
Don’t Bully Deku Miss Nagatoro!

After defeating All for One, Izuku Midoriya is reborn into the peaceful past of Japan. At least, he think's it's peaceful. How bad can pre-quirk era be? There is this girl that keeps on bullying him though...... -----AN-------- I don't own anything pertaining to either animes or the cover picture. The idea popped into my mind when I realized the voice actor for both Izuku and Naoto are the same person! Take look if you want. I'm just doing this to play out how it would've happened if Deku was in Senpai's shoes.

VenerableFox · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Did Someone Order Pizza?

It was a bright, sunny Sunday morning. The birds were chirping nearby and the morning dew slowly dripped off the leaves of trees. Jogging underneath the foliage was a curly-haired boy.

"Oh, is that Hachi-chan?"

Looking over, he saw a hunched man waving at him. Wearing a black turtle-neck shirt along with sweatpants and tai-chi shoes, old man walked over to him. The most distinctive feature, though, was the old man's white hair and moustache that paired nicely with his blue eyes. He just assumed that the elderly man was of mixed race.

"Oh, good morning Bang-san, how are you this morning?"

"Oh you know, some morning exercises to get these old bones moving. But they just aren't what they used to be."

Bang-ojisan was someone he met a month ago. They both met each other at the supermarket during Sunday sale day, which just happened to be today as well.

"Well, let's get going then, shall we?"

"Hai Bang-san." Because they always went to the supermarket on Sunday, they've been meeting up in the morning at the underpass near Takamichi street.

Apparently, the old man ran a dojo. And if there was there anything to say based on his enthusiasm talking about his students, one could tell the man loved his job.

"I was thinking of grilling some meat for my students, what do you think about it?"

"Hmm, maybe you should get the filet migon? The weekly ad said that they were 50% this week."

"Ha, and try to beat the house wives to it? I may be getting older, but I don't want to die yet, young man."

But when the duo turned the corner, they noticed the street was taped off with dozens of police officers holding back a ever-growing crowd of people curious as to what was happening. Turning to another man standing nearby, he tapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir, but what is going on?"

"From what I heard, some bank robbers drove all the way down from Yokohama and holed up in this supermarket because they ran out of gas. They were carrying pretty heavy stuff too, like rifles and vest."

Maybe it was best for him to sit this one out. The Swat Team had just arrived and with enough time, they would be able to safely handle the situation. Just as he was going to convince Bang-san to try another supermarket, he saw a little girl, no older than 6, sitting on the ground crying.

"Give me back my mom! I want to see my mama!" The nearby men and women tried to comfort the wailing girl, but it was to no avail as she continued crying.

He already started walking away from the crowd. Why was he trying to kid himself. He knew what was going to happen. It wouldn't be him to not do it.

"Sorry Bang-san, something came up. Maybe we can try again next week?"

"No problem young man, stay safe."

"You too, have a good day."

You could take the him out of the hero world, but you couldn't take the hero out of him.


The supermarket had three levels with there being two levels and large underground level that was used mostly for refrigeration units and unpackaging. Above it was the grocery store and above that was the floor used for employees only. He knew this because his father was the project manager that was in charge of building the supermarket three years ago.

Making sure to jump onto the supermarket's roof in the SWAT sniper's blind spot(something he learned to do against Lady Nagant), he made sure to pull his hoodie over his head before slowly crouch-walk to one of the open windows to the second story. Making sure to carefully peak into the window to make sure no one was there, he lowered his body before swinging feet first into the building. Rolling on the ground, he used his momentum to continue forward until he was upright once again.

He was in.


John, "Joey," Jefferson wasn't always a bank robber, and not certainly one in a foreign country for that matter. Despite not having the best upbringings in the Chicago suburbs, he liked to think he did the best with what he had. As soon as he graduated high school, he went on to serve in the U.S. army and went on two tours before transferring to the Navy. He thought that although it wasn't the best situation, he got to travel a lot, so that was always something to look forward.

While drinking at some bar in Yokohama, he got a little bit too wasted. One thing led to another, he someone found himself dishonorably discharged for multiple sexual assaults and battery. Though they offered him passage back to the states, he declined and worked small jobs here and there in the nearby city. And when some japs offered him a job that would cash in a lot of money, how could he refuse?

Here he was, now pointing his gun at civilians. He knew this was wrong; this went against everything his fellow brothers and service men fought for. Using the few japanese words he knew, he spoke up.

"Hey, um, man... no right."

A man with bleached hair and a receding hairline looked back at him. "The fuck he sayin?" The man next to him, who recruited him, asked for more clarification.

"Ahh, John-san, what is problem?"

"We already got the money, right? We don't need these people! Just look at them! It ain't right holding them. We should let them go and bail!"

"Hey Kitsuga, what is this foreigner saying?"

"He wants to let the hostages go."

"Hmm, hold him down."

Two men behind him tried to grab and force him down, he responded quickly. He delivered a haymaker to the man on the right before throwing a jab to the gut to the man on the left. Just as he was about the kick another man approaching him, he felt a stab to his side. Wounded, he collapsed to his knees. The men from before quickly got up to roughly secure him.

Speaking in Japanese, the bleached haired man looked at the hostages who were huddling in the corner.

"Looky here, this foreigner tried to rescue ya. So this is what happens to anyone thinking of trying to play hero." Walking in front of the downed man, he pulled out a revolver and place it right against the man's brown forehead. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the lights went out.


There goes the power generators.

After locating the electric room on the second floor, he found two armed men inside the surveillance room the hallway down. Luckily, he avoided all the cameras.

Hiding behind a cabinet, he waited for the men to leave the room. He could hear the men talking into a radio.

"The power seems to have cut out, I'll check it out."

After that, he heard footsteps approaching his location. And with a burst of speed, he closed distance between the two men and him in a instance, delivering a uppercut to the man on the right followed with leg sweep that made the other man collapse. With one down, he focused his attention on the man on the ground.

Pulling the man closer with his collar, he primed his fist at the man's fist.

"Start talking."


After interrogating the man, he gave the man a quick chop on the neck before securing them both up.

He now knew where the hostages were being held. Most of the group were situated in the basement floor leaving the ground floor unguarded. With the sole exception of the two upstairs, everyone else included the hostages were taken downstairs. But there was only one entrance underground, which was ramp in the background. They most likely barricaded the area.

Wait... he could try that....


"What's taking them so long? Dachi, have you tried contacting them yet?"

"Yea boss, I did. But they ain't responding."

"Shit, something might've happened, I want you to send tw-."


Raising their guns, everyone's attention turned to the overhead door.

Was that the police? That wasn't normal police protocol. Usually they would call the captors first and attempt all non-violent methods before escalating to violent measures. They weren't following the script at all!

Anxious, the boss raised his voice.

"Who the hell is it?!"

"Hello, this is Pizza hut, Hayama store. Did someone order a pizza?"



The wall next to the steel door broke, sending dust and pieces of cement flying everywhere. And from the dust, a figure could be seen.

"Get the ho-." But the man never finished the sentence because in the next moment the man those around were thrust into the air. Following the green flash were men thrown chaotically around the room.

And just like that, the hostile take over of a supermarket had come to a conclusion.


"-there was pizza!"

"-and he went zoom, zoom-!"

"-burst into the room-"

"-Pizza, I tell you! Pizza-!"

Making sure that people inside the store got out safely along with the criminals appended, he turned to leave.

But what he didn't notice was an old man observing the young man from on top of a nearby building.

"Hmm. . . what are you hiding, Hachioji-shonen?"

Seeing no need to be here any longer, the man blurred before disappearing.

Here's a bonus cause I won't be able to write for a week.

VenerableFoxcreators' thoughts