
Chapter 50 The Cross Bridge Fight

The next day, Harry woke up early. Ever since he took the nerve drink, he had remained very energetic. He only needed to sleep for a few hours to keep awake.

Seeing that everyone was sleeping soundly, Harry didn't disturb them and went out.

Through the window of the corridor, Harry saw a bridge in the distance.

That was Harry's destination the Cross Bridge!

The city had been completely occupied by zombies. Even Harry and his team couldn't resist so many zombies. They had to escape from this city. And this bridge was their only way.

Stretching herself, Harry suddenly smelled a strange scent from his body. He thought carefully and found that he hadn't taken a shower for several days.

In the past few days, Harry had been battling with the zombies all the time. Although his body had been strengthened and he didn't feel tired after a fierce battle, he still had to sweat. It would be strange if he didn't stink without taking a shower for a few days.

Now that everyone was still sleeping, he decided to take a shower. He didn't want the military to notice his smell when they crossed the bridge. It would be troublesome if he smelled worse than a zombie.

After making up his mind, Harry whistled and walked into the bathroom.

Although it was dark everywhere, he could still see everything clearly with his Eagles Eyes.

It was clean. After the zombie disaster broke out, all the people here had been evacuated. Few zombies remained and no large-scale battle was made.

Harry was in a good mood. He stripped himself naked and washed under the tap.

But when he was washing, he suddenly saw a pair of sports shorts on the edge of the basin.

Harry had a good memory and recognized that the shorts were Lily's. Yesterday, she wore these shorts and went to search for materials with him. After the search, Lily was sweating all over. Wasn't she showering here?

All girls liked to be clean. Perhaps she threw away the shorts because it was stained with zombie blood.

Looking at the shorts, Harry thought of Lily's plump buttocks. Yesterday when she went upstairs, he had peeped at her with Eagle Eyes.

Harry was only twenty-four years old now, a hot-blooded young man. With such a beauty in front of him, he immediately felt hot and got harder and harder.

He hurriedly fetched a basin of cold water and poured it on his head to suppress the evil fire.

"No, no, No. I already have Lea. How can I fall in love with Lily?" He kept asking himself in his heart.

At this moment, a deafening explosion came from outside.

Harry was taken aback. He put on a pair of shorts and ran out without thinking too much.

Through the window, Harry saw smoke and gunpowder surrounding the Cross Bridge. There were explosions and gunshots everywhere as if a battle broke out.

At this moment, a fierce battle was indeed going on at the end of the bridge.

Hundreds of soldiers squatted down in the camp, shooting with their machine guns. Behind them, the sound of the cannons did not stop. Cannonballs constantly flew across the sky and exploded in the distance.

In the light of the fire, countless zombies howled. Their roars were like the cries of hell, constantly stimulating the nerves of the soldiers.

They had been guarding the bridge for three days. They not only had to endure exhaustion, but also the attack of zombies. If it weren't for their training, they might have collapsed and gone crazy like normal people.

"Hold on! Even if we have only a soldier, we can't lose!" A military officer was standing in the front line of the camp. While shooting, he shouted with his hoarse voice.

Encouraged by him, the soldiers fought more bravely and finally eliminated the zombies.

Harry stood by the window and didn't feel relieved until the gunfire subsided.

What a terrible battle! The gunshots were roaring like thunder, and the bullets were as dense as rain. With such strong firepower, it took more than ten minutes to end the battle. It seemed that the zombies were far stronger than Harry's expectation.

"What happened?" Lea and Lily came from behind. They were also alarmed by the gunshots outside, so they ran over to have a look.

Harry looked at the two and shook his head. "It should be the military and the zombies. They are powerful, so it shouldn't be a problem for a while. Why are you out? Are you all right?"

Lea shook her head and said, "We're fine. I was just shocked. Ross and others are comforting the team. We were awakened by the gunshots and found that you were not there, so we ran out to have a look."

"Well, as long as you are fine!" Harry breathed a sigh of relief. But the next moment, he blushed.

Lea and Lily woke up suddenly and found that Harry was gone. They rushed out to check the situation, so they didn't have time to change their clothes. They were wearing silk pajamas, which were very transparent. Harry, who had Eagle Eyes, saw their bodies.

Under the silk nightgown, the two beauties only had some fitting underwear. Each of them had a distinctive figure, like the temptation of a devil, constantly seducing Harry's evil fire.

Harry couldn't control his instinct, and a hot stream rushed to his lower abdomen.

Harry hurriedly turned back: "Well, there's nothing here. You can go back. There's still an hour left before dawn. Take a good rest. We are going to pass the bridge tomorrow!"

The two understood what was going on when they saw Harry's embarrassed look. They had all used Eagle Eyes and knew that it could see through the darkness. The two were dressed so sexily that Harry saw them through. Feeling a little shy, they ran back.

After running for a long time, they finally burst into laughter.

They were not inexperienced girls and began to tease Harry at once.

"Harry was not small!" Lea chuckled.

"You are such a lascivious woman. You look at men's parts. To be honest, do you like Harry?"

Lea just wanted to make a joke to ease the awkwardness, but Lily caught her. Lea was no shy girl. She immediately retorted, "What's are you talking about? Who left secretly last night and came back to sleep after two hours? I don't know you went out with who!"

Lily blushed and pinched Lea's waist. "You! How dare you flirt with me! I'll teach you a lesson!"

Watching the two leave, Harry suddenly became serious.

"Alpha Dog, search the surveillance information at the end of the bridge half an hour ago!"

After a long time, Harry didn't come back until Gary had made breakfast.

The two girls burst into laughter again when they saw Harry. But Harry didn't seem to be in the mood to tease them. He sat down with a serious look.

"An hour ago, there was a fight at the bridge. I guess the army and the zombies had a battle. As far as I'm concerned, the army is guarding all the major roads in the city. With the battle just now, it might not be so easy for us to get out of the city!"

When it came to business, everyone became serious.

Lily and Li looked at each other.

"We are the inspector of Riverside City. If we show them our ID cards, they may let us go!"

Then Lily took out her ID card.