
Chapter # 19

Ester, A single shard from the broken glass of my heart was fixed by you.


"If she died because of this then why did you belittle my love, Desmond? Did you want me to have the same fate as her?" She asked, tears began to roll down her cheek as well.

Her words brought me out from the web of agony Henry entangled me in for a second and showed me the light of what I have done to her in all this time was so wrong and my action broke us apart. It's all my fault to be manipulated by Henry in the first place.

We were so much more than I let us be. Stagger filled me as a repulsion for myself, arised in me and ate me up. I lost my capability to speak, overwhelmed by grief and pain which is a constant source of anguish for me; I shattered.

When I was in darkness of astonishment, lacking response to her words of actuality, Ester spoke up again.