
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 77 Huo tingshen, don't shake it

Huo Ting looked at her as if she was dying, raised the corners of his lips, and put down the wine glass after drinking.

Not to mention, occasionally he would really think of her drunkenness and bowing to the tree.

"Xiao Wen, go over there and fill up the third master with a glass."

Surprised by the warmth, still drink?

"It's a good thing. It must be a pair. Let's have two drinks at a time. Today, we must accompany the third master to drink to the fullest."

Regarding the matter of funds, Huo tingshen did not let go, but Peng Aiguo could only gamble by drinking.

After a few rounds of drinking like this, the warm face is already a little red.

She patted her face, trying to wake herself up.

Seeing that she was a little unstable, Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply and said to Peng Aiguo: "I have a good drink of this wine today. It seems that Principal Peng really wants to strengthen Beijing Normal University, since you have the heart to serve the school. , then I will pay for your dormitory building in my own name. As for the scientific research funds you mentioned, I will donate one million to your school every year in the name of the company."

"Third Master, on behalf of our school, I would like to thank you for your strong support."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "you're welcome."

This time, only two men clink glasses.

Peng Aiguo put down his wine glass, thought of something, took out his mobile phone and said apologetically, "Third Master, I'm sorry, I'll go out and make a phone call."

"Principal Peng, please do it yourself."

After Peng Aiguo went out, Huo Ting looked at Wen Qing deeply and rubbed her head: "how are you?"

He took a drink tenderly, looked at his face, and smiled: "Huo tingshen, don't shake it, my eyes are dizzy when you shake it."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "oh? So what? "

He covered her shoulders with his hands: "Is it still shaking?"

She looked at him, blinked her big eyes a few times, and smiled: "Don't shake it, hiccup."

"Are you a little drunk?"

"Drunk? Impossible, I'm a thousand cups of warmth without getting drunk," she said, shaking her body and patting her chest.

Then, she put both hands on his shoulders: "I told you, don't shake, don't shake, if you shake, my eyes will faint."

Huo Ting endured his smile deeply, "Okay, I won't shake it. Don't drink any more for a while. I'll take you home."

He heard footsteps at the door and let go of the hands that held her shoulders.

He leaned on the table tenderly and slowly, and muttered, "I'm going home."

At the door, Principal Peng pushed the door and walked in with a smile on his face, looking at Huo tingshen: "third master, I'm so sorry, when I just called, I happened to meet my daughter outside, and I heard that I was having dinner with you. , she insisted on coming in to see you, my daughter is your junior girl, and after entering the school, I heard about your legend from the mouths of international students, and I admire you very much."

As he was talking, the door of the private room was opened again.

Outside the door, a fashionably dressed young woman walked in.

The woman looked at Huo tingshen and smiled heartily: "Hello, senior, I'm Peng Nanshu. It's really an honor to see you here."

Huo Ting's deep eyes swept over the woman.

With no expression on his face, he nodded lightly.

Peng Nanshu glanced at the warmth sitting beside Huo tingshen, who was already lying on the table, and went around the table to the other side of Huo tingshen: "senior, can I have a drink with you?"

Her voice just fell, and on the side, Wen Qing suddenly stood up, smiled, and swayed slightly: "drink, come, we won't return if we are not drunk."

Because she was standing too fast, her legs hit the chair, and her body fell backward.

Huo tingshen got up quickly, and with a long hand, he directly wrapped the warmth into his arms.

He straightened her up and asked her to stand, but she sat down on the chair and pointed to Huo tingshen: "thank you, ah, no, some people don't accept verbal thanks."

She smiled: "Huo tingshen, you have so many problems."

Hearing the words of Wen Qing's sudden drunkenness, Principal Peng broke out in a cold sweat.

The matter that has just been negotiated will not be disturbed by the tender girl.

The principal stepped forward and patted twice on the warm shoulder: "Xiao Wen, Xiao Wen?"

Huo Ting frowned deeply, stared at the principal's hand on Wen Qing's shoulder, and said displeased, "Principal Peng, can't you see that Mr. Wen is drunk?"

Seeing his Xuanhan's eyes, Principal Peng smiled awkwardly: "Third Master, don't take offense, I really didn't expect this child to be so weak in drinking, otherwise, I'll send this child back first, Nan Shu, take care of me Let's go to the third master, accompany the third master to have a few drinks, for a while..."

He hasn't finished his words yet, when he hears the words "drink a few cups", the warmth is like a chicken blood, and he stands up again: "Come, drink."

She held the cup in front of her and glanced at the three people around her with a blurred vision.

When she saw a woman standing behind Huo tingshen, she stretched her neck forward and winked.

"Huo Huo tingshen," she pulled the candle to Huo tingshen's arm and dragged her to her side.

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips and followed her pull to her trial.

"Mr. Wen, what advice do you have?"

"You...you have a female ghost beside you, and the female ghost has been peeking at you."

Hearing this, Huo Ting looked at Peng Nanshu deeply and couldn't help hooking his lips.

Behind him, Principal Peng patted his forehead with a headache.

Peng Nanshu was depressed: "Dad, this is the teacher of your school? You can't even tell the difference between a person and a ghost. Why did you bring her to such an occasion to be shameful."

Huo Ting took a deep look and looked at Peng Nanshu: "I don't agree with what Miss Peng said. Don't you think that drunk teacher Wen is really cute?"

Peng Nanshu was stunned for a moment, and looked at the warmth with a bit of displeasure in his eyes.

Tenderness is still looking at Peng Nanshu, and his eyes are really no different from seeing a ghost alive.

"Xiao Wen..." Principal Peng said, "That's not a ghost, it's a human."

Because she kept shaking, Huo tingshen held the warmth in his arms.

She looked back at Principal Peng: "so, can you all see that lady?"

Huo Ting raised the corners of his lips deeply and held back his smile.

Principal Peng said with a headache: "of course, that's my daughter, her name is Peng Nanshu. She happened to pass by and wanted to come in and have a drink with Mr. Huo to get acquainted."

Warmly pushes the wine glass that has been held in his hand forward: "come, cheers, do it, kill it all."

Peng Nanshu said a little displeased: "Dad, I'm here to help you take care of the third master. Please send this teacher home."

"Okay, okay," Principal Peng stepped forward to help Wenqing.

Just as his hand was stretched out, Huo tingshen turned around quickly and staggered his warm shoulder from his hand.

Warm shoulders, not someone who said they can touch them, he was not happy.

Principal Peng fluttered his hand and looked at Huo tingshen: "third master, I'll..."

"Do you know where Mr. Wen lives?" Huo Ting's deep breath was a little cold.

"This... I'll take her to the hotel for one night tonight."

"Hotel?" Huo Ting's eyes were cold.

"Good girl, you got drunk and sent to the hotel, is it appropriate?"

When Principal Peng heard it, he quickly explained: "Third Master, don't get me wrong, I can be Mr. Wen's father at my age."

"Could it be that because Principal Peng is older, he is not considered a man? Principal Peng may not have such an idea, but Mr. Wen is still young. If someone sees her entering and leaving the hotel with a man who can be her own father, then Wouldn't her reputation be ruined?"

Principal Peng was embarrassed, and Peng Nan said, "Then if you are a senior, I will send this teacher."

Huo Ting said with a clear face, "no need, Mr. Wen used to tutor my brother. My driver knows where she lives. I can send this woman back by the way."

He said and looked at Principal Peng: "Tonight's dinner, Principal Peng did a good job. I am very satisfied. I will let the secretary contact you tomorrow and implement it with you."

"Okay, thank you third master."

Huo tingshen didn't speak any more, and left the private room with the help of the warmth that made him bend when he walked.

When I went out, I was in a hurry: "I haven't finished my wine yet. Huo tingshen, I still have to drink."

When the private room door was closed, Peng Nanshu looked at Peng Aiguo and said, "Dad, what are you doing? Didn't you mean to introduce me to the third master? Why did you call me so late?"

"I didn't expect this teacher Wen to be drunk."

"Who is this teacher Wen?"

Principal Peng smiled: "Didn't the third master just say that she used to tutor the fourth master of the Huo family for a period of time."

"Then why did you invite the third master to dinner and bring her?"

"I asked someone to inquire, and I heard that the fourth master of the Huo family has a good relationship with him in school. There are still rumors that they may be a couple. I thought, since I want to pull investment, then Let the warmth come to help and speak, and he won't save the face of his little sister-in-law. "

Peng Nanshu pouted: "but the helper you invited is really too unclear. Look at what she drinks. I don't think she is going to be the younger sister-in-law of the third master Huo. The posture...Is it clear that you are seducing the third master? "

"That's not possible. Look at the way she dresses. How can the third master see such a poor girl."

Peng Nanshu was speechless, "But her face is a monster."

"Girl, beside the third master, there are many good-looking women, and I haven't seen him with anyone. What does this prove? The third master is a man with connotation, and he needs a woman with connotation to match, what Dad means. ,you understood?"

Peng Nanshu raised his eyebrows: "Forget it, I won't be angry with you. Next time you have a chance, would you call me earlier?"

"Okay, baby girl, go, go home with daddy."

Huo tingshen helped the warmth to the car.

The warmth came out of his arms, and Barbara lay on the side of the car window, blinking his eyes to look out the window.

The trees on the side of the road were flowing backwards rapidly, and she was already a little dizzy, so she couldn't help taking a drink.

Then, she patted the window hard: "Open the door, open the door quickly, and let me out."

The driver is in trouble.

Huo tingshen said, "stop the car."

As soon as the car stopped, he opened the door tenderly and got out of the car, threw himself to the tree, and retched twice, but couldn't spit it out.

Simply, she turned around and sat down directly beside the tree, holding the trunk tightly with her hands and her face against the tree.

Huo tingshen stood beside her and felt a little funny when he looked at her.

She exhaled and retched again.

Huo Ting squatted down and patted her back gently.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

Warmth didn't make a sound, just two small eyes, looking at the window of a closed toy store a few meters away.

In the corner of the window, there is a brown bear puppet.

Huo Ting followed her eyes for a moment and said, "warmth? What's the matter with you? "

The tender hand pulled his arm and turned to look at him with a pitiful little face.

"Can we save it?"

She stretched out her arm and pointed at the bear.

Huo Ting held back his smile deeply: "it doesn't need to be rescued, it's sitting there basking in the moon."

She shook her head: "No, it's lonely. It needs me very much. I'm going to take it home and make it my sister."

Huo Ting laughed helplessly and grew up, at least this time he didn't have to dig a tree at home.

"The store is closed. When the store opens tomorrow, I'll ask someone to buy it back for you, okay?"

"I don't," she let go of the arm holding the big tree, and took his hand with both hands: "I want it now, um, I want it now."

Huo Ting stared at her little face deeply. Who said she wouldn't be coquettish.

Look, how can she still be half tender when she is drunk.

He tapped the corner of his lips: "Then give me a kiss, kiss me, and I'll give it to you right away."

Wrapped around his neck tenderly, raised his head and hung it on his body, touching his lips with his lips.

The driver following him was quite frightened by this scene.

No wonder Lao Chen said that day, he was most afraid that the third master and Mr. Wen would be sitting in the car at the same time, and he didn't know where to put his eyes.

Now, he seemed to know why Lao Chen said this.

Huo Ting was deeply kissed by her, and the anger in his body was clamoring.

Pressing her small head, the kiss deepened.

The tender body he kissed was a little soft and nestled into his arms.

Huo Ting kissed her for a long time and let go of her.

"Wait, I'll have someone come to open the door for you, and we'll be able to rescue it and take it away soon."

Without moving the warmth, Huo Ting looked at the driver not far away: "report the address here to Shaokang, and let him find the owner of the shop to open the door within ten minutes."

"Okay, third master."

The driver was busy looking for a reason to go back to the car and make a phone call.

Huo tingshen put down his mobile phone, just when he helped Wen Qing get up.

Warm has stood up. She staggered to the window, squatted in front of the puppet, and poked the glass window twice.

Huo tingshen followed and said, "wait a minute, someone will come to open the door in a while."

Warm pursed mouth: "you don't care what you say. You say you want to give it to me immediately, but you lie. Men don't have any good things. Bai Antai is a bad guy, and Gao Muran is a bad guy. "

She pointed at his face: "You too, you are all bad people, men can't be trusted, you can't be trusted."

She pressed her face to the glass with disappointment, as if she was about to cry.

"Sister Xiong, I'm sorry, my sister was deceived and can't save you."

Huo Ting was deeply helpless. It turned out that he cheated and kissed?

He squatted down and persuaded: "I didn't lie to you, the store will come in a while, and I will let him open the door for you. You can buy as many baby bears as you want, okay?"

"I don't believe you," shouted tenderly, "I don't believe it."

"Then how can you believe it?"

She pouted: "I want you to keep your word, and give me the bear right away."

Huo Ting nodded deeply, "OK, I'll give it to you right away. Come on, get up and take two steps back."