
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Twenty Five

Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction, walked to the lounge again, and said to the lounge, "System, upgrade the lounge immediately!"

Well, anyway, now with four beautiful women as maidservants, the small lounge already seems very crowded.

The cost of building a dark castle is not high.

Therefore, Xiao Yi still decided to upgrade the lounge first and improve his accommodation environment.

[Dark Castle: It covers an area of 50 square meters and is made of brick and wood. Function: rest, treatment (the lounge can quickly replenish physical strength and treat ordinary injuries.) A front-facing building lounge is required. Upgrade required: 40 doomsday coins.]

[I have selected the lounge, the conditions are met, and it can be upgraded...]

[Consume 40 doomsday coins...]

When the electronic synthesis fell, the lounge suddenly collapsed, and a black castle rose from the ground, which was as gloomy and horrible as the ancient castle of vampires in European legend.

[The upgrade of Dark Castle has been completed...]

Xiao Yi took another look at the doomsday coin column, and now he still has 99 doomsday coins left.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Yi walked to the dark castle and said to an open space, "System, summon the three-eyed crow immediately!"

[Three-eyed crow: The eyes of the city owner can fly at a low altitude, and the body is transparent. The city owner can control the three-eyed crow to detect the space of 3,000 square meters around the Sin City. Creatures whose spiritual attribute value is less than 80 points are imperceptible; price: 60 doomsday coins.]

[Summoning a three-eyed crow meets the conditions, and is summoning...]

[Consume 60 doomsday coins...]


Suddenly, a transparent three-eyed crow appeared on the window sill of the castle, and three eyes stared at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's mind moved, and the three-eyed crow flew out, hovering over the city of sin, and transmitted all the scenes around him back to Xiao Yi's eyes.

There is no delay.

There is no trace of ambiguity.

It's as if Xiao Yi saw it with his own eyes.

"This is a good thing!"

With this three-eyed crow, it is equivalent to one more flying eye. Whether it is to detect the situation around the Sin City or to find mutant zombies, it will be a good helper.

If there is a chance, Xiao Yi wants the three-eyed crow to find the goddess he has been secretly in love with for three years.

Lan Xing'er, a beautiful and strong woman.

If she is still alive.

Xiao Yi didn't mind saving her back.

After all, she is the woman I have been thinking about for three years.

Even if the dream comes true, you still want to get her.

Thinking of Lan Xing'er, Xiao Yi suddenly felt a little hot all over.

Turning his head and looking at the four women who were scared and trembled by the supernatural phenomenon that had just appeared, Xiao Yi thought for a moment.

He smiled and said to Lin Mancha, "Lin Mancha, you are wearing a ballet skirt and seem to be a ballet dancer?"

Lin Mancha felt Xiao Yi's eyes and couldn't help trembling.

"Yes... I'm the president of the school's ballet student union... and the first place in the city's ballet competition..."

Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction.

Although Lin Mancha's figure is not very proud, it is better than being petite and exquisite.

A different woman.

Maybe it will taste different.

Xiao Yi has a different curiosity about Lin Man's identity as a ballerina.

"Come with me. I want to see how your ballet is going." After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he turned around and entered the dark castle without looking back.

Lin Mancha trembled all over, and she looked at Li Wanning and others beside her with a complicated face.

Everyone knows what will happen next.

She is a little instinctively afraid.

After all, this is her first time.

And she is for Xiao Yi.

I know nothing.

"Congratulations!" Tang Ningning said jealously.

She obviously came before Linman tea, but Xiao Yi actually came to Linman tea first.

This made Tang Ningning feel very unwilling and unconvinced.

"Did you remember all the rules we just told you? I think you should know how to do it?" Li Wanning said seriously.

Lin Mancha nodded in fear: "I know, sister... I will definitely perform well..."

Lin Mancha stood up and followed Xiao Yi into the dark castle.

The old dark castle looked a little gloomy and horrible under the shaking of the candlelight.

However, the layout style of the medieval aristocracy in Europe gives people a sense of superiority.

Linman Tea likes this style very much.

Xiao Yi lay leisurely on the luxurious soft bed and watched Lin Mancha dance in the candlelight.

Every move of Lin Mancha is so beautiful.

The well-proportioned and petite figure and snow-white skin look crystal clear against the white ballet skirt.

Under Lin Mancha's tight short skirt, there are white stockings. Even if there is a cover of silk stockings, the well-proportioned and round thighs cultivated because of long-term exercise can deeply attract Xiao Yi's attention.

Xiao Yi's eyes lingered between Lin Mancha's legs.

Every inadvertent movement will faintly reveal the seductive gully between Lin Mancha's legs.

Ordinary ballerinas have small breasts, and they will be bound with straps.

However, Lin Mancha's round snow-white jade rabbit was about to come out in the strap. With her movements, the deep ravine appeared.

Just as Lin Mancha's dancing figure floated in front of Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi suddenly got up and held Lin Mancha in his arms.

Lin Mancha is only 155 tall and light in weight. There is not too much fat on his body, a small waist, round and slender thighs, and a belly without fat. It is light and has a healthy beauty.

Xiao Yi wrapped his hand around Lin Mancha's waist and easily lifted Lin Mancha's light body.

It's like mentioning a white swan that was scared and trembling.

Feeling Xiao Yi's hot breath patted on her face, the faint smell of man made Lin Mancha tremble involuntarily.

Xiao Yi looked at Lin Mancha's frightened appearance, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly. With an evil charm, Xiao Yi's lips covered Lin Mancha's pink and red lips fiercely.

With four lips intersecting, Lin Mancha's eyes widened in panic, and her mind was blanked by Xiao Yi's domineering.

Only the comfort from her lips made her tremble all over.

This was her first kiss. The feeling of being domineeringly kissed by a man for the first time made Lin Mancha, who had always been timid and weak, feel like an electric shock. Not only was her brain buzzing, but also involuntarily made a mug sound.

Xiao Yi didn't care about Lin Mancha's panic at all. He wrapped around Lin Mancha with one hand, gently hugged Lin Mancha's little head with the other, and gnawed on Lin Mancha's tender mouth with hunger and thirst.

The four lips were entangled, mixed with slippery and faintly fragrant saliva, making a sucking sound of "sizzling..."

"Um..." Lin Manchajiao snorted. Under the impact of this comfortable feeling like an electric shock, she couldn't help being pry open by Xiao Yi's tongue, and the two soft tongues were entangled, entangled and rolled.

Xiao Yi suddenly sucked, and the pink and soft tongue of Lin Man's tea was contained in Xiao Yi's mouth, licking and sucking.

As the tongue kiss became more and more intense, Lin Mancha also began to devote herself to this atmosphere.

His eyes were wide open, slightly closed, and his eyelashes stained with water trembled, slowly immersed in the pleasure of kissing.

Since he couldn't resist, Lin Mancha chose to accept it.

She is not a self-righteous woman.

She understands her current situation.

Although, she doesn't love the man in front of her.

However, being such a strong woman is her best choice now.

This is the end of the world. She must recognize her situation and do her duty!

"Tear it up!" As the tongue kiss became more and more intense, under the rapid breath, Lin Mancha's ballet costume was torn by Xiao Yi's rough and savage.

Tear it directly from top to bottom, releasing the round and straight snow-white ** of Lin Man tea!

Just now, because of the bondage of the straps.

Lin Mancha's breasts don't look very big.

However, after the complete release, Lin Mancha's round breasts are no smaller than that of ordinary women!

Not only is it round and straight, but also snow-white and pink. Although it can't be compared with Shen Tingting's big breasts, it is not inferior to Li Wanng's pepper milk.

Moreover, the ** of Linman tea is extremely small, not only extremely pink, but also has no areola.

The whole chest is clean and full of pure beauty.

Seeing Lin Mancha's beautiful breasts, Xiao Yi couldn't help but shine!

One hand climbed up and directly wrapped the whole milk of Linman tea.

The ultimate feeling in his hand made Xiao Yi tremble all over.

The meat stick under the body directly raised its head ferociously!

After the reinforced meat stick, he directly tore the trousers and struggled fiercely out of the crotch.

Hearing the strange voice, Lin Mancha secretly opened his eyes and took a look, and couldn't help taking a cold breath!

"Hiss!!!" This horrible and ferocious meat stick is simply thicker than her arm!

The ferocious blue veins are like a green dragon, bigger than eggs **, just like a fist!

Looking at the panic in Lin Mancha's eyes, Xiao Yi smiled proudly, kneaded his snow-white and round breasts fiercely, and ordered to Lin Mancha, "Hold my dick with your hand and play with it for me!"

Lin Mancha instinctively stretched out his hand and mechanically held Xiao Yi's **!

Soft and snow-white little hands can't even hold Xiao Yi's **!

The hard and hot feeling made Lin Man's tea look in a trance!

If this fire stick enters your body...

Lin Mancha began to imagine the moment when Xiao Yi's ** inserted into her body!

She felt that her little hole was likely to be torn by Xiao Yi's **!!

The more Lin Mancha thought about it, the more scared she became. She trembled all over and couldn't stop. Looking at Xiao Yi's eyes, she was already full of panic.

"Master...please be gentle with me..."

Lin Mancha flashed with lightning, and he begged pitifully.

Looking at Lin Mancha, who was like a trembling swan in his arms, Xiao Yi not only did not have a trace of pity, but also became more hot in his heart!

He likes this feeling of conquest and **!

He likes to see Lin Mancha's petite and weak body tremble and beg under his big meat stick. Life is not as good as death!

The movement of Xiao Yi's hand became even more fierce.

Lin Mancha's beautiful breasts were kneaded into various shapes by Xiao Yi!

The original snow-white and pink milk is already full of red marks.

Lin Mancha cried in pain, but her body could not move at all. She could only endure it desperately under Xiao Yi's claws.

"Suck it! ~~~"

However, the next moment.

Xiao Yi's hand suddenly separated, and the mouth that was kissing Lin Mancha, shaking his tongue to separate from Lin Mancha's lips, and then licking Lin Mancha's neck, along Lin Mancha's neck, and slowly moved to Lin Mancha's delicate little **!

In a mouthful of pink ** the size of soybeans, Xiao Yi's trembling tongue made Lin Mancha squeak like an electric shock, and his whole body trembled comfortably.

From the pain of being kneaded by Xiao Yi just now, he directly entered a magical comfort.

Lin Mancha felt that his body went straight from hell to heaven.

She has never felt this strong comfort!

"Is this the charm of **?" Lin Mancha was like a messy heart, and a trace of curiosity suddenly flashed.

She remembered the scene when she was a child when she secretly peeked at her father and mother in the living room.

She still remembers that her mother, lying on the sofa, she raised her buttocks like a bitch, revealing her honey hole full of black curly hair in front of her father.

The labia is separated, and there is a black bottomless meat hole inside.

But her father just smiled evilly and gently rubbed her mother's asshole with his own meat stick.

Then, Lin Mancha heard his mother beg her father like a bitch and begged her father to give her the big ** quickly.

The voice of pleading is like crying, impatient, like eating addictive poison, with no dignity and shameless plea.

At that time, she never thought that her mother, who usually smiled so seriously, would have such a humble and shameless side!

At that time, her image of her mother's high-rowering judge was completely shattered.

I even began to fantasize that one day I would be hit by a big dick**!

"Tear it up!!" The sound of tearing came again, which made Lin Mancha wake up from the enjoyment.

He felt that the silk stockings in his lower body had been torn by Xiao Yi rudely and savagely!

A burst of shyness in her heart!

In my own stockings, I wear extremely shameful open crotch**!

"Ah! ~~" Lin Mancha's shameful face turned red. She was so afraid that Xiao Yi would feel that she was a **** woman after seeing her crotch again...

Xiao Yi's fingers gently stroked Lin Mancha's steamed bread**. He never thought that such a petite girl would grow a full and round steamed bun**!


Xiao Yi suddenly raised his eyebrows and directly threw Lin Man tea to **.

Rudely slammed Lin Mancha's snow-white legs.

Lin Mancha wanted to quickly block her honey hole with her hand, and didn't want Xiao Yi to see her shameful pink crotch**...

However, Xiao Yi moved faster and directly slapped Lin Mancha's outstretched hand back!

"**! Don't you wear open crotch pants just to show people? What's the block?

Xiao Yixie looked at Lin Mancha with a smile.

Lin Mancha's snow-white and pink face suddenly became more ruddy, as if there was a good bleeding.

She didn't dare to look at Xiao Yi at all. At this moment, Lin Mancha really wanted to find a hole to get in!

Too shameful! What a shame!

Xiao Yi licked his tongue and looked at the pink steamed bun in the open crotch pants**.

I couldn't help praising: "Beautiful! It's so beautiful! It's just a work of art!"

Lin Mancha's honey hole is very clean. Before coming in, Li Wanning had taken her to wash her body.

In addition, Linman Tea's ** is born without hair.

So at a glance, it is very clean and refreshing.

Even the labia and ** can be clearly seen.

The crystal moist ** is like a stream, snetling out of **, condensing into drops of water, and can also pull out a crystal clear filament.

Xiao Yi leaned up and smelled it. Not only did it have no smell at all, but there was also a faint fragrance of grass!

He couldn't even help licking and sucking the beautiful steamed bun honey hole.

Lin Mancha's ** is so beautiful and charming!

Xiao Yi swallowed gently and slowly stretched out his tongue, as if he were enchanted, and gently licked the steamed bread of Lin Man tea.

"Suck it~~~"

With just one bite, Lin Mancha twitched all over.

Large stocks of water surged out of **.

"Ah! ~~~" As Xiao Yi continued to eat, Lin Mancha wailed desperately like a madman.

"Ah! ~~Ah! ~~Oh! ~~No! ~~It's so itchy...! It's really good there... It's so comfortable...!!! Ah!! Uh-huh...!"

With the sweet water spewing out, Lin Mancha's defense line completely collapsed.

"Don't stop! ~~I...don't stop! ~~~I beg you~~ Come on with your big ** and ** me! ~~Ah! ~~I want it! I want a big dick!"

At this moment, Lin Mancha seemed to have become her own mother in the capital.

Like a bitch, she begged Xiao Yi desperately.

His buttocks were raised high, his hands kneaded his ** crazily, his tongue kept licking, and he made bursts of pleas.

"Master!! ~~~ I want to be your bitch! ~~I want your big **! I want you to stab me to death! **I!! ~~"

Hearing Lin Mancha's plea, Xiao Yi stood up directly and squeezed ** on Lin Mancha's steamed bun**.

Gently rub it and distribute the ** water of Linman tea evenly on your own **!

Although the steamed buns of Linman tea are very fat and beautiful, after all, it is the first time for Linman tea. Xiao Yi is such a huge meat stick, and it is difficult to easily stuff it in without the help of lubrication.

With Xiao Yi's lingering.

Lin Mancha reached ** again, his body was arched high, and the water spewed out wildly.

Directly put Xiao Yi's big meat stick full of fragrance **.

"I didn't expect you to be so coquettish!" Xiao Yi held his hand and held his head high **, gently pressed down, and the huge ** slowly integrated into Lin Mancha's steamed bun **.

A strong feeling of warmth and soft wrapping made Xiao Yi's whole body tremble.

It's exquisite, full, and also very soft!

This feeling makes Xiao Yi crazy!

The egg-sized **, under Xiao Yi's rubbing and Lin Mancha's ** sucking, finally all went into **!

Very tight! Very tight!

Xiao Yi could feel that his ** was wrapped very tightly, and in front, there seemed to be a wall in front of **.

Let Xiao Yi's ** be difficult to enter again!

Xiao Yi's movements are actually very gentle.

Therefore, at this time, Lin Mancha was still immersed in a wonderful sense of comfort, like soaring in the clouds, and his mind began to be confused.

But as Xiao Yi's ** became deeper and deeper, Lin Mancha began to feel a weak sense of tearing!

"Ah! ~~It hurts! ~It hurts!! ~~No!! Don't go in again!! ~~" Lin Mancha began to panic and begged Xiao Yi in fear, "Please, just ** me like this!" If I go in again, I will be torn apart!!"

Xiao Yi was deeply intoxicated by the feeling of being wrapped in tight soft meat. Originally, he just wanted to slowly feel the refreshing feeling of the hymen of Linman tea.

But after hearing Lin Mancha's wailing, Xiao Yi immediately changed his mind.

Looking at Lin Mancha's weak and panicked appearance, the beast lust in Xiao Yi's heart finally broke out!

"Roar!!!!" Xiao Yi roared and straightened his waist!


Blood was squeezed out directly from the honey hole of Linman tea.

Xiao Yi can feel that Lin Mancha's hymen is completely torn apart in front of his thick and savage **!!

Breaking through the restrictions of the hymen, Xiao Yi's ** made an unimpeded advance.

Directly into the honey hole of Linman tea, straight to the uterus of Linman tea!

**, even directly inserted into the womb of Linman tea!

"Ah!!! ~~~~ I'm going to die!! Dead! ~~It was torn!! ~My pussy! ~~~It was torn!! ~~It hurts!! ~~It hurts so much!! ~~"

Lin Mancha's delicate body trembled violently, and the heartbreaking screams resounded throughout the castle!

Even Li Wanning and Shen Tingting, who were peeking outside the ancient castle, were sweating coldly and had lingering throbbing.

The more sad Lin Mancha screamed, the more violent Xiao Yi's movements were.

Pull it out fiercely, and then insert it fiercely. Every time, it is fast and domineering, and every time, it goes straight to the deepest part!

Xiao Yi lay on Lin Mancha's body violently **, pressed Lin Mancha's petite body under the strong body, and pinched Lin Mancha's ** with both hands, kneading desperately, kneading crazily!!

Lin Mancha is like a little swan in a storm, being enjoyed by the storm.

Even if you try your best to scream for mercy, it won't help at all.

Xiao Yi fucked wildly for nearly an hour. Lin Mancha was sweating profusely, her voice was hoarse, her whole body was red, and she looked a little dying.

But Xiao Yi is still not enough!!!


Xiao Yi directly picked up Lin Mancha, who was exhausted and paralyzed. He stood up fiercely and directly snok the whole meat stick into Lin Mancha's **!

This posture is even more fierce! The depth of insertion is also deeper!!

Lin Mancha's hoarse voice remembered again. Under the heartbreaking howl, the ** in ** gushed out with blood!!

Xiao Yi pinched Lin Mancha's buttocks with both hands, and then marched forward crazily!!!



The loud sneer and the sound of hitting the buttocks resounded throughout the room.

After rushing for half an hour, Xiao Yi finally roared.

The turbulent semen spewed out and directly into the uterus of Linman tea. After stuffing the uterus, it gushed out with the **** water of Linman tea!

The hot semen made Lin Mancha, who had been in a coma, moan painfully and contentedly again...