
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 108 It Shouldn't Be My Brother

Listening to his words, I thought of ye wanluo and her second brother tenderly.

He was bitten by a snake once, and he was afraid of the rope for ten years.

She said: "in my eyes, Tingren is just a brother I like very much, that's all."

"you sure?"

Warm eyebrows: "what are you suspecting? Do you think all women in the world are ye wanluo? "

Huo Ting's expression became solemn: "at that time, although she didn't voluntarily betray anyone, she was forced by the situation and had no choice. I did bear some betrayals."

Warm and unhappy: "yes, if it wasn't for the situation, you two probably have several children now."

"Wen Xiaoqing, don't eat this kind of boring vinegar," Huo tingshen rubbed her head with his hands: "I'm frank with you like this, just to tell you that my brother stole the woman I liked. I can't go through it again, I'm afraid I'm going to go crazy myself, eh?"

He lowered his eyes tenderly, stared at the book in his hand, and asked after a long time, "Actually, giving up your beloved woman to your brother is the stupidest choice. You shouldn't have given up ye wanluo back then. of."

He sat down on the window mat opposite her, looked at her dotingly and smiled: "I think the concession I made at that time was probably to meet a beautiful you in the future."

Looking at him tenderly, his eyes softened a little, and he couldn't help but smile sideways: "Huo tingshen, you are really a master of love."

"If I told you that I've only been in love twice in my life, counting you, would you believe it?"

"how is this possible."

"The truth is, my sweet words come from my heart when I meet the right person."

He curled his lips, calmly.

She pursed her lips and smiled tenderly, but some deer jumped in her heart.

Compared with Gao Muran, Huo tingshen is indeed a good talker.

Although he didn't know what he was like when he was with other women, in front of him, she always seemed to be moved.

"By the way, there is something I want to discuss with you on behalf of Tingren."

Huo Ting frowned deeply: "why are you talking to me instead of him?"

"This is the reward he negotiated with me when he promised to help the school basketball team win the MVP championship."

Huo Ting squinted deeply, this boy really saw that warmth was eaten in front of him, right?

"What did he do to you again?"

"He said he wanted to open a bar," said tenderly, "but, isn't this a trivial matter for your family? Why would you disagree? "

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips, "what did he say?"

"He said that he was going to open a bar that was not for profit. The Huo family had nothing in the mall. If his bar was not profitable, you would feel ashamed of him."

"It's a bunch of nonsense," Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply: "he's teasing you about this."

"Is there any other reason for that?"

"Yes, he knows it well himself," Huo tingshen said, "I will talk to him about this matter. Don't worry about it for the time being."

Wondering tenderly: "then... Is my mission a success or a failure? "

"You succeeded. Whether this bar can be opened or not depends on Huo Tingren's attitude."

Nodding tenderly, she just finished her task.

The next afternoon, Huo tingshen came to school half an hour earlier.

He asked the school for a lounge and sent someone to find Huo Tingren.

Seeing Huo Ting's deep face, Huo Tingren knew that there was a problem.

He walked to Huo tingshen with a smile on his face and sat down: "third brother, you have something to do with me."

"What do you say?"

"Me? Surely you don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't ask you."

"Why don't you give up on the bar thing?"

Tingren probably thought that as long as the third sister-in-law mentioned this matter, the third brother would definitely find him.

He looked at Huo tingshen seriously and said, "third brother, my situation is different from my second uncle."

"Second uncle didn't even think that he would meet that slut from the Bai family in a bar, let alone that her life would be ruined by her. It's not my decision to let you open a bar. , the second brother also disagreed.

The three of us are brothers, but your personality is most like the second uncle. You are emotional and emotional. If you stay in that kind of place all day, how can you guarantee that you will not follow the old way of the second uncle? "

"Just because in this world, not everyone is from the Bai family, third brother, I'm already an adult, there are some things, if you stop me now, I will do the same in the future, anyway, I will do it all the time, Can't I let you support me when I really want to do something, instead of blindly opposing it?"

Huo Ting stared at Huo Tingren for a moment: "what's the real reason why you have to reopen that bar? I want to hear your sincerity, not those nice perfunctory words. "

Huo Tingren thought for a while and said, "I want to meet all kinds of people, understand a world completely different from mine, and I want to exercise myself to make up for the interpersonal vacancy I had for the past ten years. I don't want to carry the fourth master of the Huo family all my life. Title, admired, rejected, feared, I want to live the life I want."

"Opening a bar will let you live the life you want?"


"Others will know sooner or later that it was opened by the fourth young master of the Huo family. You are from the Huo family, and you will never get rid of this identity in this life."

"Even if it didn't go in the direction I wanted in the end, but I did what I wanted to do, I would feel very happy."

Huo Ting sighed deeply and was silent for a moment: "OK, just for your last word, I'll let you open this bar, but if you dare to open the bar..."

"Absolutely not," Tingren said with a pleasant smile: "third brother, I will not make you regret it."

Huo Ting gave him a deep oblique note: "I will let Shaokang handle the follow-up matters for you. Go back to class first."

Huo Tingren got up and was very surprised. He knew that in the third brother, there is nothing that the third sister-in-law can't do.

The third sister-in-law is really invincible.

He decided that the idol in the future would be the third sister-in-law.

When he walked to the door, Huo tingshen suddenly said, "wait a minute."

Huo Tingren looked at him: "third brother, don't you want to go back on it?"

"Keep a little distance from your third sister-in-law in the future, and let others gossip and do things less."

"Wow, I'm lying on the gun. I can't blame it. You made me look at the third sister-in-law. Besides, there are some gossips that I can't control."

"Then look at yourself. Why do people only talk about your scandal with Wenqing? But they don't say you are with other girls? It's not that you are too pretentious. You don't date so many girls in school, but you just go with Wenqing. Recently, aren't you blackmailing her? Your position of warmth is different from yours. If you let her be criticized because of you again, be careful and I'll take care of you. "

Huo Tingren's mouth twitched for a while.

Is this my brother? If you have a daughter-in-law, you don't care about your brothers.

Some scandals, once fermented, are really difficult to calm down.

Wen Qing and Huo Tingren have deliberately kept a distance in school.

Warmth has also been specifically clarified in the student group that it is only a teacher-student relationship with Huo Tingren, but there are still endless discussions in the forum.

If there is only this scandal, it will be fine, but a few days later, there is a new "gossip hammer" in the forum.

The news also had a resounding headline.

The rich and wealthy are in turn favored, and there is no bottom line to be a person. Beijing Normal University has a dark life for its warmth.

There are a lot of photos posted in the news.

There is a picture of her sitting back to back on the lawn with Gao Muran and reading a book.

She met Bai Nancheng in private, and she had dinner with Bai Nancheng in the restaurant.

She met Luo Chengshu at the school gate some time ago.

There is also the photo of her getting in the luxury car. Seeing the car, she didn't feel shocked and broke into a cold sweat. It was Huo tingshen's car. Fortunately, Huo tingshen was not in the car at that time.

There are also pictures of Huo Tingren whispering to her in school.

In addition to these, there are also some photos taken secretly when she was talking with the parents of the opposite sex students downstairs or at the door of the students' homes before graduation.

It was obvious that someone had followed her, otherwise how could it be possible to capture so many... strange pictures.

Looking at the text below, not only did she abuse her private life with some nasty words, but also exposed the basic information of her brother, Luo Chengshu, Huo Tingren, and several of her students' parents.

In the office, as she flipped through the posts, her entire face turned black.

Li Beibei looked at her face and couldn't help gossip: "Mr. Wen, who wants to hurt you?"

Huang Ya squinted at Li Beibei and said, "Mr. Li, it's all in the same office. At this time, don't make trouble."

"Mr. Huang, don't be angry. I'm not worried about Mr. Wen."

"What are you worried about? I think you clearly want to pick up some information that others don't know."


"Okay Mr. Li," interrupted Li Beibei tenderly and looked at her: "I know you are very curious, but I really don't know what to say about this news. These photos are very cleverly taken. The man inside , I do know all of them, some are brothers I have known since childhood, some are parents of my students, and our relationship is indeed good.

But... Except for Gao Muran, no one has even had an ambiguous relationship with me, which shows that they are targeting me and throwing dirty water on me. It doesn't matter if you splash me with dirty water, the other party actually maliciously published other people's information, which is clearly... leaking other people's privacy. "

Huang Ya raised her eyebrows and said, "Mr. Wen, what are you going to do about this?"

After all, it's an office, and Mr. Li is naturally on the side of warmth. She said, "why don't you ask the school to delete the post."

Yin Dacheng said: "You guys think about this too simply, it's useless to delete this post, after all, most of the students have already seen it, and... Seriously, deleting the post seems to be showing warmth. The teacher really has a ghost in his heart."

Li Beibei asked curiously, "then what should you pay attention to?"

Yin Dacheng thought for a while: "It seems that I have to think about it."

After thinking about it tenderly, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number directly.

"Hello, I want to call the police. I was slandered and attacked in the school forum. This person also leaked the privacy of several of my opposite-sex friends."

The three of them looked at her in surprise.

The warmth is calm for a while, yes, family ugliness can't be made public, but she will never be a soft persimmon that is casually manipulated.

She hung up the phone, and Li Beibei said in surprise: "Mr. Wen, why did you call the police? Now, don't more people know?"

"Mr. Yin is right. I didn't intend to settle the matter. If I delete the post rashly, it would be like I'm guilty. I obviously did nothing wrong. As soon as the investigation results come out, the person who wants to harm me will bear her legal responsibility, which is not bad."

Huang Ya looked at her, smiled in praise, and gave her a thumbs up.

She pursed her lips tenderly and knew that Mr. Huang must support her.

More than half an hour later, a policeman came to the door.

Seeing the police coming, many faculty members came to the door of their office to join in the fun.

After the police learned about the specific situation, they began to investigate the matter.

At this time, Huo tingshen just received a call from Huo Tingren.

Huo tingshen was very relieved to learn that Wenqing and decisively called the police.

Instead of calling Wen Qing, he found the police chief.

And sent two network experts to the director to assist them in solving the case.

The school, which had already been rumored, became even more noisy because of this incident.

In the afternoon, the principal called Wen Qing to the office.

He originally thought that the warmth was the person of the fourth master, and he couldn't afford to offend him.

But at dinner a few nights ago, looking at the third master's attitude towards warmth, he didn't seem to be optimistic about her and the fourth master.

So... He always felt that he was taboo about warmth, and it was too early to say.

Seeing the warmth, Peng Aiguo looked serious: "Mr. Wen, do you know why I came to you?"

He shook his head tenderly: "I don't know, please let the principal make it clear."

"Today, there's a lot of fuss in the school because of your nonsense. Don't you think you should come forward and solve it?"

"I've solved it."

"I heard that you reported to the police, do you think there is not enough negative news in the school? Tangtang Beicheng Normal University, because of a counselor's scandal, the police will be called. Our school has always been very positive, and now because of you …"

"Principal Peng," interrupted him with a warm remark: "I hope you, as the principal, can speak more justly. I am also a victim of this."

"Victim? Could it be that those pictures were spelled out by others?"

"It wasn't made by others. Those photos are all real, but do you never talk to the opposite sex, principal? I just want to know, which of those photos can prove that I have an improper relationship with a man? Shi Huang, slander me, is the principal trying to help this evil force to do evil?"

"Tenderness," Peng Aiguo patted the table, "show me some respect when you speak, I'm the principal."

"I know, because you are the principal and my leader, so I hope that you can be fair and fair. Your subordinates have been wronged. Is the way you only step on and not help?"

"You..." Peng Aiguo was a little annoyed when he looked at the warmth of the righteous words: "You have to admit that because of you, there is a bad wind on the campus."

"This matter has nothing to do with me. The responsibility lies with the person who is inexplicably blackmailing me. I act righteously and sit upright. There is no reason to take the blame for the person who did wrong."

"It seems that you didn't realize your mistake at all. Warm, don't think that with the support of the fourth master, you can do whatever you want. In this case, I ask you to write a public review. If you don't want to. , then don't do this job."