
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 78 This woman turned her face and refused to admit it

He helped the warmth up and brought her back to the tree.

The tender body leans on the tree.

Seeing her standing firm, Huo tingshen walked to the flower bed, picked up the bricks by the roadside, and smashed them against the shop glass.

The sound of glass breaking, frightened the warmth in my heart.

She stood beside the tree blankly, watching Huo tingshen take out the bear from the window, walked to him, and handed it to her: "now, am I a man who keeps my word?"

He took the bear slowly and tenderly, held it tightly in his arms, and looked at Huo tingshen stupidly.

When the driver in the car heard the rumbling sound, he got out of the car and looked at the third master not far away.

what's going on.

The third master of his family has been strict with himself for half his life, so how could he be rebellious for a Miss Wen?

He looked at the warmth and hooked his lips: "get in the car?"

He nodded tenderly.

The two got into the car, and the driver hurriedly followed.

Huo Ting said deeply: "you stay and deal with it outside."

"Okay, third master."

But 20 minutes later, the store owner came. Seeing that the glass of her store was smashed, she burst into flames and lost her temper at the driver: "Isn't it just buying a bear? As for smashing the store, I want to call the police."

Huo Ting touched his tender head deeply: "sit in the car obediently and don't move around. I'll go back when I go." He got out of the car, took out a check and handed it to the arrogant shopkeeper: "this is the money for your window glass, In this business, you only make money and don't lose it."

The other party looked at the amount on the check and was stunned for a moment, but he stiffened his neck and said, "My glass is very expensive. I don't care about this money."

"Really?" He looked at the driver: "Call the police and let the police intervene in this matter. At that time, we will lose money according to the amount approved by the police. Why do I have to spend three dollars for something that can be done with less than 20,000 yuan? One hundred thousand."

When he was about to collect the check, the shopkeeper hurriedly took it: "I still have something to do tonight, but I don't have time to wait for the police here with you, so today's business will be fine, don't be so impulsive next time. ."

After the shopkeeper accepted the check, he put it in his bag and left.

When Huo tingshen was about to turn around and get into the car, he heard the driver shout, "Oh, Miss Wen, where are you going?"

Hearing the sound, Huo tingshen turned around and saw that the warmth had gotten off the other side.

Hearing the driver calling her, she looked back at the two of them, burped and ran away.

Huo Ting saw it deeply, and hurried to catch up.


Looking back tenderly, she ran and shouted, "don't chase me, I have no money."

Huo Ting frowned deeply, this woman Is she crazy?

"Don't run away, I don't want your money."

But warmth doesn't believe it, it runs faster.

Huo Ting snorted deeply. This stinky girl who can't get in the oil and salt can run very fast when she is drunk.

With a little effort, he ran more than 200 meters before catching up with her.

As soon as his hand grabbed her wrist, she shouted, "Help, help..."

Huo Ting covered her mouth deeply and knocked her on the wall of the roadside building.

She struggled: "Let me go, you let me go."

"Okay, tender, look at who I am."

She shook her head tenderly: "you are a bad guy, you smash other people's glass."

"I'm Huo tingshen."

"You're not Huo tingshen, Huo tingshen won't be so bad."

Huo Ting was speechless. This woman turned her face and refused to admit it.

If she wasn't drunk, he would have to knock her ass.

His voice was soft: "Why did I smash people's glass?"

"You... hiccup," winked tenderly: "why?"

Huo Ting sighed deeply: "I punish evil and promote good, and help you save the little bear. Didn't you say that the little bear is very pitiful, so I'm not a bad person."

His hand patted the little bear puppet she was holding tightly.

Looking down at the little bear tenderly, he suddenly said, "ah, so you are a good person."

Her body was swaying, and she blinked: "But why are you always shaking, always shaking, can you stop moving?"

Huo tingshen probably never thought that in this life, he would rely on a bear puppet to prove his innocence.

Where should he go to reason?

The driver also searched all the way at this time and drove the car over.

Seeing Huo tingshen and warmth, he hurriedly parked the car and got off the driveway: "third master, the car is coming."

Huo Ting looked at the warmth deeply: "let's get in the car, I'll take you home."

"No, my mother said that you can't get into a stranger's car casually. Men don't have many good things, so it's not safe."

She pouted, looked at him, and looked serious.

Huo Ting held back his smile deeply: "then did your mother tell you that it's more dangerous to walk alone on the road at night?"

Blinking tenderly, Huo Ting pulled her wrist deeply: "Mr. Wen, let's go, I'll take you home."

"Huh? How do you know I'm a teacher?"

"You really don't know me anymore? I'm Huo tingshen, the elder brother of your tutor Huo Tingren. "

"Well..." She was a little confused. This person looked a little like Huo tingshen and not like him.

He slowly pulled her wrist to the side of the car, and she finally stopped resisting and got into the car with him.

But when the car drove to the door of Huo's villa, her moth came again.

She couldn't get out of the car: "this is not my home."

"Then where is this?"

"This is Huo tingshen's house."

"Huo tingshen's family, isn't it yours?"

"No, Huo tingshen's family is Huo tingshen's family. I'm not familiar with him."

Hearing this, Huo tingshen was a little angry: "you are not familiar with him?"

"Shh," he put his finger on his lips warmly and nervously, and looked left and right: "be quiet, Huo tingshen, this guy is very bad. He always takes advantage of me. If I don't go, don't go either. "

"He's not masculine, so it doesn't matter if I go."

"How do you know that he is not good for men, and others say that he is not good for women," she pouted, "but he always kisses me."

Huo Ting deeply felt that he couldn't reason with a drunk woman.

"Then tell me, where do you want to go?"

"I have a home."

"Where do you live?"

She leaned into his ear and said, "I live in Room 909, Building 3, Dachengjiayuan. Otherwise, you can come to my house with me. My house is much safer than here."

Huo Ting smiled deeply, lowered the car window, and said to the driver, "get in the car and take us to our home in Dacheng."

"Okay, third master."

When he arrived at the community, Huo tingshen asked the driver to leave the car and leave first.

He helped him go upstairs with the warmth of humming a little song.

When he came to the door of the house, he took out the key. When he was about to open the door, he said warmly and hurriedly: "hey, you are so interesting. This is my home. How can your key open my door?"

As she spoke, she lowered her head and pulled her bag, found the key, and groped for the door.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

It seems that the more drunk he is, the more powerful he is. I just met him, but I really don't recognize him at all at this moment.

At this moment, her ruddy cheeks were smothered in her eyes, and she let him watch, unaware that the power in her body was about to move.

When the two entered the house, Huo tingshen helped her to sit on the sofa.

She sits and he bends.

The distance between the two at the moment... is very close, very close, so close that you can feel each other's breath.

He was already a little unable to hold back his passion.

Unlucky, at this moment, the warmth is so harmless to humans and animals, and a pair of big eyes stares at his face.

"What are you looking at?" At this moment, Huo tingshen's words were hoarse.

He knew why.

The warm hand, raised gently, poked twice on his eyelashes, and smiled with a curved eyebrow.

"Your eyelashes are so long and beautiful."

Huo Ting took a deep breath and said heavily: "only eyelashes look good?"

Leaning back tenderly: "well... the eyes are also very beautiful. There are not many men who can have such beautiful eyes. "

"Any more?"

Her fingers, slowly sliding down, moved to his lips: "Your lips are really rosy."

She licked her lips: "It's like wiping lipstick."

She said, giggled, and her eyes fell on his eyes again: "Who are you, you are so handsome."

As she spoke, she raised her head and shouted, "Hey, there's a handsome guy coming to my house, come and have a look. Whose child is he? He went to the wrong door... um."

Before she could say the words, her lips were firmly blocked by his kiss.

She leaned her head back, resting her head on the back of the sofa.

Her lips moved back, and his body followed.

His hand, restlessly grasped the hands she was about to tuck his own.

His lips slid to her ear: "Do you want such a handsome man?"

Looking at him tenderly, a more beautiful blush rose on his cheeks.

"Do you want money? My mother said that there is nothing in this world that is free."

"Free," he said, kissing her again.

Only, this time, his kiss was not so peaceful.

After all, what he wanted to capture wasn't just her lips.

Huo tingshen laid her down on the sofa naturally, and touched her restlessly.

A warm hand has been holding the puppet bear tightly.

Huo Ting's deep touch made her lose her armor a little bit.

She slowly wrapped around his neck, which was like encouragement to Huo tingshen.

He guided her perfectly, ignited her little by little, and made her irresistible to herself.

The warm brain, which was originally muddy, was even more dizzy now.

She couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality.

But whether it was a dream or reality, she couldn't stop.

She just felt so crisp, so tired, so sleepy.

In her sleep, someone seemed to pick her up, scrub her body, and put her on the bed.

In her sleep, someone seemed to gently surround her and say 'good night' to her. The voice was familiar, yet seemed unfamiliar.

In her sleep, someone seemed to pull her back into her arms when she was about to fall to the ground and said, 'You're sleeping, it's really terrible'.

in sleep...

She doesn't remember.

When the phone's alarm rang, she turned over and touched the phone everywhere.

But the phone did not touch, but a body was touched.

Her hands slid down her body, and she opened her eyes in shock.

What catches my eye is Huo tingshen's sleeping handsome and flawless profile...

She retracted her hand and sat up abruptly.

It is not unusual for him to sleep beside him.

But... he slept naked beside him, it was a bit...

She swallowed and looked at him.

Huo Ting opened his eyes calmly, as if nothing happened last night, "good morning."

He swallowed tenderly: "morning."

She pointed to him: "You... why are you not wearing clothes."

"You wear it?"

Only then did she feel that she was cold. She looked down, covered herself with the quilt, and shrank back. She didn't wear it.

It doesn't matter if you don't move, the bones under him seem to fall apart.

Needless to say, she naturally knew what happened last night.

After all...she had an experience.

She closed her eyes and only remembered that she and the principal went to dinner with him last night.

Then during the dinner... she drank.

I vaguely remember that he agreed to the principal's request. As for what happened later...

It's over, she's really completely broken.

She bit her lip, knowing that her wine was not good, why did she have to drink in front of Huo tingshen.

Huo Ting sat up deeply and rubbed her head with his hand: "don't look like you regretted it. You will make me feel like I didn't serve you well last night."

"Don't say it," she said with a bit of embarrassment and shyness in her voice. After her eyes touched him, she hurriedly moved away.

Huo Ting smiled deeply: "completely broken again?"

Biting her lips tenderly: "don't you know... what kind of virtue do I have after drinking? "

"It's an honor. I've seen it three times, and each time it's completely shocking."

She felt a little hard to say: "Last night...Is it my initiative again?"

"As a man, I think I should tell you that we hit it off."

With a warm sigh, "you...you know my virtue after drinking, why...why don't you leave me alone. "

"Knowing that it's your virtue to finish drinking, why don't you just leave you alone? Let you run around the streets and pounce on other men? , Follow me, it's better than catching a random man on the street."

I scratched my eyebrows tenderly, so embarrassing.

Huo Ting smiled calmly and rubbed her head: "don't be too stressed, I won't force you to be like me because of what happened last night. As long as you don't want to, I will still not force you in the future. Last night I was also at fault, but at that time, you were voluntary after all, so I won't apologize to you, what do you think?"

She lowered her eyes and stared at the peonies on the quilt, her palms sweaty.

He smiled: "I know, you are embarrassed when I sit here, then I'll take a shower first, you calm down for a while, I'll wash you after I'm done, eh?"

She nodded, not daring to look at him.

Huo Ting got up deeply and walked into the bathroom without covering it up.

The warmth doesn't even dare to lift an eye.

As soon as the bathroom door closed, she patted her forehead hard.

I slept with him for another night, what should I do?

What the hell is she going to do when she's drunk.

When she thought that the two had a skin-to-skin relationship last night, she felt embarrassed even thinking about it.

The entanglement with him started from the first time she drank too much and slept with him.

I thought that the relationship between the two would gradually become estranged.

But... now again.

She really didn't know what to do next.

Hearing the sound of water rushing from the bathroom, she thought for a while, pulled the quilt off the bed, put on her clothes, and left the house with her bag on her back.

Don't worry about the 3721, let's run away.