

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 13



Celeste's Pov

I'm laying on my right side facing window as the wind is moving the curtains, I kept thinking for the past hour of what happened and how he controlled himself...Maybe they're not that dangerous as how dad described them, I blush every time I remember the way he hugged me out of a sudden and I frown when I remember River, She got in suddenly so Me and Corbyn flinched and pulled away, He pretend to be tied up and I got up with her then she locked the basement door and hid the key "Ugh" I mumbled putting my head under the covers

"Psst Celeste are you asleep?" Starr whispered

I turned around "No I can't sleep"

"Me too, honestly I'm freaking out I'm keeping getting sudden headaches which means they wanna contact me but I won't respond"

"Why?" I asked but she froze

"They would want us to kill him, right!" I wondered and her silence confirmed

"I kinda wanna him alive" She said making me chuckle

"Um Starr" I sat up "I wanna go down to him"

"What why?"

"He probably is starving he didn't eat anything since I brought him here"

"Is this the only reason?" She winked at me and I threw my pillow at her

"Seriously I cannot sleep from worrying" I huffed

"I don't know why I'm helping you" She said getting up

"Where are you going?"

"To River's room we need that key" She said acting bored

"Mwah I love you"

Like about 10 min left and I'm still waiting for Starr to come back with the key, The door flew open and she got in with a big smile on her face holding the key "You don't know how hard it was to get that piece of iron"

I ran to her "Thank you" I said snatching the key

"Don't be late"


Corbyn's Pov

The sound of the silence began to be friendly, The cold wind began to be bearable, the hard wooden chair began to be a part of my body and last but not least the sound of my starving stomach began to be my soul music, I feel horrible, But shall I say that there are some differences in my body since the very unwanted accident, I can see better, I can totally hear better and I feel stronger which is unexpected because I'm untrained, I shut my thoughts for a second because I heard footsteps outside the door which is meters away from me I told you I can hear better, when I heard the key I rushed into my tied up position putting my free hands behind me incase it's River

I felt my heart pumping faster then "Corbyn" I heard the most superfine voice ever, I looked up to see Celeste wearing her pajamas heading down holding a tray full of food

"What is all of that?" I asked pretending that I'm not freaking starving she probably heard my stomach singing from upstairs

"I know you're probably starving you didn't eat anything since we were in the library" She said putting the tray down then I followed her sitting down on the floor

"Thank you" I said looking deeply at her she nodded leaving me literally haunting the tray, The food was warm and delicious, I think this is what I was supposed to be eating at dinner before this mess occurs

"Finish it and if you want more I will get you" She added hugging her legs

"Can you stop being so nice you're making it harder on me" I said and she chuckled


"Do you really need explanation, I hurt you hours ago and here you are treating me so well" I smiled sarcastically

"Well thats me" She shrugged confidently

"How did River let you come down?" I asked taking my last bite

"She didn't, Starr stole the key for me"

"Oh, I'm surprised there's finally one not against me" I smirked

"Starr isn't as bad as you think I swear, she is so sweet"

"I didn't say she is bad, Non of you are bad to me, the thought that you all had the chance to kill me but didn't makes me fight every piece in me not to hurt any of you"

"You are so different" She smiled leaning her head on her knee

"So are you" I whispered and we stared at each other for what felt like hours then I broke the eye contact "Celeste can you go far for a moment" I ordered closing my lids from pain

"What is going on?" She asked freaking out

I clenched my jaw"N-nothing just a pain attack"

"Oh lord, I shouldn't have gotten down"She whispered walking back

I inhaled a deep breath "No it's alright, I just totally feel horrible" I said referring to my appearance my clothes are dusty and full of blood

"Um..do you want to take a shower!" She wondered

"How...your sisters"

"There is a guest room in the first floor, and all my sisters bedrooms are in the second floor so it should be fine" She explained

"And I can wash your clothes then put it in the dryer till you finish" she added putting the plates back on the tray

"Sounds amazing" I said

"Ok Lets go, Follow me" She said heading upstairs and i followed

As we got out of the basement, she put the tray back in the kitchen then guided me to the guest room which was hella clean and cozy

"Here" She said handing me a bath robe, I got in the bathroom, changed then gave my dusty clothes to her "Thank you" I said before closing the door

And when I say the water brought me back to life I'm not being dramatic, I love the feeling of being clean and I can easily feel that it cleared my mind a bit.

I took about 15 min, then I hopped out and wore the robe then opened the door slowly because I don't want to scare her but when I looked I found no one So I sat on the very comfortable bed.

Celeste's pov

I managed to open the door holding all of his folded clothes, And when my sight landed on him I flinched inside of me of how precious he looks, he is sitting on the bed with the white robe on and his wet hair is laying on his forehead like a piece of art, He caught me staring but I blushed looking away very quickly "Here you are" I said giving him the clothes

"You don't have to get out" He said and I raised my eyebrows

"No I mean I will get in the bathroom to change so you don't have to get out" He chuckled nervously

"Ok" I said sitting on the cough and he got in

He didn't take one minute and got out with a big smile on his face "You don't know how bad I needed this shower"

"Pleasure" I smiled then he came and sat next to me that we are now very close and I got nervous

"Um.. you can sleep here if you want, I'm sure you don't wanna go back to the basement"

"Oh hell no I'm not" He chuckled then"But no I Don't wanna sleep now lets talk a bit"

"Oho I can already say the shower made your mood ten times better" I hyped a little

"My mood will get better if we talked about you" He said making my heart drop


"Yea I'm curious" He raised his eyebrows

"But we already had this conversation in the Café before"

He shook his head "That conversation was with an ordinary girl I met in the cafe but now I want to have another conversation with a witch who has three other twins and pretending to be normal...totally different persons right?" He said glancing at me

"Maybe that girl at the Cafe seemed to have pretty normal life but indeed she is the same person sitting right here in front of you but with a supernatural life...I didn't fake spending time with you know that or not?" I asked feeling triggered

"I totally understand that because, one if you were faking you wouldn't have brought me here and two you wouldn't have saved me so lets neglect that kind of conversation I just want to know the real you" He explained and I nodded but I'm kinda nervous I've never talked that honest to anyone before about my identity

He caught that I'm hesitating "Do it as a job presentation Celeste" He smiled resting his cheek on his balm, I don't know if I can tell him everything it's not my own decision only, If something bad happened to my sisters it would me my fault

"Ok..Um my name is Celeste Elbert, I'm 24 years old, I'm the third of a quadruplets...um I've lived with my father until my twenty birthday, I finished school and university, I opened a library because I love reading so much, all my life I had only one boyfriend in the first year of collage...but that is the human version of me, um I'm a witch, my parents also are witches so I'm pure, my mom died giving birth to us, so it was only me, Luna, Starr, River and Dad until he passed away and since then it's been us only living together, we don't mean no harm to anyone we made a deal to not use our magic at all and live like normal people"

"Oh well you did so good on your presentation but I'm sorry to say that the job is already taken" He joked making me giggle to ease my nervousness

"Your turn, I'm curious too" I said crossing my legs on the comfy couch

"Well about 12 hours ago I was a human with a hunter genes but now I'm a hunter with a human feelings...since I can remember Xavier has been my whole family because my mother died when we were very young and my father left and I don't know where. I was too young...Zion, Issac and Klaus are my really close friends Zion and Issac are Haunters but Klaus is human his father was my uncle's friend, I'm the only one in the whole family who broke the rules, I didn't practice at the wanted age, I didn't listen to anything about 'How to kill a witch without being cursed ' Thing I didn't do any of that I just wanted to be Corbyn" He said and shrugged at the end

"That tells why you're so unique...in everything" I said without thinking which sounded like flirting

He moved closer looking into me eye "I'm that unique that I left all these girls and got attracted to a witch" He whispered and the sound of my heartbeats can threw up a drum party right now

"And I'm shy right now so,go away" I said pushing his chest playfully and he chuckled

"You have two personalities I swear one who is very nervous and shy in talking and one who kills you when he opens his mouth" I said feeling my burning cheeks and he laughed so hard "Shh River" I whispered and he nodded stopping

"From which family do you belong?" He asked and my heart dropped

"Um what do you mean?"

"Like I'm from the Elvis family, you?" You what!! oh my lovely Lord what did I just hear!

"E-elvis!" I stuttered

"Yes and you?"

"Um I'm from-" I was cut off by the door bell ringing

I flinched "Who would it be?" I said standing up going towards the door but he grabbed my arm

"I hear someone on the stairs" We froze for a moment standing behind the door to hear

We heard the door opens "Good evening ladies" Some really deep raspy voice said in a terrifying tone

Corbyn mumbled "Oh, no"

"What?" I looked at him

