
Chapter 51 The Truth

Lily and her master still had great expectations of the social order. They thought that if they had identification, they could leave easily.

But Harry didn't agree with them.

"Nowadays, do you think a police ID can take us away safely?"

Hearing his question, Lily was unsure. "It should be fine. The people guarding the bridge are the army, if they are there, the government is still there. They can't shoot the living people, right?"

Harry smiled bitterly when he heard Lily's innocent words, "You also said should. We have more than a dozen people here. We can't gamble!"

Lily fell into silence. She didn't blame Harry for his honesty. After all, he built the team. She could see how much Harry cared about his members.

"It's better to make a plan than to guess. Have you found any important information, Harry?"

Harry nodded, "Alpha Dog, transfer the video data to this tablet!"

Harry pointed at the tablet in Lea's hand.

Ten seconds later, Lea received a video. It was the battle on the Cross Bridge.

The crowd gathered quickly.

The bullets and cannonballs were everywhere, looking extremely dangerous.

Everyone quietly watched the fierce battle, and their faces gradually turned pale.

On the screen, countless cannonballs exploded, smashing zombies into pieces.

On the side of the military camp, a policeman with his family drove to the bridge, took out his police ID card, and wanted to leave.

But the man guarding the bridge was very tough and didn't allow anyone to cross the bridge without inspection.

Seeing the zombies getting closer and closer, the daughter of the policeman was scared to cry. The policeman lost himself and tried to break in.

Seeing this, the shivering crowd in the corner plucked up the courage to fight. More than one hundred civilians followed the police car and wanted to rush out.

Unexpectedly, the military officer didn't hesitate and immediately ordered to fire.

Numerous bullets fell like rain. With a whine, all the people who tried to break through were knocked down.

A military officer came out and shouted angrily,

"If anyone tries to break through again, I'll kill him immediately!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the monitor was hit by a bullet and the screen went dark.

Everyone was stunned, especially Lily and Mr. Li.

As the senior inspectors, they couldn't believe that the army would shoot the unarmed civilians. Isn't their mission to protect the people?

At this moment, the faith that they had persisted for so long was gradually collapsing.

Harry put away the tablet and comforted them, "Now the world is in turmoil and the order is broken. The military has no choice but to guard the bridge and prevent any infected person from escaping. There is nothing they can do."

Hearing his comfort, the two finally calmed down.

Biting her lips, Lily thought for a long time and finally nodded.

"I understand. We will learn to accept this!"

"All right, all right. Don't be so serious. Let's talk about what we should do next. What do you think, Harry?"

Harry clenched his fists and seemed to have made up his mind. "I've decided to spread the truth and let everyone know that the disaster is coming!"

"Haven't everyone known about it?" Lily sighed. She thought of the desperate survivors she had met these days.

"Lily, before we met you, we found a radio and heard some news. The expert told people that this is only a rabies pandemic, not zombie virus."

Lea said seriously. Then she turned to Harry, "But, Harry, if you tell the truth, I'm afraid it will affect the stability. Have you ever thought about how much impact it will bring?"

Lily also attached great importance to this problem and stared at Harry.

Harry sighed and pointed at the tablet: "You have all seen the situation at the end of the bridge. I guess it's no different on other major roads. Do you think in the face of the military, how can we get out?"

"We can't!" Lea said firmly.

No matter how powerful the armored cars were, they couldn't withstand the cannonball! When dealing with zombies, the military had used a lot of heavy weapons. The cannonballs would easily blow their cars into pieces.

"Yes, even our team can't break through the bridge, let alone ordinary people. As you saw, people who haven't been examined won't be allowed to leave. But there are tens of millions of people in the city, it may take years for them to be checked. But the zombies are increasing day by day. What will they do if the army can't withstand the zombies?"

Everyone was silent, and Lily lowered her head with a pale face. As a police officer, she knew better than ordinary people. Once the situation was out of control, the army would use destructive weapons to cut off the zombie virus. The city would be ruined.

Seeing their expressions, Harry knew that they had understood, so he continued, "From the current situation, it's difficult for us to get out. We must protect ourselves first. I will spread the truth, exposing the lie and make people alert."

"In this way, people outside will realize whether they can survive or not is up to themselves. And they will find a way to survive. Then people will start to build camps and form teams to resist zombies. In this way, the chances of living will increase. The more people alive, the fewer zombies will be, and the army will face less pressure."

"If we share the pressure, the army won't flatten the city. Then, we can be safer, too."

"Good idea!" Lily agreed with Harry.

Harry smiled, "Of course. If we do so, it will undoubtedly tear apart the official cover. We will be regarded as a thorn in the flesh. So, we must be careful. It's better to stay low-key so that the official will ignore us."

Lea frowned and said, "Harry, are you implying something?"

Harry shrugged and said, "Ha-ha, you're so smart. If I'm not wrong, the army must have noticed the mess we made in the city!"

Lily was stunned and slapped her thigh, "You caused the explosion in the city center three days ago!"

Harry chuckled and nodded proudly, "Yes! We blew up 5,000 zombies! But don't worry. Before the explosion, I've checked with Alpha Dog that there were no people around. Although I'm ruthless, I won't hurt innocent people!"