
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Fifty Three

The driver was also sweaty at this time, but he was a professional bodyguard, and his mental quality was still very good. He took a look at Ma Chenbin. The young master of the Ma family, who had always been afraid of the world, the boss of the Jiangcheng Prince Gang, was scared to pee in his pants at this moment.

The driver's eyes twitched. Looking at Ma Chenbin's appearance, he was a little contemptuous.

If it hadn't been for Ma Chenbin's powerful father, such a stupid second ancestor would have died long ago!

It was because this fool provoked a demon that he brought them to extinction!

They could have lived well in the end of the world!

At the urging of Ma Chenbin, the driver slammed on the accelerator again and rushed left and right to rush through the siege of the zombies.

But all this is in vain.

No matter how he stepped on the accelerator, he could no longer move forward in the zombies.

Outside the window, a ferocious zombie kept patting the window.

The whole body kept bumping because it was beaten by zombies.

And Ma Chenbin, who was beside him, howled in horror and madness.

There was a smell of urine in the whole carriage.

"Bang!!" There was a loud noise, followed by the sound of metal cracking.

The driver looked back in despair, and the perverted armored vehicle had indeed caught up.

The modified pickup truck following behind has already been half pressed under the body of the armored vehicle.

Ma Chenbin also looked behind him in horror, and his whole body trembled violently.

However, they saw the perverted armored car suddenly stop, and then a young man with a long-handled sword with a blue flame suddenly crawled out of the roof.

The zombies around the armored car, at the moment they saw the young man, seemed to have instinctive fear, and consciously began to form a five- or six-meter vacuum around him.

"Damn it! Who the hell is this guy?! The zombies are afraid of him?!!"

Ma Chenbin was frightened to find that this mysterious young man could make the zombies feel instinctively afraid!

"What kind of existence did we provoke? Is this a human or a devil? The driver wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said with difficulty.

They have now lost any courage to resist.

Then, they saw the demon young man who was afraid of the zombies jumping off the armored car and stabbed the tattooed muscle man to death through the windshield of the SUV.

Then he split the door with a knife, easily carried out the unconscious silver-haired girl with one hand, and then opened the back compartment of the armored car and threw the girl in.

"He's alive!" The driver said in horror, "What does this devil keep alive?"

"What are you going to do about the horse! It's better to be alive than to die!" Ma Chenbin seemed to see hope and shouted at Xiao Yi's direction: "I want to surrender!" I'm willing to surrender!"

Xiao Yi slowly walked to the off-road vehicle where Ma Chenbin was with the knife of sin, and the blue flame of the knife of evil swallowed uncertainly.

The zombies around the off-road vehicle also began to retreat slowly when Xiao Yi approached slowly.

Xiao Yi raised the knife of evil in his hand and cut it heavily against the front windshield of the off-road vehicle...

Blood splashed everywhere, and Ma Chenbin only felt that his head and face were covered with hot blood.

Then, he was swallowed up by fear and completely lost consciousness.

When Ma Chenbin woke up again, he found that he was in a dungeon, with his hands and feet tied to a cross-shaped wooden frame.

The dungeon is very narrow, not only very dark, but also very humid.

There seemed to be something evil in the air, which made Ma Chenbin feel a burst of colic pain every time he breathed.

This feeling is like being drilled into the body by countless ants and constantly eating back and forth.

"Uh...ah!! What the hell is this horse?!" Ma Chenbin wailed in pain.

"Brother! Help me!" A girl's weak voice came from the side. Ma Chenbin turned his head and found that his sister was also tied to the cross, and her whole body was shaking involuntarily, as if she was suffering great pain.

"Are you finally awake?" An evil figure slowly came out of the darkness with a whip.

This person is naturally Xiao Yi.

And this dungeon is also a slave cage just built by Xiao Yi.

[Slave's prison: It covers an area of 50 square meters, occupies underground space, and does not conflict with other ground buildings. Slaves who make mistakes and need to be punished can be detained in prison. Once slaves enter the prison, they will always suffer painful torture. Price: 50 doomsday coins.]

With only 50 doomsday coins, a dungeon can be built without occupying the space of Sin City, and the slaves in prison can always be in pain.

This cost performance makes Xiao Yi very satisfied.

"Who are you? How many people are still in your gathering place? Where is your gathering place?

Xiao Yi's face flickered in the candlelight, like a demon from purgatory.