
Don´t Kiss Me At Hign Noon

Dinora, the princess of the English royal family, wants nothing more than to be able to read her books in peace and not think about getting married, but her father King Melchior and Queen Layna want nothing more than for their daughter to fall in love just like her older sister Faina. They let Dinora have three balls, during these three nights she is supposed to fall in love. But what happens when these three nights turn out to be completely different from what they should have been? And there is another problem: Dinora falls in love with two men who couldn't be more different. Which one should she choose?

Abbey_Winters · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: Sweet Dreams

My sister dropped by spontaneously for a tea party and because she wanted to see what Livian had conjured up. It had now been a week since the measurements for the measurements and I was excited to see which dress he had made for me for the first of the three balls. I admit easily that I am a little excited, but only a little, I also told my sister this when she asked me about it. She just laughed: "Oh Di, you are such a great woman, men must really try hard for you, you hear." I just rolled my eyes and sipped my jasmine tea, it was my favourite tea because it had such a calming effect on me, but Earl Grey was far too strong for me, my sister liked to drink it. Mother also hated Earl Grey and preferred to drink Jasmine. Father was a strict tea-refuser, he drank coffee once, but nothing more. Believe me, you'll get a kick out of having them chasing you," Faina told me. It's just exhausting, it might have been exhilarating for you, but for me it's just tedious. It was already difficult for me to keep one recruiter at a distance, so how would it be with two or even more? Taking turns giving them a number and establishing a rite of passage as to who gets to have me and for how long, that's just ridiculous. Livian arrived about five minutes later and, thank God, interrupted our girl talk, it was beginning to get on my nerves. I slipped into the first dress, it was blue and had a flared falling skirt, the sleeves were puff sleeves and my shoulders uncovered. I liked it, the others seemed to like it too, if only I didn't have to wear it for this ball. And last but not least, since it's a masked ball," Livian said. He handed me the mask, it was blue with sapphires to match my dress. Blue had always been my favourite colour, but since a blue room was not suitable for a princess, I had to have it decorated in lilac. She's beautiful, thank you Livian," I hugged him. Livian and I have a special friendship, he designed my sister's dresses years before me and that's how we got in touch. I said I was his muse, which honoured me greatly as I was finally better than my sister for once. He had been contracted to design and sew the wedding dresses of us, so he was probably more pleased than me that there was a ball to honour me.

There was only one night left before the first ball, once again I couldn't sleep, I tossed and turned trying to find a comfortable position, I just couldn't do it. I went back to the balcony and was startled, there was a person sitting on the parapet, it reminded me of the young one I thought I saw then. He was only a little older, but this couldn't be, I had only dreamed it. I walked slowly towards him, somehow he captivated me. Why are you back?" I whispered. This time he didn't avoid me, this time he didn't want to flee. I was facing him now, he was just as beautiful as I remembered him. What are you looking for?" he held his cold finger against my lips. I have something for you, but promise me that you won't say anything, please just be quiet," he said softly. I would have liked to ask for myself, but it was impossible. I nodded. He gently opened my hands and a strange tingling sensation ran through me, then he put something heavy in my hand, on closer inspection I recognised it, it was my book, which father had snatched out of my hands and thrown into the Thames. How had he known? Perhaps this question was very superfluous. He was certainly not human, I knew that. You are as beautiful as I remember," he continued. It had not been a dream then, I knew it. The moonlight now shone in his face and his eyes began to shine like diamonds, but so did his skin, he was pale, but not as if it was noticeable. Who are you?" it slipped out. He narrowed his eyes, but he stayed here, I saw that he wanted to jump again. It's too complicated to explain to you," he murmured. Suddenly he pulled me to him and turned me towards the moon, she was standing with her back to him. He ran his hand through my hair, it was a pleasant shiver, then he murmured in my ear: "You were right, resisting you will be very hard, but I guess I will have to."

He took both my hands again and turned me towards him, our faces were so close that I should have felt his breath, but I felt nothing. He began to lead me to a waltz. Where did the music come from? I shouldn't ask myself such questions, what was I doing here anyway, I was playing with fire and I liked it. I didn't know how long we danced the waltz, but somehow it was timeless. We were so close I should have heard his heart pounding, but it was only his own. I didn't know what it was, but there was something about him that made me totally submissive. He turned me towards the moon again and I had my back to him again: "I'll be back, but now my time is up, go inside and don't forget the book." He stroked my neck gently and lightly, I inhaled audibly: "You are very different from the others before you, you are not afraid." He walked around me, but always so that I could feel him clearly, then he stood in front of me and lifted my chin. There was silence, then he disappeared into the night. I stood like that for another minute, then shook my head. What is it with the Dinora, first Livius and now this stranger. They were both so attractive and I just can't explain it, both in their own special way. I picked up my book and closed the door to the balcony again.