
Chapter 5

Andre looks at his son whom he had not seen for five years. The boy was just two years old when Andre was taken to prison. He could barely even talk properly. The fact that the boy still remembers him and knows who he is,warmed Andre's heart.

He slowly got down on one knee and when he spoke,his voice sounded like a whisper.

"You remember me, champ" Andre said teary-eyed.

Tears suddenly burst out from the boy's eyes like exploding waterfall.

He was so overwhelmed that he stepped forward trembling uncontrollably as he reaches to wrap his arm around his father's neck.

Andre wraps his arms around his son in a hug as he buries his face in the crook of his son's neck as tears roll down his eyes.

Kim walks forward slowly still stunned by what is happening. The man with the camera steps beside her,his face totally stunned and wraps his free arm around her shoulder. The man is 35yrs old Gray Mayers.

"Andre is that you? Is that really you?" Kim asked still in shock.

Andre slowly disengages from his son's arm and looks up at her. He stares at her beautiful face while standing up. His eyes never leaving her beautiful face. His eyes slowly turns sad as he saw Gray's arm on his wife shoulder.

"Hello Kim" Andre said softly.

"What the hell are you doing here? Did you escape from prison? Is that it? Did you really escape from prison?" Kim said with anger replacing her shock.

"Mummy stop it.. Stop saying all that. Daddy is really here. It is really daddy" Junior said crying profusely.

Gray shakes his head and smiles sadly. There was still shock visible in the depth of his eyes.

" Jeez,Andre,man! You were sentenced to ten years in prison and you have only done what? Like five? Don't tell me you escaped from prison just because of Junior's birthday". Gray said mockingly.

Andre looked at Gray with disgust and fury in his eyes.

"Gray, my best man at my wedding is now with my wife wanting her as his wife. Well isn't that classic? Andre said with anger seething through him.

There was so much pain and misery in his soft voice that when he spoke that for a moment there was absolute silence.

Gray gives a shaky laugh and point a finger at Andre.

" C'mon man! Don't give me that crap. You had your chance and you blew it. You messed up real bad and from the looks of things,it seems like you messed up again because here comes the police,you little jail breaker. Seems like you escaped from prison. How could be so stupid, Man!" Gray said in a mocking tone.

There was indeed a black police van heading towards them. It's sirens are blaring loudly as it fast approaches them.

"Daddy come with me. I will hide you. I won't let them take you away". Junior said in an agitated and anxious voice.

Tears of anguish were falling down in torrents on the boy's face.

More guest started trooping out from the building to watch the unfolding scene. One of them was 28years old Helen Steward. She was Kim's maid of honor at her wedding and she is also Kim's best friend. She is a hostess for a television program. She steps forward at looks at Andre with venom in her eyes.

" Jesus Christ! Andre you just never learn,do you?. You choose today of all days to break out of prison and mess up your son's birthday? Now you are going to leave the poor boy distraught and heartbroken. You are a pig Andre Lucas and I detest you so much." Helen said angrily.

"Please don't insult my daddy,Aunty Helen" Junior said screaming.

"Oh Junior,I am sorry but...." Helen said placatingly.

"Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP!!!!!" Junior screamed agitatingly cutting her short.

Tears comes to Kim's eyes as she rushes to embrace her son in her arms. Junior struggles to free himself from her as she spoke.

"It's okay my love. Please don't stress yourself up my prince. Take it easy". Kim said to Junior who still struggles to get out of her embrace. Her angry eyes drives hot daggers through Andre's heart.

The police van comes to a halt as two burly policemen come down from it with their guns drawn and pointed towards Andre.

"Okay Andre. Raise those hands gently. You are coming with us" One if the policemen said.

"No,no,no please don't take my daddy away" Junior cries.

Andre looks at his son and smiles sadly.

"It's okay champ. It's okay" Andre said.

"You heard what he said,now move it" The second policeman said.

"For what? Why? To where? I won't go anywhere because I haven't done anything wrong" Andre said acidly.

"It's my son's birthday and I came here to give him a gift" Andre said.

"Well you see being here also counts as breaking the law and we enforce the law" officer2 said with a smirk

"What law? Which law says that I can't visit my son?" Andre asked.

" Well you are breaking the law. You see your ex-wife took a restraining order again you that you cannot come within two hundred meters from them and from where u are standing,it seems like you are less than two hundred meters away" Officer2 said chuckling lightly.

Andre turns to look at Kim with sunned eyes.

"You took a restraining order against me? For what? I never hit you nor did I put your life in danger. Why would you do a thing like that? Andre asked with pain and disbelief visible on his face.

Kim looks at him with a pain filled expression. She tries to speak twice but no words came out of her mouth. She sees his face contort with pain and titure as his shoulder drop like a deflated ball. Suddenly her anger evaporates and she feels a great sense of guilt.