
Don’t Bully Deku Miss Nagatoro!

After defeating All for One, Izuku Midoriya is reborn into the peaceful past of Japan. At least, he think's it's peaceful. How bad can pre-quirk era be? There is this girl that keeps on bullying him though...... -----AN-------- I don't own anything pertaining to either animes or the cover picture. The idea popped into my mind when I realized the voice actor for both Izuku and Naoto are the same person! Take look if you want. I'm just doing this to play out how it would've happened if Deku was in Senpai's shoes.

VenerableFox · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Sukuna Matata with the Karaage

AN. discord: https://discord.gg/nKgvxQvZtf

Well here it goes.


He was walking home from Nagatoro's house. Walking pass the tunnel, he took a left and up the stairway to an alley. Coming out on the the other side to the left, he was greeted to a surprise.

"Um, Gojo-san?"

Leaning against one of the neighborhood lamp post was a tall, white-haired man with spiky hair and a blindfold on.

"Yo, Hachioji-kun. I was hoping to see you today." The man said as he waved at him.

"Does the JDA have another meeting? I don't remember anything scheduled today..."

"Na na na. It's none of that boring association stuff. Just some of the higher-ups at my job telling me check up on something. And I thought I might as well tour the area while I'm at it." Giving him finger guns now, he continued, "And what better why to bond with our newest S-Class recruitee than to go to Sendai and look around." He finished with a large smile.

"I don't know Gojo-san, I have school tomorrow and even if we have to take the Port shuttle there, it's still 30 minute drive away from here."

"Who said anything about taking the Port shuttle?"


Preparing to summon his shikigami, Megumi Fushiguro got into a his battle stance.

"Under Jujutsu regulations, Itadori Yuuji," He shouted as the shadows began circling around him, "I will exorcise you as a curse!"

Shocked by the sudden turn of events, Itadori Yuuji raised both arms to show that he meant no harm. "Wait, really, I'm just fine!"

As he began talking, the black markings over Itadori's body started fading away. "More importantly, you and I are both pretty beat up. Let's get to a hospital."

Gritting his teeth, Megumi was frustrated over whether or not Itadori or the cursed spirit was in control of the body at the moment.

'Damn it,' Megumi thought, 'what should I do?'

"What's the situation?" A voice said, interrupting his thoughts.

Turning around, he saw the owner of the voice. "Gojo-sensei?! Why are you here?"

Giving him a one-armed wave, Gojo greeted him. "Hey."

"I wasn't planning on coming, but man, you're roughed up."

Taking out his phone, Gojo started talking pictures of Megumi. "I should show the second-years. Face this way." Pausing a moment, Gojo pulled the other person there with him closer. It was then that Megumi realized that his sensei did not come alone, but with another person.

"Get closer, Hachoji-kun. I want to send a selfie of us together to make the other members jealous that they didn't get to hang out with us."

"Um, Gojo-san, shouldn't you be focusing on the situation at hand?"

"Oh right, I almost forgot." Turning back to his phone, he started sending the pictures to the group chat while talking. "The higher-ups wouldn't shut up with a special-grade cursed object gone missing. So I stopped by with my new bestie while doing some sight seeing."

The other person, who Megumi realized was no older than him or Itadori, gave a deadpanned face. "We known each other for only 3 hours."

Ignoring his remarks, Gojo continued talking to Megumi. "So, did you find it?"

"Um.." The pink haired boy interrupted.

"Sorry, but I ate it." He said giving a sheepish expression on his face.




"For real?" Gojo asked.

"For real." Itadori responded.

Walking closer, he saw as Gojo got up in Itadori's face.

"Hello, I'm Hachioji Naoto. I'm from the JDA." A voice next to him. Turning to face him, he got a better look at the stranger.

"Um, hello, I'm Megumi." He said promptly. But internally, he was shocked at how young the man was. He knew that the JDA only hired the strongest people in Japan. Of course, it wasn't a shocking when his sensei got invited, but it spoke volumes of how strong the other man was to be at the same level as his sensei.

"Damn," He turned to his sensei interacting with Itadori, "it really did combine with you. That's hilarious." Backing off, Gojo gave the boy a once-over.

"Anything wrong with your body?" Moving his body around, the pink-haired boy replied. "Not particularly."

"Can you swap out with Sukuna?"


"The curse you ate."

"Oh...Yeah, I think I can do that."

Then started stretching. "Then give us ten seconds. Once ten seconds are up, come back to us."


"Don't worry, I'm the strongest." Gojo turned to Megumi, tossing a paper bag to him. "Megumi, hold this."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Kifufuku from Kikusuian. It's Sendai specialty, and it's super good. Even the new kid thinks so. I recommend the zunda and cream flavor."

'This guy actually went and bought souvenirs! When people are out here dying!' Megumi thought.

"It's not a souvenir," Gojo said, shaking his finger at Megumin. "I'm going to eat it on the bullet train home."

Suddenly, the black marks reappeared over Itadori's body. Suddenly the boy leaped into the air, quickly shooting down at Gojo.

"Sensei," Megumin shouted, "behind you!"

"Kifufuku's not like the other souvenirs..." Gojo said, not worried about the sneak attack.

Suddenly, Megumin felt his body jerk backwards quickly before a giant dust cloud covered the area before them. When the dust was cleared, he saw that he was sitting safely on the ground behind the Hachoji's back alongside the other two students that were left inside the school building.

Hachioji was crackling with green electricity and his hair had turned green. He was in a basic fighting stance looking eye to eye with Sukuna, who was shocked to find that Gojo was sitting on his back.

'Fast!' Megumi thought. 'They were able to quickly react to Sukuna easily!'

Sitting on the possessed boy, Gojo turned his head slightly to speak to Hachoji. "Can I leave protecting them to you?"

"No problem," responded Hachioji.

Gojo then went back to talking about his Kifufuku. "And the whipped cream inside is simply exquisite..."

Enraged at how half-heartedly this sorcerer was handling him, Sukuna, flipped around to try and deliver blow to the man. But no matter how many times Sukuna tried, if it seemed as if the the silver haired sorcerer was disappearing and reappearing right before the his attack would land.

Reappearing behind the cursed spirit, Gojo leaned back so his head was next to Sukuna's head. "My kouhai and student's watching," he said smiling, "so I'm going to show off a little."

Reappearing behind Sukuna as he attempted a lunge, he grabbed the curses arm before using it to keep him in place for a punch that made him fly backwards, bringing up another dust cloud.

Hitting a rail, Sukuna smiled in annoyance. "My goodness," he said while sprinting at Gojo, "you Jujutsu sorcerer's are so annoying, no matter what era!" Bringing down s punch with his fist, Sukuna leveled and destroyed the school building below and behind Gojo, shattering half the school's window.

Seeing the destruction, he smirked seeing that a mere sorcerer couldn't his power. "Though that doesn't mean much to me." But as the dust cloud cleared away, he was shocked.

Gojo was still standing, without a scratch on his body. The bystanders were right besides as well unharmed.

"Seven..." Gojo counted, "Eight..."


"Should be time."

Feeling a powerful and strange sensation from his vessel's heart, he felt something take over.

'Damn it...' He thought, ' Again? I can't take over. Who hell is this... Itadori... brat?' The black markings faded away, signifying that the boy was back in control. Looking around, he was concerned about the others.

"Oh, was everything okay?"

"I'm shocked," Gojo said, "you really can control it."

Smacking his head, Itadori said in annoyance, "He's kind of annoying, though. I can hear his voice."

Walking towards the half-naked body, Gojo said, "It's a miracle that's all he's doing." Tapping the boy's forehead, Itadori promptly fainted.

"What did you do?" Megumi asked. Looking at the scene, Hachioji also seemed curious as to what Gojo was doing.

"I knocked him out," Gojo said, "if he doesn't wake up possessed by Sukuna, he might have potential as a vessel." Turning to the two, he asked them a question.

"What should we do with him?"

Immediately, Hachiojie responded, "If there's a silver of a chance that we can save him from death, we should take it."

"Even if on the off chance that Sukuna will take over and cause mayhem beyond destruction?"

"It's not our place to decide who lives and die based on what they may someday do."

Staring at each other, they both unconsciously released a powerful aura that clashed against each other. But as soon as it happened, it went away.

"I see, I see." Holding both hands up, he turned to Megumi, he repeated the question.

Thinking about he answered. "Even if he is a vessel, jujutsu regulations demand Itadori be executed," he said. "However... I don't want to let him die." He finished with a serious look in his eye.

"Your personal feelings?"

"Yes. Please do something about this."

Lifting Itadori over his shoulder, Gojo said, "Now it's a request from a precious student. Leave it to me!" He gave Megumi a thumbs up. Turning to Hachioji, motioned him to come over.

"Alright, then. It looks like I'm going to have a long night. Come on, then. Let's get you home before your bedtime."



Hearing the lunch bell ring, he got up from his seat to go to the Dining Hall.

After anoymously dropping Itadori's classmate off and making sure that Gojo would not immediatly have the kid executed, he got him and went to sleep. Unfortunately, he got home at 2 AM, leaving little sleep for him.

On the bright side, the Dining Hall was selling Karaage for lunch, which he was looking forward too.

Walking out from the lunch line with his food try, he realized he had not visited the Hall for quite some time. It seemed like others had the same idea as him, seeing that almost all the benches were filled.

'There's nowhere to sit!' Oh, while it was frowned upon to take food outside of the Dining Hall, if he was quick enough, they wouldn't even notice that he had left. But just as he was bout to leave, he heard a familiar voice.

"Senpai, over here!" To his right, he saw a hand waving at him. It was Nagatoro.

"Come on," she said while still waving. "There's a seat next to me."

Looking around the room once more, he still couldn't find an open seat.

"Pardon me," he said," thanks for letting me sit here for lunch."

Feeling uncomfortable, he looked down and said thanks for his food before digging in. While he was doing so, the girls were looking at him with interest.

The girl across from him with pigtails pointed at him. "Your boyfriend?"

"N-No!" He refuted. Seeing his quick denial, she scooted closer to him and grabbed his arm. "Yup. We're going steady." She said happily.

Looking at him, she asked, "Right, senpai?"

"Stop! Don't!" He whispered to her loudly. As he was trying to create distance between Nagatoro and him, she rubbing against him.

Staring at the two, the girls across the table were surprised at how close Nagatoro was with the boy before laughing.

"That's hilarious," the girl on the right said. "So far have you gotten with her, Paisen?"

"H-How far? I d-don't know what you're talking about." How could this girl say that in a public setting like this? That was not appropriate for the setting at all! Iida! Where is Iida!

Delighted at his reaction, the girl put both hands to her check on glee. "You're all red, Paisen." Adding on to it, the girl next to her said, "Beet red!"

The girl with pig-tails leaned over the table, touching his hand. "Want to go out with me, too, then?" She asked.

"S-Stop it!" He said. He already had one girl teasing him. He didn't need another one. All of the sudden, he felt a strong killing intent appear in the room that disappeared as quickly as it arrived. Looking around, he saw nothing out of the ordinary.

'That's strange,' he thought, 'I was sure I felt soething.'

The girls across the table continued to laugh at him. Clapping her hands, the girl on the right said, "You can totally tell he's a virgin. You want him to have a girl on the side?"

Laughing loudly, the girl with pig-tails pointed both index fingers at him. "Both sides! So funny!"

Seeing him still trying to look at anywhere but the table, Nagatoro joined in on the teasing. "So funny!" She said while patting his head. She secretly liked doing this, finding ways to touch his soft, fluffy hair whenever they were alone.

"He doesn't seem like a boyfriend..." the orange-haired girl said." So much as a pet."

"A pet!"

Rubbing his head, harder, Nagatoro enjoyed his flustered face. "He does kind of seem like a pet. He's all fluffy and stuff."

"Stop it." He said, tired at her touching his head. Even if it felt nice, doesn't mean he has to like it! That would be more fuel for her to tease him later down the line.

"Fluffy." Reaching, the pig-tailed girl tried to touch his head as well, only for her hand to be smacked gently away by Nagatoro.

"Senpai's head is all sticky. You don't want to touch it." She said, with a scary look in her eyes. Meanwhile, he was looking around the room again, feeling the the KI spike.

Seeing her friend like this, the girl across the table gave up and retracted her hand. "Uh... Yeah."

On the other hand, the girl on the right saw how worked up the girl got and smiled menacingly.

Seeing, that the KI had disappeared once again, he focused on trying to stop Nagatoro from patting his head.

"Who are you calling sticky?! I wash it everyday!"

"Are you sure?"

Looking at the two, the girl across the table spoke up again. "He doesn't even seem like a pet."

"He doesn't."

"A slave?"

"A slave!"

"Slave! Did you hear that, senpai?"

"Who are you calling a slave?!"

"Hurry up and finishing eating!" she ordered, patting his hair. "And get back to work for me!"

"Work!" The girl shouted, attempting to pat the boy's head again. But her arm was grabbed by Nagatoro.

Smiling at the girl calmly, she had the same look in her eyes again.

"Man, this is great." The girl across Nagatoro said. "He doesn't even fight back at all. He's not even a slave... More like a bug. Seriously, you can't be like that as guy."

He knew that she was trying to hurt his feelings. He was used to this to a higher degree from Kacchan, so the words of a girl who hasn't even graduated from high school did not even phase him at all.

Speaking up in anger, Nagatoro slammed her fist on the table. "That's taking things too far." Looking between the two girls, it seemed that they were about to start fighting.

"Sorry I dissed your boyfriend."

"That's not the point."

The tension between the two was so tangible, you could almost see the spark between them.

'Nagatoro... is getting anger on my behalf?' He thought. 'Though I'm grateful, I won't allow her to lose a friend just over me.' Tightening his fist, he stood up.

"Hey!" He shouted. Now that he had the attention of the girls, and unknowing some of the other students in the dining hall, he started talking. "Even though, I'm not Nagatoro's boyfriend, as friends, you shouldn't be fighting each other over boys. Is your friendship so fragile your arguing over something like this? Friends are... precious people, so please, stop fighting." Feeling that he said enough, he sat down and focused on eating his karaage before it got cold. The girls were silent for a couple of seconds before expressing their indignation.

"That's it?!"

"You were suppose to say something good, like 'stop dissing my girlfriend.'"

"You had nothing else in mind?!"

Shocked that they were now directing their anger at him, he tried to placate them. "No, well... I just wanted you to stop fighting and you to know that Nagatoro isn't my girlfriend."

They looked at him before erupting into laugher. "You're so funny, Paisen. Girls argue all the time."

"So funny."

As they laughed at him, unknowingly, Nagatoro was angrily pouting at him. 'You're so dense, senpai.'


It was afterschool in the clubroom as he was practicing drawing geometric shapes. While he was doing so, Nagatoro spoke up.

"You don't fight back, do you, senpai."

"Huh?" He said, confused.

"You never have a comeback when you get dissed." She said while shaking her arms in frustration at his lack of aggression.

"I-I suppose. But wouldn't that be rude?"

Ignoring his statement, she pushed on, "That's why, you have to smack them." She said, smacking his own arm.

"By turning it into slapstick, you can turn a diss into a derp."

Knowing that his smacks were stronger than the norm, he said, "I don't know if that would work so well."

"It will. Come on."

Oh, well he nothing to lose, standing up, he waited for her directions. "Stand over there, senpai."

Standing in front of the class, she started her practice slapstick.

"So the other day, I was walking down the road when this scarecrow was blocking my path."

"A comedy sketch?"

"I thought, why is a scarecrow standing here? Weird... I wonder why..." She said while exaggerating her confusion. "So I took a closer look, and...it wasn't a scarecrow, but senpai!" Saying that, she started laughing at her own joke.

Grabbing his hand, now she said in a deep voice, "Who are you calling a scarecrow?!" Before using his hand to gently smack her cheek. "See? Easy, right?"

"That's all it takes?"

"You aren't a comedian. You don't have to do anything special. Just go with the flow and give them a slap."

'I see.' He thought, 'So it's basically how lions wrestle with each other for familiarity.'

"Okay, let's keep going. You have to do it yourself this time." She said.


Getting in position, they pretended to walk on stage again. "Thank you! Thank you!"

Turning to him, she said, "Sorry for calling you creepy earlier, senpai."

"It's fine."

"You're not so much creepy as you are funny." She said, before motioning to her head. "Your hair's funny, too. It's so fluffy. Like a sheep about to be eaten by a wolf. Is it shearing season yet? Want me to help you? I'll go through it with electric trimmers!"

"Fluffy, fluffy, buzz!" she repeated. Sliding next to him, she elbowed him. "Come on, senpai. Smack me!"

Seeing his cue, he took action. 'Okay, but where do I smack,' he thought, 'maybe her shoulder?' Deciding to smack her shoulder, he went for the smack. Unbeknownst to him, there was a pencil on the ground near the podium, right in front of his foot.

Stepping on the pencil, he slightly fell forward before catching himself. But this change in balance caused his arm to alter course, changing his target.


Between his hands, he felt something soft and squishy move around as he tried to figure what he was touching. Looking, he realized he was grabbing on to Nagatoro's right boob. It was so quiet in the room that one could hear a pin drop.

"S-S-Sorry!" He said, blushing atomic red, facing away from her. Nagatoro as well was facing away, covering her chest with both arms, blushing almost as badly as him. Forcing herself to act normal, she turned around and smacked her senpai's shoulder.

"I-I knew you could do it, senpai. But," she said pointing to her shoulder, "you're suppose to smack here." But her grin grew larger realizing she could tease him with this. "Or did you...hit me there on purpose, you pervert."


"C-Come on, that's where you're supposed to give me a smack. 'Hell no!'"

"Spare me, already!"

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