
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Four

Xiao Yi tied the cloth bag to his body, and then picked up the knife and waved it twice.

It's a little difficult, but it can still be controlled. Xiao Yi estimated that there is no problem for him to cut it more than a dozen times, but no matter how much it is, his physical strength will definitely not be able to stand it.

After touching a dry stomach, Xiao Yi felt that she was not waiting for me. Now she must find a way to collect corpses and food!

"Open the door!" Xiao Yi shouted at the gate, and the thick iron gate slowly opened.

Outside the city gate, several student zombies who were swimming ** were shocked by the sound of the city gate and rushed towards the gate where Xiao Yi was located.

Xiao Yi held the knife in his hand, held his breath and counted the numbers silently.

"One...two...three...four..." It was not until the four zombies rushed in that Xiao Yi ordered the gate to be closed.

These zombies are the lowest stage of living corpses, only the instinct of thirst for flesh and blood, and their movement speed is about the same as that of normal people.

Looking at the four zombies rushing over, Xiao Yi roared and waved his sword and cut it fiercely...

In less than five minutes, Xiao Yi had killed four zombies. Although he was a little injured, it was not a big deal.

Looking at the corpse lying on the ground, Xiao Yi felt like a different world. These people were his classmates a few days ago, but now they have become dead bodies under his knife.

Dragging the body of a zombie to the tomb, Xiao Yi threw the body directly into the bottomless tomb.

On the stone tablet of the tomb, a line of red numbers suddenly appeared.

[Zombies are being buried...]

[Expected time: 1 hour...]

Does it take an hour to bury a zombie?

Looking at the words on the tombstone, Xiao Yi couldn't help frowning and walked back to the lounge and lay down.

The battle just now consumed a lot of his physical strength, and he suffered two injuries. He could just recuperate in the lounge when he was free to bury the body.

Time passed quickly, the wounds on Xiao Yi's arms and back had healed, and a systematic prompt came to his mind:

"Ding-dong! The body is buried!"

"Add 3 doomsday coins."

"Get 2 physical attributes."

"The primary tomb has been emptied. Please bury it again."

The electronic synthesis sound falls. Xiao Yi only felt a hot current sweeping through his body, as if every bone, meridian and cell had been nourished. Even the world seen by his eyes was a little clearer, but this feeling only flashed away, and soon Xiao Yi returned to normal.

Is this the improvement of physique?

Xiao Yi stood up and went out and lost a zombie in the tomb.

After four hours, all four zombies were finally buried.

Feeling the changes in his body, Xiao Yi meditated in the bottom of his heart: "System, call out my physical attributes."

[Name of the City of Sin (Beginner) Lord: Xiao Yi]

[Gender: Male]

[Physique: 72]

[Spirit: 60]

[Power: 68]

[Endurance: 63]

[Agility: 62]

(The average of adult males is 60)

[Skills: None]

[Item: Knife of Evil (Primary) Space Package (Primary)]

[Doomsday Coin: 14]

"My physique and strength have improved. My current physique should be comparable to that of a national third-class athlete. It's just that in this end of the world, it's not enough!"

Xiao Yi stood up and looked at the sky.

It was already noon, and the fierce sun made the zombies much more lazy. Most of the zombies began to move closer to the shade, and there were not many zombies on the playground.

Taking this opportunity, I can just go to the grocery store across the street to get some food and water through the playground.

I now have the City of Sin. In the city, my safety can naturally be guaranteed, but food and water are urgently needed supplies.

Hunger and thirst have made Xiao Yi feel dizzy.

"Open the door!" Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice and rushed to the commissary opposite when the gate opened.

At this time, there were only three zombies in the commissary who were wandering aimlessly. One head, Xiao Yi knew, was the calculating boss's wife of the commissary, and the other two should be students before their lifetime.

Xiao Yi rushed into the commissary. Before the three zombies could react, Xiao Yi suddenly waved the evil knife in his hand and killed all three zombies.

Regardless of the zombie corpse on the ground, Xiao Yi hurriedly opened the space package and stuffed the snacks and water on the container into it.

After all, the movement was too loud, and several zombies who were swimming not far away also noticed the movement of the commissary and began to slowly sway towards the commissary.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly and wrapped the three zombie bodies on the ground into the space. He was about to rush back, but found that there was suddenly a strange zombie at the gate of the City of Sin.

This zombie is different from other zombies. This zombie's body is obviously much more burly, and it has been trying to hit the gate of the city of sin.