

I am the son of Hades I go where I want Darkness is my birthright if I cannot bend heaven then I will raise HELL... I am DON from HELL ... The Prince of the underworld...the son Of Hades went to live on earth because of his curiosity towards Mortals...Without any powers and knowledge about current civilization. Due to some unusual circumstances, Hades decided to send His only Son on the planet... Only with one level up System so he can defend himself properly. Knowing Dons unpredictable Behavior, He first feared that he will cause havoc yet He took that chance for some reason that only a few Gods aware of... Era 21st century... Humanity almost became extinct but somehow new Hope rises where some Humans gained unimaginable powers to fight monsters, and protect themselves from other evil beings Humans only remember God's in mythology but refused to worship them like they never existed before them ... Portals of the monsters started appearing randomly on the earth and these heroes have to take care of it before these monsters come out ...... -------------------++++----------++++---------------++++------ ps: The background image does not Own by me, if you are the artist and want me to take it down then please contact me .... :) Note: Please read the first 50 chapters, before deciding anything further ... ( This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance living or dead is purely coincidental )

HPwrites11 · Urban
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111 Chs

chapter 9 : First kill

I was strolling on the streets, unzipping the bag to put the dagger in it, in my backpack, there were few clothes and a small box of my phone placed or more likely forcefully inserted.

Poor boy... My father is the richest in all Olympic gods and she thinks I am poor. after pondering for a while I concluded that certainly... I don't have money to travel around in the cab so, I was poor at the moment and there is only one option left for me to reach the addresses of my new home, I brought cheap food after heard growling from my stomach

afterward, I reached my destination but my mood still hasn't changed even a bit

I entered the big room and saw Ray unpacking his bag with Tyson sleeping on the bed without worries about the upcoming raid Ray glances at me but we both didn't speak any words to each other.

I went toward the last bed beside the open window that didn't have bars for protection. unpacked my bag and puts all the belonging in the small cupboard beside the bed and after that throw myself on the bed. The moment my head touched the big pillow I drifted into a deep sleep.




The alarm began ringing loudly, making me startled by the sudden noise, I fall out of the bed and looks towards Tyson

Ray was fully awoken but Tyson was slipping soundly without bothering by the sound of the alarm.

I rubbed my eyes yawningly and looks at my phone, it was 12:30 Am

Ray gave me an evil smile before he kicked Tyson out of the bed, Tyson falls to the ground. we expected his angry reaction but that dude just sat up yawning

" Thanks, guys for waking me up, I am a heavy sleeper "

Ray didn't bother to say anything but I could tell looking at his face he was wishing to punch Tyson.




All of us went out for the bus to our destination.

if the hero doesn't have a ride then the government provides them with one, Coz not all the heroes have cars.

I observed my dagger in my hand, it's lite in weight and his handle is very soft with snake insignia on it, Dagger has both sides of crossguards and the blade of the dagger is slightly moved opposite side

After observing White Dagger I put it back in the bag and looks towards them.

Tyson was still trying his best to stay awake and Ray was standing with closed eyes... this guy didn't bother to notify us that he is also tagging along with us...



After a few minutes, The huge bus arrived at the station

we came into the bus and, we saw few people sitting and chatting with each other maybe 10, ignoring them I headed for the last seat

I am about to sit there but Tyson settled earlier than me and looks at me with a smile

" Don't be shy... sit here beside me " he started slapping his hand on a seat beside him, I looked back at Ray

" We don't have a choice " Ray mumbled in a low voice

I sat beside Tyson and Ray sat beside me, looking forward-facing other people, they are also staring at us however one guy decided to introduce himself to us

" Hey I am jeff rank D "

" Hi I am Tyson rank B "

everyone immediately gazes back at us with impossible looks on their faces, that guy named Jeff also staring at Tyson like he had seen a ghost or something

I can understand their dilemmas it's absurd for B ranker heroes to come into the F rank dungeon, it's against their pride or they simply don't want to deal with low-level monsters but this foolish guy why he has to say something like that.

" I am joking... I am E ranker " Tyson said with a smile likewise introduced us

" he is Don and he is F-ranker and that guy over there is Ray and he is C-ranker"

as people heard my rank lots of them just ignored me and looks towards the next guy like I am didn't even exist but as they Heard Rays ranking they started laughing again...maybe they thought Tyson was joking with them like before.

Ray rubbed his forehead in anger and gives a deadly gaze to Tyson, Tyson just started whistling and looks away

that other guy named Jeff also returned towards his seat and after that, nobody came to bother us thanks to Tyson

when we finally reached our destination, two guys came wearing black suits with goggles and they started giving us instructions

" Good, everyone is here now listen carefully you guys on your own I mean if you died in the dungeons our Killer guild not gonna responsible for that "

" your task is to eliminate the final boss and came back alive if you do that your money as per person 500$ will be given "

" once you entered the portal you cannot exist without killing a final boss "

People started murmuring after hearing that man's words but again he shouted and started giving instructions

" bounty of the portal is 10000 $ and if only 10 peoples were survived then they will be rewarded with 1000$.. and if only 1 able to return...." evil smile appears on his face

everyone looks at each other in a scared expression

" so guys be careful and if you brought anything with you then please leave that with agent B "

everyone formed a line to leave their stuff with agent B as well as me

A purple portal about 7 meters tall is in the front of us making a small noise

everyone looking nervously at each other before entering except me, Ray, Tyson, and Jeff

Jeff turned back towards us and proclaimed " from now on I am your leader remember that you must have to listen my every command or I will banish you from the group "

nobody dared to go against Jeff, they just started following him in the portal like an alpha, I also follow along with them.

when I entered the portal I felt like I am moving through thick Hot liquid, I honestly started to get panic but when I saw the front view of the dungeon I froze on the ground

there were lots of tunnels and they were made from clay and soils like an anthill and surprisingly we are smaller than the big tunnels, few of us started whispering but Jeff came forward again

" listen up guys there is no need to panic I have a plan, F rankers will be in the front line then E rankers Then lastly D "

in the team, there are 9 or 10 F rankers,7 or 8 E rankers, and the only one D ranker available but they thought that Ray also has a low rank and even Ray didn't bother to explain them

Jeff said loudly " we will go in that direction " and surprisingly everyone followed his orders and his strategy except Us

I waited for this moment so without thinking and waiting for others I started heading in different directions, honestly, I don't want to be part of the group because large numbers surely will attract lots of unwanted attention

Ray and Tyson also Went in other directions without taking part in the group

I walked for 4 or 5 minutes and then I heard a voice like some kind of insect making a sound, I quickly pulled my dagger from the belt,...when we had to leave our stuff with agent B, he gave me a belt to carry a weapon like other heroes

I came close to the corner making less noise from my footsteps, I saw a Big red Ant size around a normal dog. fortunately, that insect hadn't noticed me yet so I thought this is the perfect chance to attack it before he notices me. As I tried to go nearer I stepped on something and a faint noise emitted from it.

that insect dashed at me as soon as he saw me, There was no way for me to move or avoid him so I decided to stay and face him head-on. Without moving from my spot and with the sharp reaction I jabbed my dagger in his mouth.

I never checked before attempting to check my condition of the dagger, whether it is sharp enough to penetrate skin or not, my dagger was easily penetrated his skin after that I pulled my dagger back and again hit him on the skull

I noticed my reflexes were decreased a lot that I can't even able do anything like before but Fortunately I am quick enough to kill this ant on the spot. Ant dropped dead on the ground as

my all attention captured something else

a message

[ gain exp 5 ]

[ system reminder : user need 95 exp to level

up. ].....