
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 9 Heroes Save Beauty

Gao Muran looked at her painfully.

These, he does not know.

She looked coldly: "I'm thinking, you ruined me, if I wasn't with you, then I could stay at school with my strength, but just because I'm with you, even if I stay at school, it becomes a misnomer. Unspeakable.

Because of you, I have suffered a humiliation that I didn't have to bear. Your mother said that I was an orphan and was not worthy of your high family. Do you know how sad I am? I am not an orphan, I have a mother, why am I an orphan? "

She said the last, aggrieved fist.

He seemed to be slapped a few times in the face.

"I'm sorry, tender, really, I'm sorry, I don't know this. I apologize to you for my mother's words and deeds. Why didn't you tell me this before."

She breathed out and calmed herself down: "Tell you what can be changed? Let you go home and make trouble with your mother? Will you become an unfilial son because of me? Will you break with your family because of me? Or, If I told you, you wouldn't get into bed with Song Ruo?"

"I had a misunderstanding with Song Ruo, and I didn't know why I was confused at the time," Gao Muran closed his eyes with annoyance on his face: "Tell me, tenderness, how can you forgive me, as long as you tell me , no matter what the price is, I am willing."

Her eyes fell to the far side of the road, where Song Ruo was running towards this direction.

She looked in that direction and sneered.

Gao Muran looked back and saw Song Ruo, he frowned: "warmth, I..."

Song Ruo ran to the two of them and grabbed the tender hand: "Tenderness, it's all my fault, please, stop blaming him, he's really pitiful, he's really..."

Gao Muran shouted: "Song Ruo, don't make trouble for me, you go, I beg you, you go quickly."

Song Ruo knelt down in front of the tender body with a thud: "it's me who is cheap, I like him first, I know I'm sorry for you, but..."

"Song Ruo," the warmth interrupted her annual drama: "you say, Gao Muran doesn't love me anymore, he loves you, what he liked at the time was just my body, but I didn't take my body Give it to him, right?"

Song Ruo's face stiffened for a while: "I didn't say that. I know you hate me tenderly, but don't slander me."

"Whether you admit it or not, I have to tell you that Gao Muran is not such a person. Maybe he will empathize, but he will not fall in love with a person because of a person's body. For me, He may be a scumbag, but he's not a pervert or a hooligan. Also, don't act with me anymore. I'm not very good-hearted, so I don't want to cooperate with your acting skills. If you like kneeling, just continue Kneel down."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and pulled the suitcase away.

Song Ruo clenched her fist, damn it, this bitch of warmth will pull her back to death, right?

Seeing that Gao Muran was going to chase warmth, she stretched out her hand to hold Gao Muran and cried: "Muran, I really didn't say that, I didn't."

Gao Muran shook her off: "I won't love you, never will, I love warmth, I know exactly how hard I worked to get her heart, so I love her, I I'll love her for the rest of my life."

Gao Muran left Song Ruo and left.

Song Ruo stood up slowly, wiped away the tears on her face, looked at the warmth that had gone far away, and gritted her teeth: "warm, just wait and see, I won't let you go."

On Saturday, she studied with Huo Tingren in the morning, and went to make up lessons for another student in the afternoon.

After coming out of the student's house, Butler Tong called her and asked her what time she would go home for dinner.

She looked at the time: "Butler Tong, I won't go back to eat at night."

Butler Tong looked at Huo tingshen who was sitting at the dining table, "then When are you coming back? I'll send a car to pick you up. "

"No, I have to work part-time on Saturday night, and I'll be busy until late. I'll just go back by myself."

After hanging up, Butler Tong looked at Huo tingshen and said, "third master, Miss Wen still has to work and won't be back until late."

Huo Ting held his arms deeply, sat for a moment and said, "investigate, where does she work."

He wants to make sure that this woman is not deliberately trying to avoid him.

Nine o'clock, Ye Shi Bar.

Warmly dressed in well-fitting work clothes, she shuttled between the crowds, ordered orders, delivered wine, and had neat legs and feet.

She stood out in the crowd.

She has a high ponytail, a beautiful face and a slender figure. Even in conservative work clothes, she can be noticed at a glance.

It is precisely because of this that she is often pulled by unruly guests and asked how much it costs for a night, just like now.

She gave her a glance as usual, with a signature smile on her face, and looked at each other.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just a waiter here."

"Bah, pretend to be arrogant, buddy, I want you to accompany me tonight."

"Then... Sir, I'm afraid you have to have sex reassignment surgery first."

"What do you mean," the young guest glared at him, "you're scolding me."

The smile on her face was still kind: "No, I'm telling you that I like women."

The man froze for a moment.

According to past experience, at this time, the other party will usually throw her away in disgust.

But this time, the opponent obviously did not play the cards logically.

He directly pulled her forward.

She was unsteady and fell into the soft sofa.

The man stepped forward and blocked her standing up.

"When you say that, I'm more interested in you. I haven't slept with lace yet. It's just that, today will start with you."

People came and went, but no one helped.

It seems that this kind of thing is here, and it has long been normal.

The man stepped forward and pushed her against the sofa, his eyes full of suffocation: "Little girl, you are unlucky when you meet me today. Who made you offend someone you shouldn't offend."

After he finished speaking, he moved up.

Seeing that he was about to kiss her, she raised her hand and slapped him.

This time it angered the other party.

The man raised his hand, and when he was about to fight back, his wrist was grabbed by someone.

The man was furious, turned his head, and shouted, "Which one will die..."

Before he could finish speaking, the other party had already punched him hard on the cheek.

The man was knocked to the ground, clutching his aching chin.

Before anyone could react, they were dragged out by a few strong men.

Lying there tenderly, Huo Ting was stunned when he looked at the hostile body.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "do you want to ask me again why I am here?"

She returned to her senses, stood up, looked at him, and was really surprised to see him here.

Huo Ting hugged her deeply and looked at her.

After ten seconds, he stretched out two fingers and lightly poked her on the head.

"I find more and more that Mr. Wen is really a mysterious existence."