
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 82 I Can

"Cough...cough cough," Mingming didn't drink anything, but after hearing Huo tingshen's words, the warmth was choked by the air.

She stared at his face for a while, making sure he wasn't joking, and then said, "Am I responsible for you?"

"Why, who stipulated that when such a thing was done, only men should be responsible for women? You can't be responsible for me?"

She raised her chin, and she couldn't lose her aura, otherwise it would be too ugly: "A slap doesn't make a sound, if you don't want to, can I still knock you down?"

"Yes, if I resist, you really can't handle me, but why should I resist? It's not that I can't. Although I was thrown down by you voluntarily, in this world, is there any reason for prostitution? I've been slept by you, do you think you have the right to say anything to me now?"

Warmth will be vomited by him.

What does it mean to be cheap and be good? Today, this capitalist is really vividly displayed.

"You are all willing, how can it be my fault."

Seeing her annoyed eyes that wanted to kill, Huo Ting said with a deep smile: "if you don't pick anything, who will I go with? Even if I volunteer again, what you do is what you do, and Lai can't help it.

You see, I usually don't force you. If you don't want to, I naturally won't force you, so we didn't do anything out of the ordinary. But last night, you wanted to sleep with me, I would, so we got it right. But if I don't struggle, it doesn't mean that you have done something wrong, so I will take the blame. Is this right? "

She lowered her eyes tenderly, why The more he said, the more she felt that what he said made sense.

How could he say that?

Is his mouth open from birth?

"Drinking last night, you held the glass yourself and poured it into your stomach one by one. Did I force you? You were drunk because of your own behavior, and I became the beast when you were drunk. Object, even if I volunteer, you have to be responsible, do you agree or not?"

His warm face was flushed, looking at him, biting his inner lip, and regretting it.

How could she be so unlucky that she ran into a Huo tingshen.

I met him once when I was drunk, and it was him twice.

It's said that there are only three things, the third time should avoid him.

But it's such a moldy ball, turning around... it's him again.

"Originally, I didn't intend to force you to be so tight, but seeing you and that Luo Chengshu today, Li Chengshu was still talking and laughing, I was annoyed, so I now ask you to be responsible to me. "

"Then...how do you want me to be responsible?"

"Two choices. First, be my wife. Second, be my girlfriend."

She sighed sullenly.

"Why, you're not satisfied? Then I'll give you two more options, let me be your husband or your boyfriend."

"What's the difference between this and the one just now?" Looking at him tenderly, he really knows how to play tricks.

"Okay, I have a good heart. I'll add another option for you. From today onwards, sleep with me at night."

She glared at him: "You..."

Over and over again, all of these options.

"Not satisfied yet? Wen Xiaoqing, don't go too far. I've given in a lot. "

Staring at him tenderly with the look of 'I'm very generous', I collapsed.

If you continue to let him lead by the nose, then she will not live in the future.

No, no, she's not stupid.

To fight back.

"You can keep these five options by yourself. I won't choose any of them."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "so, are you going to deny the account?"

"It's not a question of whether to admit the account or not. As you said, I was drunk last night, and I don't remember what happened. You're saying nothing now, so why should I believe what you said? Maybe It was you who saw that I was drunk and took a liking to me, so you ate me up and wiped it off, then took the opportunity to put the black pot on my head."

After speaking tenderly, he shook his head firmly: "I don't believe I'm the kind of person you said, so I won't bear the blame, and I won't choose any of the options you gave."

Huo Ting stared at her for a moment, and then smiled: "Wen Xiaoqing, you have become cunning."

Tenderly curled his lips: "after being trained by you for so long, if I don't even make progress at this point, didn't I hang around you for so long in vain?"

Hearing what she said, Huo Ting laughed heartily: "well, very good, Wen Xiaoqing, for the sake of your smartness, I'll give you a chance to turn around, tell me what happened last night. Son, how to solve it."

After thinking about it tenderly, he said, "you don't have to solve it, just let it be the same as the first time, just turn the chapter over."

"Don't think about this," he raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Warmly said: "you said, you planned to ignore it because I met brother Chengshu today..."

As she was talking, he squinted her coldly, and she hurriedly changed her tune: "Old acquaintance, that's why you have to worry about it, but I have nothing to do with this old acquaintance, why do you need to do this?"

"You said you liked him when you were a kid."

"What I like when I was young is different from what I like when I grow up. I still understand that."

"So, what do you want to say?"

"I just want to say that I don't have the kind of relationship you think between me and him."

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "then me and him, who is more important?"

"Can you stop asking such boring questions?"

"Have to choose one."

Sometimes I feel that Huo tingshen is really too naive.

"You," she is tender and speechless, and she is not stupid. At this time, she would not choose brother Chengshu even if she died. She didn't want to be targeted by Huo Ting.

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "doesn't this go against your conscience?"

"We've been together for so long, and you don't even trust me at all? How dare you say you like me?"

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity, I will erase all the first four options just now. You can choose again. First, I will sleep with me in the future, but I will not touch you. Second, we will each Sleep separately, but you have to do it with me last night."

Warm eyebrows: "you're shameless."

"It's so easy for a man to switch to a vegetarian diet. Hurry up and choose, we are still waiting for us to go downstairs for dinner."

"I don't choose."

"Then I'll acquiesce, you choose the second option," he said, turning around and going downstairs.

Warm and busy: "I choose the first option."

She didn't want to do it with him.

They had slept in the same bed countless times anyway, and she seemed to be used to it.

But if she were to wake up and do what happened last night with him, she would never be able to do it.

Thinking about it, I feel that my face is hot and too shy.

Huo Ting turned around deeply and glanced at her: "you really don't suffer at all."

After he finished speaking, he opened the door and went out.

But after leaving the room, there was an evil smile on the corner of his lips.

He just turned a little and hooked her.

This little girl really thought she was enlightened, but in the end... she was still so stupid.