
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Fifty Four

"Brother! Don't tell him! The devil found our shelter, and everyone inside would die!" The silver-haired girl beside her screamed in a trembling voice.

Without saying a word, Xiao Yi beat the silver-haired girl with a whip fiercely.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The feeling of the salt-stained iron whip hitting the body made Xiao Yi enjoy it very much.

"Ah!!!!!" The silver-haired girl let out a heartbreaking howl.

Both mentally and physically, they are suffering from unspeakable pain.

But the silver-haired girl was surprisingly backbone. She gritted her teeth and roared: "Kill me! Even if you torture us to death, we won't tell you anything!!"

Xiao Yi grinned and turned to Ma Chenbin, who had peed on his trousers again, and asked, "The leader of this human survivor, is the beautiful woman next to you true?"

Ma Chenbin stared at Xiao Yi in horror with wide eyes and shouted in a hiss, "I said! I say everything! Don't hit me!"

"Brother!! What are you talking about?!!! Let this demon know our shelter, and our parents will be in danger!! This demon will never let everyone go! Are you crazy?!"

The silver-haired girl shouted angrily at Ma Chenbin, "Do you want to kill your parents and everyone?"

Xiao Yi grinned again, took out a soldering iron from the brazier next to her, and gently pressed it on the silver-haired girl's snow-white skin.

"Sneer~~~~~", accompanied by a heartbreaking scream of the silver-haired girl, the air was instantly full of the smell of barbecue.

I didn't expect that this girl who looks like a bad girl has a sense of justice.

"Are you brothers and sisters? Is it your own? Xiao Yi went to Ma Chenbin, took a new shard iron, and looked up and down at Ma Chenbin, who was shaking like a sieve, as if he was looking for a place to start.

Finally, Xiao Yi fixed his eyes on Ma Chenbin's most critical position for men.

He shuddered when he was looked at by Xiao Yi's eyes. Ma Chenbin shouted in a hoarse voice, "Yes!! Yes!! I'll explain everything! I say everything!! We are brothers and sisters!! My sister's name is Ma Beili!! My father is Ma Gang!!"

Perhaps he was afraid that the answer would be slow and Xiao Yi would also give it to him. Ma Chenbin poured beans and shouted without hesitation, "Please don't press me with that thing!" I say everything! I'll say everything!"

"Ma Gang? Xiao Yi frowned slightly. The name is a little familiar!" Xiao Yi said to himself, and suddenly couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau!" Ma Chenbin hurriedly reminded him.

Xiao Yi remembered it now.

"Hey hey! Boy, you're not a little at it! No wonder there are so many guns and ammunition, and so many mans. Xiao Yi patted Ma Chenbin's pale face: "Tell me about your shelter!"

"Our refuge is in Lily New Town! There are still about hundreds of survivors, most of whom are former residents, and a few of them are from our prince's gang. Ma Chenbin said one hundred and fifty-one.

"Lily New Town?" Xiao Yi's eyes lit up slightly: "Is it the only golf villa area in Jiangcheng?"

Xiao Yi still has some impression of this lily new city villa area in Jiangcheng City.

What is a golf villa area?

That means it occupies a very large area! The greenery is super good, with mountains and water, and pleasant scenery, which is comparable to tourist attractions.

Moreover, a villa has more than 400 square meters, and its appearance is extremely luxurious!

At the same time, the guards of this villa area are very strict!

Except for the residents inside, it is impossible for outsiders to enter without permission.

Not to mention that, it is said that except for the high walls outside the villa area, each villa inside has a separate fence!

It's like a private manor!

Similarly, the house price in this villa area is also very amazing!

More than 90,000 soft girl coins per square meter!


What kind of concept is this?

The worst and cheapest villa here is more than 40 million!

Xiao Yi had calculated before that if the ordinary working class wants to buy the cheapest villa in it, they need to eat, drink and spend money, and work hard for four or five hundred years before they can buy such a villa!

Of course, with Ma Chenbin's family background, it is definitely not a problem to buy a better villa in it.

So in this kind of villa area, people who live in it are rich or noble!

Because ordinary people can't afford it at all!

"Yes... Some people say that this is the only golf villa area in Jiangcheng City... Because the residents here are scarce and well guarded, each building has a separate guardrail, and the drinking water of the people here is specially treated, so when the end of the world broke out, Lily New City became a pure land." Ma Chenbin explained everything in detail. He was afraid that he would make Xiao Yi unhappy and give him a few moves.