
Dominating Evolution of the Cosmos

Blue Star Year 2019, the alien invasion of the Blue Star. The planet has been transformed, air, gravity, magnetic field all sent changes. Air and water are highly toxic and polluted. In order to adapt to the environment, human beings and organisms have embarked on the path of gene evolution. "I, soldier Steve Washington, hereby vows to protect mankind, bring hope and light to mankind, fight for the future of mankind, and lead mankind against aliens..." An unconspicuous recruit read his oath during the enlistment of the recruits. --------------- Hello everyone, this is my first attempt at writing a novel. If you enjoy it, please vote for me with your power stones~ I'll typically update my novel at around 18:00 (GMT+8). 14 chpts/week *** Warning*** Please be aware that this novel will be rated M for Mature, with some violent and sexual content that aren't appropriate for all audiences.

JinFang · Fantasy
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339 Chs

Challenge Accepted

Even the passers-by beside Steve were angered by the despicability of the Death Combat Unit. As there was a certain risk of going out to perform missions, accidental deaths occurred every year in the army. Hence, Alex's remark was obviously threatening Steve's women.

Although Steve didn't want to accept the challenge, after such an obvious threat, he felt that he had no choice but to accept it.

"Alright, I'll accept your challenge!" Steve said coldly. "But, I have one condition. In a week from now, we'll be competing in the ring. This week, you can't do anything to all the recruits, including Lucy, Sofia, and Vivien."

"No, as we'll lose a lot of contribution points if I agree to that." Alex refused immediately.

"Well…Okay... 10,000 contribution points then! As long as you agree to my conditions, in a week, we will wager 10,000 points," Steve offered.