
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 8 Very Appetite

She was stunned, should it be... so accurate.

She glanced back and saw that the owner of the car behind was sitting in the car and didn't move.

She looked at him with a look of fear: "What should I do, is it my responsibility, because I hit the brakes."

"So, who made you hit the brakes?"

"Because you scared me."

"To ask you to make promises is to scare you? When you attacked me before, why didn't you think that I would be scared by you too?"

She was speechless: "When is this all, can we not discuss this topic? What should I do, what should I say after I go down?"

"He didn't keep a safe distance, and he's responsible, but he should be more scared than you right now."


"Because of this car, he can't afford it. Sit in the car and don't come out."

She nodded.

Huo tingshen got out of the car and walked towards the rear car.

The owner of the rear car got out of the car, she turned around and watched the two men talk a few words.

Then, Huo tingshen took out his wallet and handed a little money to the place. After the other party took it, he got in the car.

Huo tingshen came back, and the whole process took no more than three minutes.

She said anxiously, "Have you lost money?"

"Yes, it's on your account, and you can pay it back in one go in the future. Just drive."

She was speechless: "still let me drive?"

"Anyway, you have paid for the money. Why don't you relax and drive the car back boldly? A bump is a bump, and a bump is a bump. It's okay, let's go."

She was about to cry. Is there such a comfort?

She trembled and drove the car back to the door of the villa on Huanshan Road, her whole body felt stiff.

Huo Ting looked at her deeply, hooked his lips, opened the door and got out of the car.

She got out of the car and felt her legs were soft.

He glanced at her wickedly, and walked into the gate of the villa with his lips hooked.

Butler Tong came out to greet him in person. Seeing that he had brought back warmth, he hurriedly said, "third master, Miss Wen's room is arranged on the first floor of the fourth master's residence."

Huo tingshen stood still and looked at him.

Butler Tong wondered: "third master, do you have any other orders?"

"Tingren is a student who needs to take the college entrance examination. If you let him have one more person there, won't it affect his study?"

"Yes... Yes." Butler Tong immediately understood what he meant and nodded.

Huo tingshen turned around and continued walking and said, "it's arranged with me. I can take care of it this month."

"Yes, I'll go back and have someone clean up the room."

The warm disdain still standing beside the car, what is it?

She doesn't want to be with him at all, okay?

"Also, the car will be sent for maintenance tomorrow, and the maintenance fee receipt will be handed over to Mr. Wen for safekeeping."


It is true and true that capitalists will drink human blood with tender lips.

Butler Tong invited her into the house.

This is the first time she has entered Huo tingshen's residence.

The overall decoration style is European style, very bright and comfortable.

Butler Tong arranged her in the room beside the stairs and went out first.

Not long after, Butler Tong knocked on the door and brought her a few changes of clothes.

That's right, how many.

And they are all new clothes that have not been taken off the tag.

After she took it, she thanked Tong Guanjia.

She thought she would not sleep well after changing places, but it was rare that she slept exceptionally well this night.

The alarm clock rang in the morning, and she woke up feeling refreshed.

When he came out of the room after washing, Huo tingshen just went downstairs.

Because the room was facing the stairs, the two collided.

There was a hint of embarrassment on her face: "Mr. Huo, good morning."

He raised his eyebrows and looked her up and down.

"Well, you are very appetizing today."

She wondered what it meant.

He is evil and charming: "This dress suits your meaning, it's very sexy."

She pouted, I'm afraid... that's not what she meant.

She looked down at her clothes.

This dress was given to her by Butler Tong yesterday, which is a relatively conservative one.

Where it should be covered, it is covered well, where is it sexy?

Seeing her doubtful eyes, Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips and walked to the dining table.

Butler Tong has already made breakfast ready.

Huo tingshen said to her, "come here for breakfast."

"No, I'd better go to the school cafeteria to eat."

"In the future, Tingren will occasionally have breakfast with us. During dinner, you can tell him about the problems he encountered the night before, and make good use of the fragmented time."

She walked over and sat down.

However, Huo Tingren didn't come over during the whole breakfast.

In embarrassment, she had breakfast with him and was watched by him all morning.

After dinner, she took his car and left the villa together.

The driver took her to school first, and then to the company, because it was on the way.

At the gate of the school, Huo tingshen said, "in the afternoon, I will ask Lao Chen to pick you up."

"No, I can go by myself."

"The time wasted on the road with luggage, it is better to save it and use it in a reasonable place."

He's really... prudent.

Is this to help her brother enslave her?

After class in the afternoon, she returned to the dormitory to pack her luggage.

After packing up, she left a note for Tong Hao, who was in the same bedroom, and then left with her luggage.

Passing the long road of the school's phoenix tree, I happened to meet Gao Muran head-on.

Both of them saw each other, and there was no fork in the road, so she could only bite the bullet and move on.

Gao Muran looked at her with resentment in his eyes.

He stopped in front of her.

Seeing that she was going to continue walking, he grabbed her wrist.

"Tenderness, don't you have anything to say to me?"

Her expression was cold, "No."

"No? Well, for me, I've listened to my mother. Oh, tenderness, you can. You actually use me for a job. "

She frowned slightly.

"Actually, this is the purpose of your being with me. You never liked me, you just want to use me, right?"

He sighed tenderly and didn't respond to him.

She wanted to pull her hand out of his wrist, but he pulled her so tightly that she couldn't break free.

"Let go."

"Do you feel ashamed when I see through your purpose? Don't you think that I will know sooner or later? The person who gave you a job opportunity is my mother."

Gao Muran said and roared in pain.

She looked at him with grievance and anger on her face.

He was indifferent: "why, are you speechless? Warmth, why do you use me. "

"Your mother has talked to me countless times, and the topic is the same every time. If I break up with my son, I can let you stay in school to teach."

Her voice was not too small, but he could hear it clearly.

"Before, I always believed that if I worked hard enough and studied well enough, I was fully qualified to stay by my own ability. Even if I knew clearly that the people in power didn't like it, I might be out, but in the face of Your mother threatened again and again, but I never thought of compromising, because I believed in myself and I also believed in you.

Gao Muran, you know, I even thought about marrying you. Even if your mother kicks me out of school, I can find another job. However, you gave me a loud slap in the face with your own hands, and guess what I was thinking at the moment... when I saw that scene. "