
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 63 Sudden Attack

The next day was Saturday, and she rarely slept in.

When she woke up at nine o'clock, she didn't want to move, so she lay in bed and browsed the web.

The relationship between Huo tingshen and Cheng Fei, who was still on the top of the search list yesterday, was replaced by Cheng Fei's black material.

In just one night, it seems that people all over the world are in the black past of Chengfei.

What she started dating in high school, abortion.

Recognize godfather during college.

For newcomers in the entertainment industry, just stepping on it does not help.

She also picked up the news that she had ambiguous with several wealthy young masters before.

I'm a little surprised by the warmth. What's the situation.

Suddenly so many black materials were exposed, this Cheng Fei is too unlucky.

But come to think of it, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me.

She flipped through other news for a while, and seeing that it was half past ten, she got up to wash up and went downstairs to buy vegetables.

She wandered around the vegetable market for a long time, bought a shopping cart full of vegetables, and then went home.

Going back to the downstairs of the community, I saw that there was a new car in the parking space that had been vacant for many days before.

She glanced across the distance, and without thinking, went upstairs and went home.

But as soon as he opened the door, he was tightly surrounded by a pair of strong arms stretched out behind him.

Before she could scream, the other party had already said, "It's me."

She was surprised and looked back at Huo tingshen standing in front of her.

"How...how did you come back? Didn't you go on a business trip for a week?"

Huo tingshen pulled her into his arms: "why don't you answer the phone."

She was stunned.

"Huh?" Huo Ting let go of her deeply and looked at her eyes: "let's talk about it, I want to know what the big reason is that I have to put down my important work and come back."

She was startled: "Did you come back because I didn't answer your call?"

"Otherwise, why do you think I am standing here now."

She felt a pang of guilt.

I didn't answer the phone last night, just because I wanted to make fun of my little temper and vent my dissatisfaction.

Thinking that he is not in the country anyway, even if he doesn't answer his phone, what can he do.

But... She really didn't expect that because of her willfulness, he would let him give up such an important job.

Thinking of the last time his secretary called her and said that he had left a very important contract and came to her, she felt even more guilty.

"I just... I'm in a bad mood, so I don't want to ignore anyone. I didn't expect this to affect you."

After she finished speaking, she stomped her feet depressed: "So why are you coming back? Didn't you make me feel more uncomfortable?"

Huo tingshen's deep hand poked her between the eyebrows lightly: "are you the wicked person to sue first? When I come back, I'm not worried about what happened to you? "

"What can happen to me, this is my territory anyway."

"That's not necessarily. Last time, who left his own territory and ran to Linhai City."

"I...I went to relax that time."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "so, what's the reason for your bad mood?"

Warm and guilty.

Huo Ting said deeply, "say it."

Warm nuzui, looking at him, can't tell him, it's because of him.

"I just miss my mom. When I miss my mom, I usually don't like to talk to others."

She pursed her lips and looked at him: "Now that you are back, what will happen to your business? I really didn't expect that it would affect you."

He hooked his lips: "Only you can affect me."

She blushed slightly and was moved: "I'm sorry."

"I have a very good compensation method, do you want to compensate me?"

Looking at him tenderly and wonderingly: "how to compensate?"

He suddenly hugged her.

The shopping cart in the warm hands automatically slides down to the floor.

Only then did she realize that Huo tingshen planned not to do good things.

She was anxious: "Why do you do this every time."

He looked at her, smiled dotingly, walked directly into the bedroom, and put her on the bed.

She was about to sit up, but he lay down beside her and overwhelmed her.

"It's like you follow me every time."

He put his arms around her, closed his eyes, and said a little tiredly: "I'm a little sleepy, sleep with me for a while, this is to make up for me."

"You didn't rest on the plane?"

"After working all the way, I squinted for a while, and after getting off the plane, I had a video conference with the United States," he said, putting his lips to her ear, and said softly: "In short ,Sleepy."

The warmth didn't speak anymore, just lay there honestly.

After a while, Huo Ting next to him heard even breathing.

She thought he was asleep, and just when she wanted to move, his magnetic voice sounded again: "Don't move."

Looking at him tenderly: "did I disturb you?"


She pursed her lips and didn't move.

I thought I slept a lot today, and I'm not so sleepy anymore.

But after lying down for a while, a drowsiness worm possessed her body, and she fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already evening.

She hung on him like an octopus.

And he was looking at him.

Seeing his gaze, she was embarrassed for a moment, and hurriedly retracted her hands and feet.

Huo Ting's deep hand gently tapped the corner of his mouth.

Confused, she reached out and wiped the edge of her mouth, but no saliva.

Huo Ting was speechless: "you woman, you really realize it later."

As he spoke, he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips.

"I'm asking you for a good afternoon kiss."

Warm blushing, embarrassed for a moment, sit up and touch his stomach.

"God, I'm so hungry, I'm going to cook."

She rolled over and got out of bed and went into the kitchen.

She simply placed two large bowls of tomato and egg noodles.

Like last time, Huo tingshen came out with her towel tied after taking a bath.

Looking at him tenderly, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

He looked down at himself and said, "Is it funny?"

"A bit."

He walked over: "Let's eat, I'm very hungry too."

After eating half a bowl of noodles tenderly, he looked at him and said, "by the way, have you watched the news?"

"No, what happened?"

"Your rumored girlfriend, a lot of black material appeared on the Internet overnight."

"Gossip girlfriend?" He raised his eyebrows: "You mean Cheng Fei?"

"Yeah, she was hacked badly."

"Does this have anything to do with me?"


He raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "Do you care?"

Warm and awkward for a while: "what should I care about?"

"Then don't worry about it, it's someone else's business after all."

"It can't be regarded as someone else's business, right? It's more or less because of you."

"because I?"

"It's because of the scandal between Cheng Fei and you that pushed her to the cusp of the current situation. Before the scandal with you, no one picked her up."

"This scandal is not a day or two, why didn't you pick it up before but chose yesterday, and it's still such a large-scale blackmail?"

Huo Ting was calm: "don't you think that she offended others? The water in the entertainment industry is already deep, so don't worry about it. Don't worry, my heart is still hanging on you. "

Warm blushing, white him a note.

After eating, Butler Tong came to bring clothes to Huo tingshen.

As usual, Huo tingshen stayed at his house again.

She obviously felt helpless before, but she was probably used to it, and she didn't think so.

But she also knew in her heart that the current state of the two of them must be abnormal in the eyes of outsiders.

But so what, she felt... the clearer is self-cleaning.

After dinner in the morning, the two went downstairs together.

Just after leaving the building door, Huo tingshen suddenly turned sideways quickly and blocked her.

Just when the warmth was about to look up at him.

He had already pressed her face into his arms.

Warm and wondering: "Huo tingshen, what are you doing?"

"Shh, someone took a candid photo in the grass on the left."

Warm and tense for a while, and my body is much stiffer.

She whispered: "How...what to do."

Huo tingshen took off his thin shirt and put it directly on his warm head, covering her whole face.

He held her hand tightly: "let's go, I'll take you to the car."

The warm sight was suddenly blocked, and I really couldn't see anything.

She can only rely on Huo tingshen next to her.

She held Huo tingshen's hand tightly with one hand and pulled his arm to her.

The other hand, circled to the left, wrapped tightly around his arm.

After Huo tingshen sent her to the car, he drove away.

Sitting tenderly and obediently in the back of the car, he didn't dare to take off the clothes on his head.

Huo Ting looked at her in the rearview mirror deeply and couldn't help laughing: "you look like a bride when you get married."

Warm and anxious: "don't joke, I'm going to be scared to death."

"Take off your clothes, we have left the community."

The warmth is relieved.

She took off her clothes, looked left and right, and said in a hurry, "This is not the way to school, you don't mean to take me to your house, right?"

"There are a few cars behind, are you sure you can get out safely after I send you to school?"

He leaned forward tenderly, got half of his body into the front row of the car, and looked at him with a look of help: "then what should I do, I can't be absent from work, Gao Muran has been targeting me, if my points are deducted, I was fired."

"Then get fired. Anyway, your job is not worthy of your ability."

"No, I can't be so unpromising, I have to walk the road that I insist on, and I have to finish it even on my knees."

"So, I'll let you down now and let someone shoot?"

The warmth suddenly silenced: "what should I do?"

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "please, I have a way to help you out of the current predicament."

Nuzui tenderly, and gave him a look: "don't look at it, who brought me this predicament."

"Then are you planning to get away? Anyway, you are photographed, so for me, there is no loss. I can tell the world that you are the woman I like."

After Huo tingshen finished speaking, he suddenly said: "well, don't say it, it's a really good idea, just in time, I can also take the opportunity to let men all over the world know that this woman is mine, and I will hate you when you look at it."

Warm and depressed: "Huo tingshen, you..."

He laughed and interrupted her: "Considering that you may not want to be deeply slapped, I'm still willing to respect you, and tell me quickly, whether you beg me or not."

Warm and depressed: "please, please, can't you?"

"The action is obviously not enough. I know what I want, and if I don't do it, then my attitude is not sincere."

Gritting his teeth tenderly, he is trying to force him to be a prostitute.

He smirked: "Count to three, after three counts, if you don't act again, I will turn back and take you back to school."

He said again: "One, two, two point five, two point six..."

The tender body arched forward and kissed him on the cheek.

Huo Ting said with great satisfaction, "yes, really good."

Warm and depressed, lean back and sit firmly.

Now, she can only trust him, after all, she has already kissed.

The car drove directly into the backyard of the villa.

Huo tingshen said to Guan's family, "how many cars are there at home?"


"Well, you go to the backyard, choose six younger female employees to put on casual clothes, and get on the car one by one. After going out, drive in all directions of Beicheng, and turn back in half an hour."

"Okay, young master," Butler Tong left.

Huo Ting looked at Yunguo deeply: "you also go in and change your clothes in a while, and go out with the last car."

Nodding tenderly, she raised her wrist and looked at the time. It was eight o'clock.

But now, she has no choice but to deduct points.

She turned around and entered the villa, quickly changed into the clothes prepared by Butler Tong, and came downstairs.

Every three minutes, a car pulls out of the villa.

Standing beside the car tenderly, he said helplessly, "you say, will I be fired today?"

"That's right, I'll take care of you."

Warm nuzui: "I don't eat free food."

"I eat, then you feed me."

"Sorry, I have no money."

"After marriage, mine is yours. You support me, that's the decision."

Warm and speechless, she smiled sideways. She was not in the mood to joke with him now. After all, it was her fault for being late.

Huo Ting patted her on the shoulder deeply: "don't worry, your kiss is still very valuable. I have always kept my word. I guarantee you will be fine today."

After seeing his confident expression, the tender eyebrows that were originally frowned, could not help but stretch a little.

Huo tingshen said again: "after you get off work this afternoon, a driver will pick you up. Remember, don't go back to your home in Dacheng alone. There will be reporters there."

She was depressed and looked at him: "It's all your fault. I have to find another place to rent a house. I really like Dachengjiayuan here, it's close to the school, and the rent is cheap."

He hooked his lips: "Good place, wait for the limelight to pass, and then look for it. In a short time, you will live here."

"What's the matter, you are more dangerous here."

"Don't you know that the most dangerous place is the safest?"

Warm eyebrows: "Huo tingshen, you do it on purpose."

Huo Ting sneered deeply: "you saw through it, but this is the best way at present. After all, you have been Tingren's tutor. You live here, and it makes sense, and the security facilities here are the best, and no reporters can get in there. Come in."

He patted her on the shoulder: "Okay, that's it, get in the car and go to work."

Warm and depressed, got in the car and left.

It's over, and finally moved out under the excuse that Tingren's college entrance examination was over.

Now I have to move back.

When her car came out, there was no reporter's car at the door.

The warmth has relaxed a lot. He really has a way. This person is really smart.

When she came to the school gate, just as she got off the bus, Huo Tingren came over by the school gate.

Warm and surprised: "why are you here?"

"My brother called me and asked me to pick you up."

"pick me up?"