
Do not provoke the Taoist

Mount Zhongnan, known to the world for the Quanzhen Taoist sect, harbors a dilapidated Daoist temple at its foothills. One day, the people of the Ancient Well Temple emerged unexpectedly, and from that moment onward, their fame echoed throughout the world!

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25 Chs

Taoist sword art

The two female ghosts, emitting green smoke, returned. Tangshan immediately knew that he encountered a fellow practitioner. So, he pushed the door open and walked out, heading upstairs to Wang Dajun's office.

Without interference from fellow practitioners, Wang Dajun's issue could be easily resolved. However, with the involvement of fellow practitioners, the situation escalated to a contest between Feng Shui masters. Tangshan was eager to face a Feng Shui Yin-Yang master in person, to see his own level in the Feng Shui community in the country.

There were two ways for Feng Shui masters and Yin-Yang masters to compete. The first was like the previous encounter at the Chen family mansion, setting up and breaking formations. Whoever could hold their ground would naturally win.

The second was a direct face-to-face confrontation between two Feng Shui Yin-Yang masters. The one standing at the end would be the winner.

Tangshan didn't let Chen Dong and Chen Xia follow. When Feng Shui masters faced off, although there might not be visible clashes, the danger was definitely not less than that of using weapons.

In high-level Feng Shui battles, the interaction between the two practitioners could stir up the vital energy in heaven and earth. If bystanders got involved, their three souls and seven spirits could be profoundly affected. Someone inadvertently affected might end up in the hospital for three or two months of recuperation, or even worse, suffer soul separation and become mentally disabled or die directly.

During his time at the Guan in the ancient well, Tangshan heard the old Taoist and his senior brother mention that a hundred years ago, during the peak of the Feng Shui world, Feng Shui masters were abundant, with many sects. It was far from the current situation. Masters of high realms were often appointed as the national teacher by the emperor. Alternatively, they were appointed to protect the national fortune. In other words, if a Feng Shui master reached a certain level, they could have a profound impact on a dynasty or a nation.

In the modern era, Feng Shui Yin-Yang masters were scarce. Only a few large or ancient sects were spared from the catastrophe. Nowadays, it was challenging to encounter a genuine Feng Shui master. The most common were wandering cheats, and those who belonged to large or ancient sects were very rare.

Tangshan, alone, went upstairs. As soon as he arrived on the top floor, he saw a bald man coming out of a room, holding a peach-wood sword. Wang Dajun and his three subordinates followed him, completely naked.

As the two locked eyes, Master Wang instantly recognized that the approaching person was the one who broke the talismans on the hotel's godly statues. He just didn't expect the person to be so young.

In the Feng Shui world, age did matter. To achieve a certain level of mastery, one had to accumulate experience. Starting out too young indicated early exposure to the field. Feng Shui masters who were considered truly skilled were generally elderly. The older the age, the deeper the mastery.

At forty-something, Tangshan had been immersed in Feng Shui for over twenty years. Although he hadn't studied under a renowned master, he had received guidance from experienced practitioners. The person in front of him appeared to be in his twenties, and comparing the two, Master Wang was confident that he could easily defeat his opponent, perhaps even make him kneel down and sing 'Conquer.'

Furthermore, the opponent had nothing in his hands, and he didn't carry any tools. In contrast, Master Wang held a peach-wood spiritual sword that had been refined by a high-level practitioner, a formidable weapon for exorcising spirits. Even in a hand-to-hand fight, it could play a suppressing role.

Raising his sword, Master Wang frowned and said, "Was it you who broke the talismans on the godly statues in my hotel? With your skills, you must be someone in the Feng Shui Yin-Yang world. Do you realize that what you did is crossing the line? It's a provocation."

"Oh, yes, so what?" Tangshan nonchalantly responded.

"I'm telling you, you crossed the line. You're provoking me," Master Wang exclaimed angrily.

"If it's a provocation, it's a provocation. If it's crossing the line, it's crossing the line. What's the big deal?" Tangshan rolled his eyes, finding Master Wang's preamble unnecessary when he had already made his point clear.

Stepping forward, Master Wang swung the peach-wood sword, saying, "Young man, since you crossed the line first, don't blame me for not holding back."

"Just do it; no need to be polite."

The peach-wood sword created a gust of wind, carrying a faint aura of heaven and earth towards Tangshan. At the same time, Master Wang pulled a piece of talisman paper from his pocket and threw it towards him. The talisman paused in mid-air, then suddenly ignited, turning into a fist-sized fireball heading straight for Tangshan.

Fireball technique, one of the most common attack methods in Feng Shui battles. Unlike ordinary burns on the body, being hit by this fireball would not leave any visible wounds on the person's exterior. However, the soul would be scorched. For ordinary people, it could lead to various diseases, while for practitioners in Feng Shui, it would damage their spiritual power.

Wang Dajun widened his eyes, his mouth unable to close. He stood right next to Master Wang and saw clearly that the fireball wasn't some magic trick; the paper genuinely ignited out of thin air.

Stepping back slightly, Tangshan avoided the peach-wood sword and suddenly took a deep breath, exhaling towards the fireball.

"Puff!" The fireball instantly extinguished, leaving no trace in the air. Wang Dajun was dumbfounded, suddenly realizing that he might have kicked an iron plate. The opponent's skill in inhaling and shaping the air could easily send him flying.

Tangshan then formed hand seals with both hands—index finger, middle finger, thumb upright, and pinky and ring finger bent.

Taoist sword technique, the Nine-Syllable True Mantra Dueling Spell!

Tangshan condensed the breath of heaven and earth into sword energy. In the visible half-meter space in front of Master Wang, a gas quickly gathered into a pointed sword, shooting straight at him.

Master Wang was instantly terrified, realizing that he might have underestimated his opponent. Tangshan's ability to inhale and form the air was beyond his expectations.

Without any delay, Tangshan made another gesture with both hands, his fingers forming a different seal.

Daoist sword technique, the Dueling Character Spell!

Tangshan summoned the breath of heaven and earth into a sword qi. Within the visible half-meter space, a gas cluster swiftly formed into a pointed sword tip, thrusting directly towards Master Wang.

Terrified, Master Wang was paralyzed with fear. His face turned pale as he urgently stepped backward, retreating until he bumped into Wang Dajun and others before finally stopping. With no way to avoid it, Master Wang quickly raised the peach-wood sword to guard his face.

"Crack!" The sword tip struck the peach-wood sword head-on. The entire sword shattered, and Master Wang spewed out a mouthful of blood, collapsing to the ground.

Wang Dajun, shocked, hurriedly supported him. Tangshan took two quick steps forward, forming hand seals again. Master Wang struggled to gather his last bit of strength, raised his hand, and shouted, "Stop, stop! I adm...admit defeat."

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