
Dominator of Dimensions

A being named X’ravien tried to dominate all the infinite numbers of dimensions.When the concept of time wasn’t existing he was the sole Dominator of everything. But things didn’t go as he planned.His most trusted comrades betrayed him.There wasn’t many beings before the time, approximately 30 or so. X’ravien’s subordinates betrayed him because his goal to dominate all the infinite numbered dimensions will never can be fulfilled.They just didn’t want to shed anymore blood and tried to stop the infinite war which is constantly repeating itself. Sadly only option to get out from this loop was killing X’ravien but he was the first living being in the entire multiverse and his power was far beyond them.His power was on par even if the entire 29 beings succesfuly combines their power and attack him. But soon he got killed by a counsil named “Eye Of The Ancients” and founder of that counsil was his three comrades. They tricked X’ravien and attacked him all 29 of them together.He was powerful enough to play a last game with them though.Before he died X’ravien shredded his soul into 6 pieces and placed them on far,far away places which is located in different dimensions. “Eye Of The Ancients” succesfuly killed him and created the concept of time from the power leaking through X’ravien’s dead body.After time existed he will be forever dead or so they thought. But X’ravien’s body didn’t stop leaking more and more power even when the council created the time.So they decided to make a system from his power in order to prevent others from gaining an equal power to him. Thus the system was born.With the system “Eye Of The Ancients” can always keep an eye on others prowess. Unknown amount of time later new species came to life by the wandering powers left from X’ravien’s dead body. But he wasn’t ready to die without giving his legacy.First piece of his soul found life and everything changed from that moment untill the last “6th” piece became alive.

Jashin_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Adventurer’s Guild

Zacharias take a look at the building then decided to became an adventurer at least for a while.He needs a stable income and guild is the perfect place.He can gather some money and gain fighting experience as well.

He opened the door slowly with a bored look on his face.Zacharias went inside and first thing he saw was some old mans looking at him with a fierce gaze.He returned their gaze with two folds then he checked the interior.

Adventurer's guild was a huge circle shaped building with a neatly designed interior.Obviously architecture wasn't perfect due to various reasons but it was enough to make someone feel inferior.Zacharias saw a gentle looking lady with sharp ears and blond hair sitting beside a table full of papers.

Her emerald eyes shined with a glint when she saw him and gestured a hand sign to come over.Zacharias walked to the lady and started to talk.

"I'll sign up."He said without extra words.

"Age, name and skills."She handed over a piece of paper to Zacharias which he writed carelessly.

"You are 15 years old huh Mr.Zacharias?"Receptionist lady asked an obvious question but Zacharias didn't answered he only nodded his head.

"I understand.Lastly we need to gauge your strength in order to give you a proper rank.Please follow me." She said and stand up from the chair.She lead Zacharias into a room with something like a boxing bag in it.

"This is a special artifact made by professional wizards.Every adventurer guild has one in it.As for how this work i can only explain it in a simple way because i don't know much neither.You are going to punch it with your full power then rune arrays inside the bag are going to measure it."She stopped a moment to get some breath then resumed.

"Now, shall we start?"The lady asked to Zacharias which other nodded positively but not before asking a question.

"What is the average stat for an adventurer?"He asked to lady.

"Normally F rank adventurers start with 10-20 value.E rank adventurers goes with 21-36 and with each rank upgrade value goes +15.It is enough for you to get 10."She said without expecting much strength from Zacharias.

Contrary to her belief his strength is whopping 100 points but he decided to use a little in order to lay low.Zacharias tried to use 20 points of power and punched the bag.Air condensed around his fist and with a huge shockwave released from the impact.

Boxing bag flied through the air but luckily it was connected to the roof with thick chains.Dust covered their vision and a red number visualized in front of the bag with a writing of 24.Receptionist lady was shocked because 24 was a very huge number for a remote village as well for a 15 years old boy.

She sweated but didn't lost her composure.At least she tried to cover her shock but Zacharias realised that 24 should be an overkill.He didn't care though, it was already over so he went outside the room then waited for the receptionist to come back.

After he left the room receptionist immediately runned through the guild master's office.She telled the news about the newbie and guild master wanted to meet with him.She came back soon with guild master by on her side.

Zacharias looked at the guild master.He was looking at least 40 years old with a battle hardened body.There was a huge scar on his forehead but it was only making him look more intimidating.His ear's wasn't sharp like the receptionist instead they were long and curved.His eyes were pitch black and his skin colour was light brown.

Guild master smiled to Zacharias.He saw two huge tusks protruding from the canines.Although Zacharias has a general knowledge about races he couldn't understand the race of the man in front of him.While he was in deep thought guild master talked waking him up from his ideas.

"It is Surprising to see a young lad with a 24 points of strength.I am honored to meet you Mr.Zacharias and i welcome you to our Adventurer's Guild.From now on you are an E rank adventurer.Please take this ID card for proof.You can use this in every adventurer's guild."He said and extended a metallic plate with a E Rank writing.His name was on it as well.

"Oh by the way pleasure to meet you, i am Kunan the guild master of Trania Village."Kunan said and extended his hand for a shake.Zacharias grabbed his hand and shaked.

"Pleasure is mine Mr.Kunan.I have a question, can i take on missions? I am in dire need of some money."Zacharias said with a serious face.

"Well i suppose you can.I'll advice you something basic for your first mission.Maybe you can try picking up some medical herbs they fetch a good price.Though beware there can be wild animals there."Kunan gave some advice then went on his way.

Zacharias picked up the medical herbs mission.It was looking easy he just needs to collect 10 herbs for 50 copper coins.This world was using copper silver and gold coins for currency and ratio was 100/1.

He took a map pointing known locations for herbs then went outside of the adventurer's guild.Before Kunan went away he gifted a low quality dagger to him.He can use it to cut medical herbs without damaging them.

It was still sunny outside but soon night will fall.Zacharias hurried he was powerful but not an idiot.He went outside and guards bid him farewell.It took him twenty minutes of running to reach his destinated location.

Zacharias checked the surroundings for danger and when he deemed its safe he started to gather some herbs but not everything will go as planned.