
Doll 42

Imagine you are five or younger,being ripped from your bed. Imagine watching your family and Neighbors being slaughtered before your eyes. Imagine being thrown in the back of a delivery truck with other girls some older,some not. All you all know is your home is gone and these people in the doll masks have you. Have you heard the story of a group of assassins called the dolls. If not sit down because your about too.

Mama_Wolfblood · Teen
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9 Chs


<p>Anthony pov<br/><br/>It's proving difficult to persuade Lilly into helping me, I expect no less from the sister of my beloved Meadow. I think its time for a approach I am not fond of, but it gets the job done. "I want the prisoner sent here." I said to my assistant who only nods. The young female was in a doll uniform so can't say I know her. In the hour Lilly was brought to me. The former comander was bruised and bloody. Her clothes gone her cuts look close to infection. The woman still had some fight in her, as she spat at my glaring. Oh yes the fighting fire still blazing but not for long. "You ether do as I say or I will give you to my men as a plaything." I said looking her up and down. "They will love you to death." She looked scared as she should but that only lasted for a short while. "Burn in hell!" She yells glaring at me with defiance. I chuckle before shrugging"I'm sorry Lilly but that's not the answer I want." I said before snapping my fingers five tall men in a doll mask appeared. Now knowing how serious I am Lilly started to falter. "Last chance Lilly I don't want to do this to you. My sweet Meadow would hate me for eternity." She fell to her knees in tears begging for her sister to forgive her. I laughed walking over and yanking Lilly up by her hair. "See how easy that was." I said mockingly before sending Lilly away for treatment. <br/><br/>Meadow(42) pov<br/><br/>We have been wondering the country side for three months now unable to stay in one place. It is way to risky right now the dolls have been tracking us, and there is no telling when the Sevron will join the man hunt. I have not slept in weeks since spotting some scouts. I know it's not good for me but, what choice do I have? The men don't know what we are like when night falls. It's like a Feral animal on the hunt for fresh meat. I have experienced the sweet temptation of the night hunt. It changes a person in a way that can be best described as horrific. The anger and frustration is still there, still eating at you untill you satisfy it's blood thirsty hunger. I have killed and eaten a deer raw it's scary at times, to be what I am. We aren't human anymore we are caged beasts that have the occasional sweet taste of freedom. If going back to the dolls is what needs to happen, lf that will save their lives and maybe even her's. I would do it in a heartbeat without question. That is what family does to keep people safe or so I heard. Pulling my knees to my chest. Lilly I hope you are ok for the most part. I was brought out of my thought by a pair of lips on mine. They were soft as the owner's arms were strong. When they pulled away I see emerald eyes . It was Aron can't think of his sir name at the moment. He was six foot one with a tasteful amount of muscle tone. He has Chestnut brown hair that never passed the bottom of his ears. "You need to relax captain. Let me take watch so you can sleep." His warm voice whispers in my ear. I shiver in his arms he chuckled. "Go get some sleep we can talk about this later." I rest my head on his shoulder he smelled of pine. It was welcoming as his warmth took me under. I woke the next morning to soft kisses on my neck a hand over my mouth so I didn't wake the others. "Good morning Captain." He whispered in my ear. Oh no no no not happening. I pushed him away standing up looking at him. "There is nothing between us I was overly exhausted." I said panicked he chuckled sounding relieved. "Oh thank god I honestly thought you fell for me. I'm happy you got some sleep no offense to you ,but your not my type psycho." I laughed at his remark. "Sorry I can't help that." We both laughed and continued to jab each other. A few minutes pass before ,I leave camp walking to the nearby stream. The picture of me spending my life with someone. It made me smile as the image of children running around. "* giggle* Yeah maybe after this is all over." I said to myself dipping my hand in the cool water,the sound of bushes rustling catch my attention looking up I spot some deer crossing. Five doe few fawns and three bucks. Other people may see them as beautiful animals, well I see dinner for the next few weeks. With a few shallow breaths I line up my shot taking out two of the doe. Unfortunately the others ran what a shame oh well.<br/><br/>While I was dragging the deer carcasses to camp I feel like someone is watching me. I'm no fool the dolls have been watching us for a while now. Dropping the deer I threw a knife at the tree to my left. The poison blade hit someone because they fell. I approached carefully being sure no unwanted guests were hiding, Not that it would make any difference. The leaves crunch with every step ,knife held tightly in a slightly quivering hand. It was a doll shocker. I kicked them onto thier back only to jump back for on the mask was the number nine. "Oh god 9 I am so sorry." I said only to be side swiped. My back met the cold forest floor 9 ontop of me. "Not as sorry as you will be when The real keeper hears my report. Why betray us 42 you are the best doll. It's not to late to come back you know. No one has to die well except for the resistance. " she laughed this child innocent till the dolls sank their claws in. I flip us over so I am pinning her down, It was all happening so fast as we both roll around struggling to subdue the other. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T DESERVE TO COME BACK! I GAVE YOU A CHANCE TO REDEEM YOURSELF AS A DOLL! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CHOOSE THEM!" she yelled punching me. I don't want to hurt her she is a child. My body however disagreed with me and fought back. "I JOINED THEM SO INNOCENT CHILDREN LIKE YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE TO FACE THIS HORROR! it's to late to save me nine. I'm to drenched in blood to the point that I couldn't tell you who's it is anymore. The dolls take a twist your mind into thinking this is ok. IT'S NOT OK THIS IS WRONG NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THAT!" I yell tears in my eyes as I drove my knife into her heart. "at least we know our place traitor." She chocked out before she passed on. "The life of a doll is not one at all. Day in and day out you fight your blood thirsty instincts that have been beaten into you. You should have never been a doll." I said before walking away with the deer dragging behind me. <br/>The feeling of being watched lingers. It could just be my nerves, but then a twig snaps to my right and someone runs at my left. I was knocked to the ground a doll with the number one in their mask. She was thin but with a little muscle. Her hair is blond and stringy. Rolling around in the dirt trying to get free of her. "YOU TRAITOR YOU ARE A DOLL! THEY MADE YOU THIS WAY THANK THEM NOT FIGHT THEM! BE GRATEFUL TO THE DOLLS WHOR!" that voice I know her but cant place her. "BE GRATEFUL OF WHAT ENDING PEOPLE! I DON'T LIKE KILLING NEVER DID! YOU FUCKING SLUTS WILL PAY FOR TAKING MY SISTER FROM ME! " I yell kicking her off me, so I could jump to my feet. "I killed one of you today. I'll kill you too nothing against you but I am exterminating all the dolls myself included." I said stomping her face in. I make it back to camp acting like nothing happened, but the dirt and blood on me said otherwise. "What happened to you?" Aron asked holding me. "Are you hurt?" He is sweet being worried but I can't get attached to anyone. "I'm fine some dolls fucked around and found out." I said skinning the deer with a blank face. I could tell Aron was not so happy about me pushing it off like nothing happened. Well my dear sweet Aron can't help someone who is already dead. "We got word from the others in Wimburo" Joth said he is a bit of a nerves Nelly nothing like his twin Aron. "Oh what did they say?" I already know they were over run. "They have Lilly in Wimburo." I froze when he said that. Aron was happy saying stuff along the lines she is ok. This is a trap set by a doll you idiotls. "Hand me the note." I said trying not to give away anything. The flimsy paper had the handwriting of my sister. "It's a trap boys this is what they do, when their backs are against the wall." I said handing the paper back."how can you not take the chance. I know the dolls fucked with your mind,and  made you a tactical killing machine. This is your sister Meadow." Aron said placing a hand on my shoulder. "If you two want to make the death march go for it. I warned you about it." I said taking the deer pellets over the fire so they could dry. After a few hours of them being gone, I sighs getting my stuff. "Dammit all the fools are going to get themselves killed." I growled taking to the trees following them. </p>