
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Five

Xiao Yi, the zombie, also knows him. He is the captain of the school fitness guild. He usually likes fitness and weightlifting. He is burly and strong.

But after this guy became a zombie, he was more burly and strong, and seemed to have endless strength.

"Can a person with a special constitution in his life be strengthened after becoming a zombie?" Xiao Yi thought about it and was a little shocked.

But it's too late to think about it. The zombies around him have gathered more and more. He must return to the city immediately!

After tying up the space package, Xiao Yi clenched the knife of evil and rushed to the gate of the city.

After cutting down two blocked zombies one after another, Xiao Yi finally rushed to the gate.

And the burly zombie also noticed Xiao Yi at this time. The blood-filled white eyes stared straight at Xiao Yi, and then roared up.

Hiss!! Roar!!!!

The speed of this zombie is obviously much faster than that of ordinary zombies!

And it is much stronger than strength!

In the face of the strong enemy, Xiao Yi was not nervous at all, but took a step back with his left leg and held the big knife in his hand.

He wants to seize the opportunity!

The best time to cut a fatal knife!

Five meters...

Three meters...

One meter...

That's the time!


Xiao Yi roared and cut down the burly zombie with a fierce knife!

Black blood splashed everywhere, and the head of the burly zombie fell to the ground.

The body of the burly zombie still maintained inertia and hit Xiao Yi's body straight.

Xiao Yi was knocked out by the headless corpse and turned his head over the lawn.

Ho-ho... Ho-H-H-H...

Er... er, er...

More and more zombies are getting closer and closer!

It is constantly gathering slowly towards him!

Xiao Yi bit his lip fiercely, dissipating the dizziness in his brain, and turned over to put away the body of the burly zombie.

"Open the door!" Several zombies that chased up were cut down one after another. Xiao Yi didn't have time to put away the body and rushed into the gate.

Looking at the gate slowly closing, Xiao Yi still had some lingering throbbing in his heart!

If there are more zombies like the burly zombies, with their current strength, they are likely to be folded out!

It seems that I am still too weak!

Taking out a bottle of beer from the space package, Xiao Yi took a few sips of himself fiercely.

He gasped for a while before he calmed himself.

"Different zombie corpses, I don't know if they will have a different effect!" Xiao Yi took a look at the headless body thrown aside, endured the hunger in his stomach, and threw the body of the burly zombie into the tomb.

[The body is being buried]

[Expected time: 2 hours]


Double the time required for ordinary zombie burial!

Sure enough, it's still a little different!

I hope that there will be more attribute points and doomsday coins at that time!

Xiao Yi leaned on the tombstone and rested for a while, and then poured out all the food and drinks from the space package.

The open space was suddenly covered with snacks and drinks.

Of course, there are also three very strange headless bodies.

Xiao Yi casually picked a bag of beef jerky and a bottle of Red Bull and devoured it.

At the end of the world, many people are suffering from hunger and thirst, but he can squander food and water to his heart's content.

Chocolate, beef sticks, chicken feet with pickled peppers, Snickers, potato chips, ham sausage, Red Bull, Wang Laoji, mineral water...

These snacks that I usually are reluctant to buy and eat are all kinds of snacks!

This is actually a kind of enjoyment!

Xiao Yimei burped and basked in the sun, and her whole body was a little lazy.

Although this kind of life is quite good, it always makes him feel that something is missing.

What's the matter with the warmth?

Xiao Yi thought of the goddess he had been secretly in love with for three years. I don't know if she survived at this time.

Maybe I should go to her?

Maybe she is still alive?

Maybe you can save her and live with her?

No! Maybe we don't live together.

Instead, let her become her slave!

It's different now, and I don't need to fall in love with you anymore.

If she is still alive.

She is no longer a goddess of high.

It's a little girl who is struggling to die in the end of the world!

Academic performance, money, status...

In this end of the world, these are not bullshit!

He has food, water, a safe place to live, and a strong body. This is everything in this end of the world!

Just as Xiao Yi fell asleep, a shout came from a girl's dormitory not far away...

"Hey! That classmate! Can you come and save us?" A crisp girl came from afar. Although it was a little weak, it still attracted Xiao Yi's attention.

Xiao Yi looked up in the direction of the girls' dormitory.

At a window on the third floor, two girls with long hair were beckoning to them.

Save, or not?

Xiao Yi stood up and looked carefully at the two girls calling for help at the window.

With the physical bonus, I can clearly see the general appearance of the two girls.

He looks pretty good...

If they were in the original environment, they might not even look at themselves, right?

Maybe you can think about saving them to your own sinful city.

There was a trace of evil curvature in the corners of Xiao Yi's mouth...