
Chapter 7

At Kim's Residence.

Kim runs after her son and some of the guest stepped aside to make way for her. She races to the living room filled with guest as Junior makes his way up the stairs.

A distinguished- looking man with iron-grey hair comes towards her. Besides him is a beautiful middle-aged woman. They are both known as Kenneth Richards and Ivy Richards.

What's wrong with junior? He looks agitated. Ken said worriedly.

Kim pauses briefly and it was very clear that she was very much affected.

"It's Andre dad, he came around" Kim said sadly.

"What? Andre? When?" Ivy said hoarsely.

"Yes Mom. He was out.. outside just now" Kim said unsteadily.

"But he is supposed to be in prison.. where is he now? Still outside?" Ken asked shaking his head with incomprehension.

"No dad, the police came for him. They took him away" Kim said sadly.

"Oh my goodness.. Did he escape from prison???... Ivy said clasping her horrified hand to her cheeks.

"I don't know Mama. My guess is he did. Excuse me, Junior saw him,I will have to go attend to him now" Kim said while rushing up the stairs.

Ken and Ivy exchanged horrified looks.

Ken is a retired Supreme Court Judge. He opens his phone,searched for a contact and dialled it.

"Hello John Michael. How are you my brother? It's been a while.

He listens to the other end and laughs.

"Yes they are all fine. Listen Michael,I heard Andre Lucas came around my daughter's house but he was arrested by the police. Did he escape from prison?. Are you in a position to tell me?

He listens for a while and nods his head once. He thanked the man and ended the call.

"Well what did he say? Did Andre break jail" Ivy asked anxiously.

"No no no.. It seems he benefitted from the president's Christmas pardon. He has been on good behaviour for five years so he was released. He is free man.

"No no no.. This can't be!!. Not when my daughter is close to finding happiness. Why didn't that boy just die in prison?" Ivy said hoarsely.

"Hush ivy. You are a Christian remember. Don't wish ill on a fellow human. Kim is an adult and i'm sure she can handle her affairs by herself" Ken said sharply.