
Doomed to be Yours

Bethany was one of those famous writers who deemed to never let anyone that was close to her know about any of her works, as she had never wished to hear any criticism from any of them. When her older sister asked her to attend an important meeting in her stead, it never occurred to Bethany that it was about a convenient marriage. Unbeknownst to her, the person with whom her older sister was arranged was her editor, Will Richard Brown. It was this man whom Bethany had wanted to meet last, as she had always ignored all of his calls and purposely lied about her condition just to escape from her duties at work as a writer. But now that Richard had met her, there was not a single chance that he would let her run away from her job anymore. He was willing to use any means just to make her meet her deadlines, even if that meant becoming her reference model for her latest novel. Is it possible for romance to flourish between a writer and her editor? Or would things just always mean "business"?

yojan_francheska · Urban
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11 Chs

A Writer's Life

He pulled her into an embrace. She was trapped in between his muscled arms, and she could hear his slow breathing as it caused her heart to beat in the most abnormal way. Her hand has ached to caress his body, but she is scared of rejection and also to hear from his mouth that he does not want her to lay hands on him. Although the big question was, doesn't hugging her mean that he was having physical contact with her? Could it be that his feelings for her might have changed?

...And that's it for tonight! I have already typed in almost seven thousand words for this chapter, and I believe that I deserve some shut-eye considering that it is almost six in the morning. I have pulled another all-nighter. I wonder when this is all going to end. I want to be able to get enough sleep!

I heard a knock on the door, and I knew it was my mom, but I was too tired to answer, so I closed my eyes. She must have thought that I was sleeping as I heard footsteps fading away slowly. She must have come here to tell me to have breakfast, but honestly, I'd rather have even just four hours of sleep than eat right now. It's what I really need at this moment, as I've got to be up all night again tonight to finish my manuscript.

I never imagined that it'd be this hard to become a writer—there are deadlines, revisions, and so much more. I'd only written one novel, and it was my luck that it got noticed and was published in physical copy. Now, though, this publisher has made me sign a contract with them, which explains why my life has been a living hell since. Well, it was also my fault for not reading the contract carefully; I was not aware of the conditions and other things about being a contracted author. I am currently working on my second novel; however, it's gotten so hard for me to write all of a sudden. It was like, I've lost all my will and inspiration, even though it's what I love to do most.

I had been ignoring my editor's calls and text messages. It was a relief that he did not know where I live; if he had, then he was for sure going to come here and force me to finish my manuscript in one sitting. I'm certain that he was losing almost all of his hair because of me; if not, it had all turned gray.

"Bethany! Bethany! Bethany!"

Just when I thought that I'd be able to enjoy sleeping, there goes my sister, who is screaming out my name inside the house. She had started knocking on my door relentlessly, as if she were that enormous green monster in the movies. Furious, I got off my bed and opened the door, revealing my dolled-up elder sister. She grabbed my hands and pushed me back inside my bedroom. I groaned and jerked my hands back.

"What the hell do you want? If you didn't know, I've only finished doing my job and have finally gotten the time to rest."

"I need your help!" I covered my whole self up with the blanket, but my sister yanked it off again. "Listen to me! Mom and dad! They want me to get married!"

I rolled my eyes. "Go get married then!"

"You don't understand!" She pulled me by the arms as I sat up; my eyes were closed and my mouth agape. "I can't get married! I don't even want to! That's why I need your help! I need you to pretend to be me!" I scratched my head with a grunt. I wanted to cry, and yet there were no tears falling from my eyes. I wanted to sleep so bad!

Akisha combed my hair with her fingers as she smiled at me. "There's no need for you to worry, Beth; we're twins. They'd never suspect a thing. All you have to do is go there and make that man dissatisfied with you. You've got to make him not like you! Please, I need your help! Just this once!"

"Fine!" I heard her cheer in joy when I answered that. "What time is this meeting?"

"Ten minutes from now."

My eyes got wide and big. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Akisha shook her head with a giggle. She stood up from my bed, walked near my wardrobe, and opened it. I could hear her release a deep breath; perhaps she was disappointed because there wasn't anything in there that was her style. Well, duh, she likes short dresses, and I don't!

Akisha brought out a light blue dress—it was flowy, and I suppose it rests right above the knee. I've never worn this one before. It was Mom's gift to me when she learned that I'd made some profit just from writing. It made me happy that my family was supportive of me and my dream, but my sister was the only one who caused me endless troubles. She proceeded with picking the perfect shoes for the dress and settled on my white sneakers, and lastly, a purse of the same color as the footwear. This outfit looked good, but it does not give off the aura that it was for an arranged marriage meeting; then I remembered that she's done this on purpose. She did say that I've got to make that man dislike me.

Akisha forced me to shower even though I did not want to; this sister of mine is going to be the death of me, and I am very sure of it. She dried my hair with the dryer and put on some light make-up on my face. The final look was amazing, I have to say. It was times like this that I could see we truly are identical twins; there is not an angle from which we do not look alike.

"My baby sister!" Akisha exclaimed and got me up on my feet. She squeezed my cheeks. "You look so cute! Oh my gosh! It always amazes me how you look so good whenever I put make-up on you!" Her eyes turned down to her phone that was resting on the mattress in the room, and she gasped. "Anyway! We have to go! I trust you, Beth!"

The place where my parents and the man with whom my sister was going to get engaged were waiting was not too far from her office. Although it was far from her image, Akisha was honestly the manager of the hotel, which was our Mom's property. You could say that we're pretty well off and that my future is already secured, so I wouldn't need to worry about it. But my parents would have stitched my lips together if they heard me talk like that.

"Oh, she's here! Aki!" I heard my mother's voice, and my head turned in the direction of it. There she was sitting beside my father, and across from them was the man who they wanted my sister, Akisha, to marry. However, my mother was not fooled by the make-up on my face; she knew it was not Akisha who was standing in front of her. Her eyes had a glare in them, but still, she told me to sit down.

My head slowly rose to look at whoever the person was that my sister was trying to get rid of, and I fell off the seat when I saw his face. My heart has started to beat twice as fast.

"Are you alright, Miss Kim?" he asked, worried that I might have gotten hurt from the fall. I got a close-up view of him—bleached hair, grayish eyes, tall nose—this can't be. Of all people, my sister had to be married to him.

"Be—Akisha! Are you okay?" My heart almost stopped when my mother almost said my name. I'm done for if this man across from me ever heard that it was Lala Bethany Kim who was sitting in front of him.

I was breaking into a cold sweat, and my hands were sweaty. I've ignored all of his calls and messages; I've lied about having been confined in the hospital; and I've told him that my father was already bedridden. I had done all these terrible things because I could not meet my deadline and send him my manuscript. But now... Will Richard Brown is in the very same room as me. He is my editor.

"Pardon my rudeness, Miss Kim; I did not mean to hold your hand on our first meeting. It's just that you've fallen and I wanted to help."

My head stayed low. I could not look up at him. I was afraid that he'd recognize me, even though he might not know how I look. My nervousness might show on my face, so I must not make any eye contact with him.

"I'm going to the bathroom for a while." I chuckled and looked at my parents. "I've been holding it in, and I can't anymore. I'll be right back."

The cold water splashed in my face as I gasped out loud. I began to pace back and forth inside the women's bathroom, distressed and in panic. The make-up cover was the least of my concerns; I was thinking of how I could get out of this place quickly! I can never let him know I am author Lala K.!

"So it was you." A deep voice made me jump as soon as I exited the restroom. It was Mr. Brown. "Author Lala K."

My lips trembled, and my hands began to shake. I hid them behind me. How did he know? Did my parents tell him?

"Do you think I wouldn't have known? Your parents have shown me a photo of Miss Akisha; your sister's got a mole under her left eye, and you don't. You're an imposter." He started walking towards me while I backed away.

"Why have you been ignoring my calls? Why were you not responding to my messages? Why have you told all those lies? I believe I deserve an explanation, Miss Kim. You think so, too, right?"

I'm so screwed.