
doomday in marvel

Lu Yuan was originally just a normal ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became a day of destruction with a splendid reputation in the DC universe. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by the dead body of Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Lu Yuan became one of the doomsdays after just passing through, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? “Isn’t this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be God.

oni_Wolf · Movies
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I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years Chapter 18:

But Little Pepper didn't know, and quickly reminded Tony: "Since you know that Obadiah's goal is this, you should keep it well and don't let him steal it."

Tony was very moved. The first thing that Little Pepper thought of was to remind him to save the important Ark reactor.

But he shook his head again: "You have heard the conversation between Lu Yuan and Obadiah, in fact, this is also part of the plan, we need to let Obadiah jump out, otherwise if he insists not to admit the evidence, we will There is no way to get him."

After all, those are not evidence, the only evidence is the weapons of the Ten Rings Gang, which may have dragged Tony himself into the water, and he was also destroyed by his own hands.

So, this step is necessary.

"And this is what I specially prepared for him." Looking down at the Ark reactor in his hand, Tony's eyes became fierce.

This is an inferior Ark reactor, specially prepared for Obadiah, and even the nuclear reaction has shown signs of instability.

Of course, Obadiah certainly can't see it, unless he asks his scientists to check it carefully, it is estimated that he can't check it out, after all, they can't do it.

Once this little thing explodes, the consequences and power will be dire.

After all, it also has nuclear properties.

So instead of hiding it, Tony will deliberately let Obadiah get it.

Little Pepper showed a thoughtful expression, and finally understood that the previous deal between Lu Yuan and Obadiah turned out to be a play.

That person is really bad, including Tony.

"But what can I help you with?" Little Pepper became suspicious again, not knowing what Tony wanted to ask him, let alone what he could help him.

Tony suddenly grabbed Pepper's hand with his other hand.

Little Pepper was startled, unprepared, and subconsciously wanted to get rid of Tony.

As a result, Tony said: "The only person I can trust is you."

little pepper was shocked, lowered his head and didn't speak, and didn't move his hands.

But this guy must be lying, at least Tony still trusts two people, one is the Colonel Rhodes, and the other is Happy.

As for Lu Yuan, not to mention, he has to believe it unconditionally, otherwise he will not discuss and complete the whole plan with him.

"So I can only ask you, Pepper, only you have the identity and reason to go to Obadiah's office. I need you to help me copy all his information from his computer," Tony said. I want to ask the little pepper for the task.

After all, Pepper is Tony's assistant, and it doesn't seem abrupt to walk around the company or go directly to Obadiah's office.

But Happy is different. Happy is Tony's driver and former bodyguard. It's not that Tony doesn't trust Happy, but that there is no way for Happy to do things.

Tony also took out a small thing similar to a U disk prepared in advance and handed it to little pepper i, and told her that as long as it was connected to the USB interface of the computer, it would run automatically, and it would hack into the computer system and copy it by itself. .

What Little pepper really wants to do is actually very simple, is to wait for the opportunity to mix into Obadiah's office with this USB flash drive, and then bring it back.

In the process, Lu Yuan will help Obadiah to steal Tony's Ark reactor.

Once this step is done, then it's time to start the net.

33. Shopping malls are like battlefields

In the end, Pepper still took the U disk and agreed to Tony's request.

After all, Tony had already said that, what else could she do.

And the little pepper still has feelings for Tony.

After all, Tony's charm is still great, or as the saying goes, men are not bad and women don't love.

In short, the little pepper level is also ready.

In this way, after only three days, everything will be executed according to the plan.

Three days is not a blink of an eye.

In fact, from the next day, Obadiah had already mentioned the company's annual meeting on the board of directors.

Tony was there at the time.

Other boards were surprised, because it was still summer and fall, and it was nowhere near the time to prepare for the annual meeting.

Isn't this a joke?

Tony didn't point it out. Of course, when he mentioned the situation to Lu Yuan after he came back, Lu Yuan also felt speechless.

He just made a random excuse, but he didn't expect that Obadiah would actually obey, and he really used the excuse of the annual meeting.

Can't we change the wording?

There can't be a reception for any reason.

Anyway, with Tony's secret cooperation, this early annual meeting was held.

Obadiah doesn't care how surprised people outside are, he only thinks about one thing now, that is, if you don't succeed, you will become a benefactor.

He later asked Lu Yuan again, and asked him what he thought of Tony's suit, as well as his performance and weapons.

Lu Yuan was also merciless, and destroyed his efforts in front of Tony.

"With his thin armor, how can he compare with Tiebone? The strength and tonnage are far from the opponent, and you can also equip and carry more advanced weapons, and you can definitely tear him to pieces," Lu Yuan said. .

Tony's pissed.

That's not what Lu Yuan said when he told him at the beginning, and he has always praised Tony's suit for being flexible.

Really talking in front of someone.

Of course, Lu Yuan also had a reason, so that Obadiah could jump out with more peace of mind.

Finally, the third day arrived.

Evening party, since it is a party, of course it is held in the evening.

I chose a five-star hotel that day. The Stark Group was not bad for money, and even Obadiah took a lot of money in it.

Originally, the company's budget was not enough, because some celebrities and even many celebrities had to be invited, and there would also be live performances on the spot.

The money spent is like running water.

Is this the life of the rich?

I saw all the ladies and ladies dressed up in hardcover, and the dresses were not identical, and they were all of great value.

Especially the pair of small leather shoes, which tinkled on the ground, were very crisp and pleasant to the ear.

Of course, Lu Yuan is definitely not looking at his feet....

Lu Yuan also came, of course he had to come. On the surface, he was Tony's bodyguard. He could not neglect his duty, and he had to show Obadiah a show. He was indeed staring at Tony.

The most important thing is that Tony knew the truth, at least he didn't dare to underestimate Lu Yuan, he really regarded him as his bodyguard.

This party can be said to be full of stars, and even many big stars have to be surrounded by various capitalists, and with the ability and status of the Stark Group, almost all capitalists with surnames have come.

When Tony entered, he immediately attracted the attention of the audience and became the focus.

And he is indeed the host of the party.

Even Obadiah greeted him in person, hugged Tony with a smile, and then went to hug Lu Yuan.

Normally, Obadiah doesn't need to pay attention to Lu Yuan at all, because Lu Yuan is just Tony's bodyguard on the surface, and he just took office not long ago, and he has almost no intersection with Obadiah.

Their transactions are private, how dare they tell others.

But Obadiah did this on purpose. He did it on purpose. While warning and threatening Lu Yuan, he also leaned close to Lu Yuan's ear and whispered, "How?"

Lu Yuan pretended to glance left and right, and saw Tony walking towards the other person with a smile, as if he had fallen in love with a female star.

But in the end, Tony quickly got to Little Pepper's side.

Of course, Pepper also came, and she was wearing a delicate blue dress. Even Tony couldn't help but shine in her well-dressed appearance.

Lu Yuan also nodded secretly, but replied softly: "No problem, when Tony came out, I saw him put the Ark reactor on the studio table. He would never have thought that you would go at this time. steal."

Obadiah gave a satisfied smile.

He's not worried that it's a trap, because Tony's house is so well-defended that no one can get in without ID, so it's no surprise that Tony keeps things in the studio.

Just as Lu Yuan said, it stands to reason that Tony would not have thought that Obadiah would dare to steal, which is equivalent to tearing his face.

But Obadiah has no turning back, he is willing to gamble, it is only his own hard work whether it is a blessing or a curse.

On the other side, Pepper and Tony got together.

Little Pepper looked at Tony unnaturally. He was the focus of the audience. This was the company's annual meeting. He was so close to him, maybe his colleagues would think.

After all, her boss is a playboy, you can know without guessing, there will definitely be rumors tomorrow.

But Tony didn't care at all, and invited Pepper to dance.

Before Little Pepper could react, Tony was dragged into the dance floor by Tony's hand.

"I'll feel bad if you do this," Little Pepper said about her worries.

Tony asked, "Do you care?"

"Of course I care, I hope to get everyone's approval, that I stand by your side with my own strength and ability, not my body," pepper is a girl after all, and she blushed a little at the end, Of course that's just because of some words in the discourse.

Tony looked at Chili Pepper with a deep expression on his face. In fact, he really wanted to say that the latter can also be used.

Of course, he knew that girls with thin skin, especially Chili Pepper, could easily set her on fire.

Little Pepper turned to look at Lu Yuan, who was still whispering with Obadiah, and couldn't help muttering: "This is too blatant, right? Are they really not afraid of being exposed and known by you?"

Tony shrugged nonchalantly: "Because Obadiah has gone crazy, he has no way to turn back, his iron king is in desperate need of energy to start, he must also take risks, he only has this chance, so he must be so Do."

Little Pepper looked deeply at Tony in front of him, and suddenly felt a little strange.

"Think I'm insidious? But this is a shopping mall. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. We are fighting. Either he will die or I will die. So I can only rely on you, Pepper. Also, pay attention to safety.".

34. Obadiah and Little Pepper both act

The wonderful and grand dance continues. Many people who come here, or in other words, except for a few people, do not know that this is just an article on the surface, but in fact there is something in it.

After communicating with Lu Yuan, Obadiah wandered around again, deliberately brushing a wave of presence, and then slipped away as early as possible using the opportunity to go to the toilet.

He didn't know he was being watched by Tony the whole time.

"I'm leaving too," Little Pepper was about to leave immediately.

But Tony grabbed her hand because Tony saw Lu Yuan shaking his head.

Lu Yuan tapped his ears.

Tony tacitly took out two earplugs from his pocket, which were radio headphones, one for himself and one for Pepper.

Little Pepper hides a little unnaturally, and Tony and her get along a little more and more closely.

The next second, Lu Yuan's voice came over, obviously he didn't understand his lips, and even brought a glass of wine to his mouth, not knowing how he did it.

In fact, it is super ventriloquism, this trick Superman can also, once used this trick to hide his identity, in front of everyone, but Superman's voice came from elsewhere.

At that time, Louise didn't know the identity of Superman, and she was deceived a lot.

Lu Yuan said on the radio: "Don't worry, the old man is very vigilant. In fact, he hasn't left yet, he is hiding in the monitoring room and watching."

Want to avoid Lu Yuan's monitoring? That is impossible.

Not to mention that the super hearing can track Obadiah's movements throughout, and Lu Yuan's super vision has also evolved, and now he can penetrate even lead.

Obadiah didn't know, his every move was under Lu Yuan's eyes.

Obadiah is indeed very cautious. It is already at this juncture, and he is still worried that Lu Yuan will leak it to Tony immediately.

So he kept staring at Lu Yuan and Tony's every move for half an hour.

Lu Yuan wouldn't keep hiding from Tony, and after he and Little Pepper finished dancing, he took the initiative to walk over.

Obadiah watched nervously until Lu Yuan and Tony didn't know what to say. The two laughed and separated. Tony turned and walked towards a big star not far away, while Lu Yuan reached out and invited Little Pepper to walk again. onto the dance floor.

Suddenly, Obadiah's cell phone rang, and the rapid ringing of 'ding ling ling' even startled him.

When I opened it, it was Lu Yuan who was calling. Taking advantage of pepper turn around, Lu Yuan quickly said, "I've held up Tony, and I'll help him and pepper create opportunities later, but I'm afraid it won't be too late. Long time, you have to do it as soon as possible."

Then Lu Yuan hung up the phone.

There was a sudden meal under his feet, and pepper stepped on his feet.