been needing for two hours just now... I'm really... ah... uh..."