
Domineering Third Master: Doting Wife

"Well..." The pain under her body made warmth open her eyes from her coma. The room was dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. She could only hear the man's heavy breathing and the pain he brought to her. She pushed the opponent hard, but it was as if her fist hit the cotton, and it was all useless. She couldn't shout, she could only pray in her heart, stop now. The man's action made her faint again...

Daoist1DzwAH · Eastern
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117 Chs

Chapter 107 Group Pet Characters

Because ye wanluo moved away, Huo tingshen returned to the villa with warmth in the evening.

Living in Dachengjiayuan, she has to cook by herself, and he is reluctant.

Thursday afternoon was the last game of basketball.

Perhaps because of his motivation, Huo Tingren played extraordinarily vigorously.

In the end, he lived up to expectations with the school basketball team and won this year's championship game.

Looking at Tingren holding the trophy in his hand, with a youthful look on his face, a motherly smile appeared on the corner of his tender mouth.

On the way back to school, Huo Tingren sat beside him tenderly and said proudly, "how about it, third sister-in-law, I'm enough to win glory for you."

He gave him a tender look: "sit down and stay away from me."

"Hey, sister-in-law, what's your situation? Are you planning to not fulfill your promise?"

"What promise?"

"Sure enough, I knew that you forgot about it in all likelihood. Didn't you promise me that as long as you win this MVP match, you will do something for me, what's the matter, this trophy is still there. If you don't put it in the school, you're going to turn your face and deny the account?"

"Hi," said with a tender and speechless smile, "what am I doing? Of course I didn't forget it. I'll talk about it when I get home at night. There are so many people here, so keep your distance from me first."

Huo Tingren couldn't help laughing and said, "sister-in-law three, have you heard the rumors too?"

Look at him tenderly: "did you hear that too?"


"Then you dare to come and sit next to me?"

"If we keep our distance because they are talking behind their backs, it will prove that we are guilty. I don't think so much about this rumor, but when my identity as the fourth child of the Huo family is exposed, it feels too troublesome. In order to protect you, My third brother can really harm me."

She couldn't help laughing tenderly, but just now, Ting Shen's words seemed to make sense. Why should she be afraid of others gossiping? Isn't she really what happened to Tingren?

"Stop complaining, I will appreciate your love, tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

"I want to open a bar," he looked at Wen Qing with firm eyes.

"Bar?" Warm and speechless: "if you tell your third brother about this, he will still disagree?"

"That's right, he really doesn't agree, because the bar I'm going to open is not for profit, it's just for ticket play."

"Don't you have a lot of pocket money yourself? If you can't drive it yourself, why ask him?"

"If I don't make any money, my brother will think I'm ashamed. After all, the Huo family is nothing in the mall."

The warmth is a little confused: "why do you have to open a bar?"

"I always have my purpose."

"are you serious?"

"It really couldn't be more serious."

After thinking about it tenderly, he nodded: "OK, I'll tell your third brother about this, but it's not up to me to decide whether he agrees or not."

"You can definitely take down my third brother. If you can't do it, then I guess no one can help me in this matter."

Warm and speechless, Huo tingshen is very good at talking. As a younger brother, why does Huo tingshen say so inhumanely? It's really...

The school bus returned to the school. Because the basketball team won the school honor, the principal brought someone to greet him.

In the evening, the school held a banquet for the basketball team to celebrate this group of heroes.

Because she is one of the counselors leading the team, she naturally cannot be absent.

Knowing that she couldn't go home for dinner at night, Huo tingshen expressed very unhappy.

But then, he received a call from Peng Aiguo, who asked him to eat in the private room of the restaurant where the students were having dinner.

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips. In this game, he still had to get together.

After all, Wen Xiaoqing can't drink, in case someone gets drunk...

Oh, he can still pick up a leak.


It was the first time that the warmth knew that this group of children could drink so well.

Fifteen minutes after the dinner started at six, they had already finished two dozen beers.

This made her, a counselor, really look out of place to sit among them.

On the side, the captain of the basketball team said, "Mr. Wen, we all drink. You watch here. It's not appropriate. You can drink with us."

He waved his hand tenderly: "no, no, I'm not good at drinking, so I can't drink."

"There's nothing to be afraid of if the wine is not good. There are so many of us here. You are our group pet now. We will protect you, come and come, and pour it for Mr. Wen."

Tingren stood aside, thinking of the third brother's words in the evening, he said calmly: "Mr. Wen can't drink, just a few of you."

On the side, someone cooed: "Yo yo, comrades, Mr. Wen's black knight has appeared."

The crowd laughed and said tenderly and speechlessly: "Okay, you guys, drink your wine well, or I'll give them all back."

"Mr. Wen is shy, come and come, let's interview, Tingren, when did you turn Mr. Wen into your teacher? You know, Mr. Wen is the goddess in all of us, and we are about to die of envy Okay."

"Yes, yes, but to be honest, Mr. Wen and our Tingren are sincere. When I look at it, I think they are a pair of beautiful people made in heaven."

"That's right, that's right, talented and beautiful."

"Come on, let's all toast to this pair of Bi people."

When the group of people was coaxing, no one noticed that Huo tingshen came in at the door.

Hearing so many people making fun of his brother and sweetheart, Huo Ting's face was a little cold.

The principal's assistant invited Huo tingshen into the private room. In addition to Peng Aiguo, Peng Nanshu was also there.

Seeing him coming, Peng Nanshu stood up and said respectfully, "Senior, long time no see."

Huo Ting sat down with a cold face and looked at Peng Aiguo: "Principal Peng invited someone to dinner, why should he bring his daughter?"

Seeing Huo tingshen, Peng Aiguo didn't seem very happy, so he quickly explained: "Nan Shu has always regarded you as an idol. Knowing that I want to invite you to dinner, she insisted on coming with her, saying that even if she could look at the idol from a distance, it would be fine."

Huo Ting said calmly, "Miss Peng is not too young."

Peng Nanshu hurriedly said, "Senior, I'm 22 years old."

"Well, that's really not too young. You should be sensible at this age, but you seem to be... ignorant."

Peng Nanshu hurriedly said, "Senior, I don't usually do this. I really wanted to see you, so I begged my father to bring me here."

"Do you want to see me, or do you want me?" Huo Ting is straight to the point.

Peng Nan's face was slightly red, and Peng Aiguo didn't know if he should help.

After all, he can't be sure of Huo Ting's deep emotions now.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Huo Ting said directly: "if it's the former, then I think that Miss Peng should get rid of her idol-chasing mood at her age. Sometimes your behavior will cause inconvenience to others. I'm not the public. People, don't you have to ask my permission first if you want to see me? If it is the latter, then I can only tell Miss Peng that you are not the type I like, and I already have someone in my heart. "

Huo Ting vented all the anger in his heart, but he felt much calmer. He said, "if Miss Peng has nothing to do, leave first, Principal Peng, please invite Mr. Wen in."

Peng Nanshu was embarrassed, Peng Aiguo hurriedly said: "Third Master, don't take it offense, this child is also spoiled by me, plus I really feel that I will meet more excellent people like you and listen to you more. , can give her a little insight."

"I'm here for Tingren, not for your daughter's knowledge. Has Principal Peng always been such a self-righteous person?"

Peng Aiguo frowned and looked at Peng Nanshu: "Nanshu, hurry up and apologize to the third master and go home."

Peng Nanshu pouted: "Got it."

She got up and bowed deeply to Huo Ting: "third master, I'm sorry for disturbing you. I'll go back first."

She turned around and went out, and Peng Aiguo hurriedly followed.

When the father and daughter came to the door, Peng Nanshu was so depressed that he stomped his feet: "Dad, why did I offend this third master Huo? Why is he so rude every time he talks to me?"

"Okay, baby girl, the third master is right. This time, we are the first to be rude."

"So, why don't you tell him, I'll come too and attack people suddenly, people will definitely be angry, it's all your fault."

"It's my father's fault. You go back first today. Will my father find a chance to help you explain it to the third master?"

She hummed and left unhappy.

Peng Aiguo walked to the school basketball team members who were having dinner in the hall.

He said to warmth: "Mr. Wen, come to the private room. I want to discuss with you the work of your counselors."

Put down the drink cup tenderly, and said to the basketball team: "you drink less, don't drink too much to make trouble."

After she finished speaking, she walked to the private room with the principal.

In the back, Huo Tingren gave everyone a white look: "don't talk nonsense in the future, what about my teacher Wen, who used to be my tutor, so we have a good relationship, don't think of people so dirty, I really want to smoke you."

As soon as he entered the private room and saw Huo tingshen, he was dumbfounded by the warmth. Why was he there.

"Xiao Wen, sit down."

Recovering tenderly, she nodded to the principal, and sat down at the place where Peng Nanshu had just sat. She said to Huo Ting deeply and respectfully, "third master, good evening."

Huo Ting's deep eyes fell on her lightly.

After the warmth and his sight want to touch, they hurriedly dodge.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply, raised his wine glass, and took a sip: "Mr. Wen, do you want to drink?"

"No, third master, it's not convenient for me to drink today."

"Xiao Wen," Principal Peng said anxiously, "it's your honor to drink with the third master."

"I know it's my honor, but I'm really inconvenient today, sorry, third master."

Huo Ting is indifferent, "that's all."

Principal Peng got up and poured a drink: "Third Master, let me drink with you."

Huo tingshen put down his glass, "today, I'm not here to drink."

Principal Peng sat down awkwardly. Huo Ting looked at Wen Qing deeply and said, "Mr. Wen, I want to know how Huo Tingren is doing in school."

Warm and speechless, how boring this person must be, can't you ask at home, why do you have to ask here.

"Tingren performed very well. He was very smart, and teachers of all majors praised him in front of me. In addition, he was very active in school activities. This time, he participated in the school basketball game and led the team to The school won the championship."

Peng Aiguo nodded: "Yes, this basketball game, the fourth master has the most credit."

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips: "really? Mr. Wen, I also heard that you and Huo Tingren are a match made in heaven. Why, you are in love? "

He was stunned for a moment. Is he crazy?

What is this nonsense.

On the side, Principal Peng smiled and said: "Third master, the age of Mr. Wen and the fourth master is when hormone secretion is strong. The fourth master is handsome, Mr. Wen is beautiful, and they are talented and beautiful. Falling in love is also a reasonable thing to do."

Huo Ting's eyes turned cold, and his eyes slanted to Peng Aiguo.

Peng Aiguo swallowed his saliva, why... Could it be that the third master doesn't know the love affair between Wen Qing and the fourth master?

Or, the third master's picky and warm origin?

He hurriedly lowered his eyes and avoided Huo tingshen's investigation.

Looking at Huo tingshen tenderly and unhappily: "where is the third master, why should I fall in love with my student?"

"When I just came in, I clearly heard from those young people that you are a couple made in heaven. If you don't fall in love, how could you be made in heaven?"

"Others don't know things. Listening to the wind is rain. Third Master, are you also the kind of person who wrongs people without evidence? I thought you capitalists are more extraordinary."

Hearing Wen Qing's words, Peng Aiguo hurriedly said, "Mr. Wen, what is your attitude?"

"Principal Peng, there is nothing wrong with my attitude. The students in the school spread rumors that I have a problem with Tingren. I can bear it. After all, they are young, and they are just the age when they like to chew on people's tongues. But Mr. Huo is not a child. Now, if he just listened to what others said, he was wronged, so can't I clarify it for myself?"

She stood up: "Third Master, Principal Peng, I have something to do tonight. If you have no business, I will go back first. I wish you a good meal and goodbye."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left the private room.

Huo Ting raised his eyebrows deeply. This little girl really doesn't take any losses.

Went out of the private room, avoided the boys in the basketball team directly, and left the hotel.

She was at the door and got into Master Chen's car.

Master Chen sent her home less than half an hour before Huo tingshen came back.

When he returned to the room, Wen Qing had already taken a bath and was sitting on the bay window reading a book.

She didn't turn her head for half a minute when she heard the sound of him entering the door.

Huo tingshen took off his coat, came to her side, and rubbed her head: "angry again?"

He gave him a tender look: "how can I dare to be angry with the third master Huo? It is natural for the third master Huo to say anything."

"I said that because I was annoyed to hear those stinky boys say that?"

Huo Ting said deeply, "so many people make fun of you, and neither of you know how to explain it?"

Warm and speechless: "how do you know we didn't explain it, have you heard what they said today?"

Huo Ting deeply hooked his lips. It seemed that they had explained: "how can there be such a rumor in the school? There are so many women in the school. Why do you have a problem with Tingren? "

"It's not that boy Tingren. He usually glances up at the sky, and doesn't even look at the girls in the school, but in front of me, he always talks and laughs with me. It's probably because of his attitude that everyone thinks about it. Something unrealistic."

Huo Ting was deeply silent, and his eyes were a little dignified.

He frowned tenderly and said unhappily, "Huo tingshen, you don't really think that I have anything with Tingren in your heart."

Huo Ting has a deep voice, looks at her, and gently lifts her chin with his hand: "I don't care what others say, I only care what the two of you think. Wen Xiaoqing, you know, I have experienced some things once, and I will definitely I won't let myself experience it a second time, you are mine, only mine, understand?"