
doomday in marvel

Lu Yuan was originally just a normal ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became a day of destruction with a splendid reputation in the DC universe. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by the dead body of Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Lu Yuan became one of the doomsdays after just passing through, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? “Isn’t this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be God.

oni_Wolf · Movies
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I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years Chapter 24:

Tony, on the other hand, has been busy improving his suit recently.

It is said that Tony has developed a new version, which can be disguised with a suitcase, which looks like an ordinary suitcase, but in case of emergencies, it can be put on in a flash.

"But for the sake of lightness and convenience, the armor of the battle suit will be thinner than before, including insufficient energy," Tony is worried about this.

Now Tony is no longer putting the Ark reactor on his body, but inlaying it on the battle suit.

In this way, although the suitcase suit is easy to carry, it is also the weakest suit overall.

"By the way, I also designed a suit for you, as a thank you," Tony said suddenly.

Lu Yuan turned his head to look, a special armor with dark blue as the main color and a bright red S marked on its chest was quietly placed there.

43. An epoch-making, new-age business acumen

I have to say that Tony has a heart, and Tony is a person who remembers old feelings and knows how to be grateful.

Few people know that Tony reciprocates.

So he made a suit for Lu Yuan, even if he knew that Lu Yuan didn't need it, but it was his intention.

The suit was designed in the style of Lu Yuan's Superman suit, which was almost the same except that there was no cape.

Dark blue dyeing, with two large red Ss on the chest and back, and a gold frame.

The difference is that this suit does not have a helmet.

"I guess you don't like helmets," Tony's observation was also meticulous, guessing that Lu Yuan wouldn't care about covering his identity and didn't need the protection of helmets, so he didn't.

Lu Yuan nodded, he really didn't need it, and he had nothing to be afraid of.

"Speaking of which, it doesn't make sense to give me this thing. It's better to give me half of your good cars. You won't be able to drive it anyway," Lu Yuan turned around the suit, and suddenly looked at him again. To the few good cars parked in the garage not far away.

Tony rolled his eyes, really greedy.

But he didn't say anything, just asked one thing: "Let's talk about it when you get your driver's license."

Damn, how can Lu Yuan have a driver's license?

"By the way, why did you suddenly remember to give me something?" Lu Yuan changed the subject, looked at Tony with no deep meaning, and said with a half-smiling, "Nothing to be courteous, either a traitor or a thief."

Tony's heart is really ugly, but he does have something to say: "Actually, I have considered it, you are right, as a weapons merchant, I have indeed developed many weapons with great lethality, even if those people are not me. but they died on the weapons I made. So I wanted to change the company's prospects."

Lu Yuan understood.

"So what do you want to dig out of me?" Lu Yuan sat aside and asked Tony what he wanted this time.

Tony didn't know what Lu Yuan had in his hands and what he was willing to take out, so he could only tentatively say, "Why don't you help me think of a way to develop the company. And this is your company."

It is said that Tony's shares were not taken out for nothing. He not only wanted to tie Lu Yuan, but also tied him to the company. In this way, Lu Yuan had to help the company's development.

Lu Yuan didn't feel that he was being calculated. The reason is very simple. The current Stark Group is also his company, and he is also one of the major shareholders.

This is no longer to help Tony, but to help his own company.

Well, he still got caught.

"Let's think about it," Lu Yuan folded his arms and really began to ponder.

Tony's eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to go to the refrigerator and open two bottles of beer.

Before Tony's favorite has never been beer, feel the price dropped.

He loves champagne, he loves whisky, he loves all kinds of red wine, even sake and white wine (I guess) on our side.

But it's been different since Lu Yuan came. All of his good wines were drunk by Lu Yuan, but he didn't feel sorry for money (and he really felt sorry for money), but Lu Yuan would never get drunk, it would be a waste for him to drink it. .

Lu Yuan seemed to be almost immune to drunkenness, and he automatically evolved the physique to target.

After all, we all know that drunkenness is actually a kind of ethanol poisoning, which is commonly known as alcohol poisoning, but the degree is different. Ordinary drunkenness is fine, just sleep and drink more water.

But after all, this can be regarded as a manifestation of poisoning, so Lu Yuan has evolved the corresponding immune effect, and alcohol can still be absorbed, that is, he can taste the taste of wine.

But he is the only one who doesn't get drunk.

I have to say that Doomsday is real cowhide.

The damage that has been killed once will not be damaged again, and it will also self-regulate the surrounding environment.

For example, cold, as long as Lu Yuan is given enough time, he can withstand the cold that can freeze the world.

For example, the heat is not only the temperature of the sun, but even if the temperature is increased by hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius, he can slowly adapt to it.

Simply invincible.

At the beginning, there was such a weakness as kryptonite, which might be killed by people.

But the first thing he did after his resurrection was to stab himself with kryptonite, and then he became immune.

God knows how else to kill him, it's almost impossible.

Pull away.

Lu Yuan took the beer and drank the bottle as soon as he raised his head.

Tony was helpless and had to go again, this time he directly brought it over.

Lu Yuan took a drink and snapped his fingers at the same time: "I remember."

Tony didn't care about drinking, he put the bottle aside and looked at Lu Yuan brightly: "What? Say it now."

"Smartphone," Lu Yuan said with a mysterious look on the idea he had just thought of.

As a result, Tony was disappointed.

What he thought it was, the smartphone had already been born.

The so-called smart phone refers to a system with independent system and memory and operation. The specific details do not need to be divided into too much detail.

In short, the key presses used in this era are actually smart phones, and although the touch screen is not a human touch screen, it is also the era of touch screens.

It's just that the current network is not yet developed, and it is not as developed and advanced as the post-4G era.

Even the fourth-generation fruit machine will not be released until June 8, 2010.

And now it's June 2008.

It's June, it's summer, it's good weather.

The more Lu Yuan thought about it, the more excited he became, and then he simply slapped Tony, startling Tony.

But Tony immediately saw that a new little thing began to slowly appear in Lu Yuan's palm.

It was a palm-sized, thin and light body with an integral screen, similar to a mobile phone.

Lu Yuan, who has reached the fifth dimension, has the power to rewrite reality and reverse reality, creating a most advanced smartphone, at least the most advanced smartphone he has ever seen, based on his own memory.

It was a full-screen phone, and the back shell was made of glass. Even Tony took it carefully, feeling like a work of art in his hand.

Lu Yuan explained to Tony the control method, and explained the benefits of smartphones one by one.

It is a pity that the network is not yet developed, and the wireless network signal is not yet popular.

In addition, the APP era has not yet come, so I can only connect to the intranet with Jarvis, and cannot display more comprehensively.

But even so, Tony was stunned.

"Once this thing is born, Stark Industries will lead the world into a new era. And Tony, the share of mobile phones is not counted, don't forget that the real money is the communication fee. At least we have to grab the share of the network."

"What makes money in the new era? Arms? Guns and ammunition?"

"NONONO, traffic is king. Tony, open an online store with me.".

44. Wildfires can't be burned and the spring breeze will blow again?

Amazon, one of the largest e-commerce companies today, started out as an online book sales business.

Later, it began to transform and gradually expanded. In 2020, it ranked fourth in the top 100 global brand value rankings.

So don't underestimate the Internet age.

The era before Lu Yuan's past life was 2020 years ago, so he knew a lot about Marvel and DC's plot.

At the same time, he has also seen the bright Internet age.

He knows even more what it means to be in 2008.

It means that he can lead Stark Industries into the next era ahead of everyone else.

It was a huge cake, and now no one has opened the safe, only he has the key.

Not only the online sales business, but also other electronic businesses, such as the early development of the Internet age, network services are also a valuable source of income.

Not just a piece of cake, but countless cakes waiting for him to feast on, and even Lu Yuan's eyes began to shine with the light of money.

Anyway, it's also for fun. Since you don't want to dominate the world or conquer the universe, let's start making money and start a business empire.

This is really exciting.

Tony was completely dumbfounded.

Not only mobile phones, but also communication companies, and even network companies, as well as a series of businesses.

He just wanted to transform the company's weapons department, but Lu Yuan wanted to transform the entire company?

But it seems challenging?

And this thing is also regarded as the field of technological development, which is exactly the same as his hobbies and interests.

"I can even go to MIT to recruit people," Tony got excited.

And because Tony graduated from MIT, it should be easy to recruit a group of talents.

Yes, Tony is a genius and has several degrees.

In the setting, Tony was admitted to MIT at the age of seventeen and with the best grades.

And then graduated at the age of twenty-one with an all-time high score.

In these four years, he not only completed his studies, but also obtained a double degree in mechanical engineering and electronic engineering, which is the so-called doctorate degree.

Not only is this guy rich in the family, but he is also a genius.

The two started to get excited, and they had a long conversation all night while drinking happily. Later, even Xiao Chili got off work and was called by Tony and asked her to go to Tang Street to buy roast chicken and roast duck, and then stewed a big goose and brought it.

Lu Yuan had read novels before and heard that the taste of Chinese restaurants in foreign countries had been specially adjusted, so he also instructed Xiao Chili to tell her in Chinese that it was for people to eat.

Tony was stunned, co-authoring what he ate before was eaten by ghosts?

Yes, foreign devil.

In fact, it doesn't count. Others also made adjustments to take care of local tastes.

Not everyone can eat sweet and sour, some people only like to eat sweet and sour.

But no matter what, Pepper still completed the task and bought Tony two burgers.

That's his favorite.

Little Chili was so angry that she had been busy in the company for a few days, but the two uncles hid at home drinking and chatting, and they used her like a little girl.

However, when Xiao Chili heard the grand plans of the two of them for the future, he was equally astonished.

Especially when Lu Yuan proposed to let Little Pepper preside over everything in the new department, she covered her mouth and couldn't hide her exclamation.

Play so big?

Is she getting a promotion?

That's right, Xiao Chili was the first appointment after Lu Yuan took office as the second largest shareholder, and directly became the CEO, replacing the previous position of Obadiah.

It's just that Xiao Chili is not the top CEO yet, but the CEO in charge of the R&D department in the new era proposed by Lu Yuan today.

But that's not bad, it's better than her being a little assistant all the time.

"Don't leave tonight," Lu Yuan took Little Pepper's hand.

Tony stared at him, and was about to lift the wine bottle.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan was just joking, put Little Pepper's hand into Tony's, and stood up by himself: "I'll take a look at the beauty of an adult."