
Do not provoke the Taoist

Mount Zhongnan, known to the world for the Quanzhen Taoist sect, harbors a dilapidated Daoist temple at its foothills. One day, the people of the Ancient Well Temple emerged unexpectedly, and from that moment onward, their fame echoed throughout the world!

Deers · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Disaster for the family

It's late.

Tangshan's hand seals were executed extremely quickly. Right after Master Wang uttered the words of surrender, the sword technique was already formed. At this moment, recalling it was obviously too late. Tangshan had no choice but to shift his hand seals to avoid Master Wang's direction.


The sword energy hit the ground several dozen centimeters away from the opponent, instantly shattering the marble flooring of the hotel. Fragments flew in all directions, revealing a damaged area of about the size of a palm.

Wang Dajun and Master Wang were shocked and drenched in cold sweat. This attack was more powerful than using a gun. If it had hit a person directly, it could have created a hole.

Master Wang, in a stutter, said, "Spare... spare my life... Master, I was blind and offended you. I admit defeat, I admit defeat."

Tangshan furrowed his brows and asked, "Why are you so weak?"

Tangshan hadn't enjoyed himself yet. He intended to test his own strength against a Feng Shui Yin-Yang master and didn't expect the battle to end so quickly. It seemed he hadn't warmed up properly before the fight concluded.

Wang Dajun was left speechless by Tangshan's question. Obviously, the opponent was too strong. Even with years of training from the womb, he wouldn't reach such a level.

It wasn't just about skill; it was about the foundation.

Master Wang realized that his opponent was undoubtedly from a major Taoist sect. Otherwise, an ordinary Feng Shui Yin-Yang master wouldn't possess such techniques. On the other hand, he was a self-taught practitioner. In his earlier years, when he was struggling to survive and almost starved, he stumbled upon a temple, became a monk for a while, and learned some Feng Shui techniques from an elderly monk who knew a thing or two. The peach-wood sword he wielded had once belonged to that monk and was handed down to him.

If it weren't for the fact that the peach-wood sword had been infused with some spiritual essence over the years, Tangshan's sword might have penetrated through him.

Comparing the two, Master Wang knew he was like a toddler facing a full-grown adult. Toward the end of his time in the temple, he left with a wooden sword presented by the old monk. The sect was declining, and it no longer accepted disciples. He realized that his skills were insufficient to protect the temple, so he decided to leave.

Ignoring Master Wang's protests, Tangshan summoned the four female ghosts and positioned them behind him. He then addressed Wang Dajun, "You should recognize them, right? No need for further reminders."

Wang Dajun shivered again. Regardless of how formidable Tangshan and Master Wang were, they were still human. These four female ghosts might not appear threatening, but they were undoubtedly ghosts. Anyone would be scared to death.

The four ghosts lined up in front of Wang Dajun. He dared not look directly at them. Even though they seemed less intimidating to the average person, the man behind him was closely examining one of them. Yet, the younger follower, though less courageous, had a more cunning mind and was carefully scrutinizing the apparitions.

"Jun, Jun Ge, these female ghosts look so familiar. We... we seem to know them."

"Huh? Fam... familiar?" Wang Dajun was dumbfounded, wondering how he could have such connections. Could they even recognize people from the ghost world?

Summoning courage, Wang Dajun looked over, and after the younger follower's reminder, he indeed felt a bit familiar with these women.

"Oh my, didn't we discuss certain subjects together?" Wang Dajun appeared confused.

"Hehe, recognized them, huh? These four women were killed by you. Forcing them into prostitution, causing deaths, and dumping their bodies in the wilderness. Wang Dajun, you've done a lot of bad things. Can't recall, can you?" Tangshan said indifferently.

Wang Dajun was stunned. Tangshan's words were undeniably true. He knew better than anyone what he had done over the years. Looking closely, Wang Dajun recognized them; these four female ghosts were indeed the ones who died by their hands.

"So what? You say we did it, we did it. Baseless accusations won't hold in court. The police won't believe you," Wang Dajun said, stretching his neck.

Wang Dajun believed he had managed these matters relatively cleanly. It had been many years, and the police hadn't caught up. Moreover, he had spent quite a bit of money greasing the wheels in this regard. Even if things were exposed, he was confident he could avoid being implicated.

"Hehe, you think what you did is clean?" Tangshan laughed and said, "I've come knocking at your door. How clean could your handling be? There are traces of their blood in the room on the fourth floor, and I found the bones you dumped in a river to the southeast. Can't remember that, huh?"

Wang Dajun was shaken, asking, "How do you know?"

"You ask me how I know? These four ghosts were released by me. How could I not know?" Tangshan squinted and said, "I'm giving you a chance to resolve this yourself. If I don't tell you, you won't have this opportunity. Don't act tough; you can't handle it. If you harm these four women, you'll bear their karma. I might spare them, and they can haunt you, your family, and even your next generation forever. This is karma you can't escape. If the police come to you proactively, the karma will be even heavier. After your death and rebirth, you'll suffer immeasurable sins. But if you start making amends now, at least your family won't be implicated. If these women can smoothly reincarnate, your sins will be lighter. In any case, whether you live or die, your family will accumulate some good karma."

Tangshan didn't bother warning him further. He beckoned the four female ghosts to return, leaving Wang Dajun sweating profusely. Tangshan's words had truly scared him.

Being part of a gang, he knew that someday he would have to pay back what he owed. It was just a matter of when. Wang Dajun felt that his own life and death were inconsequential. He had lived a carefree life. Still, if, as Tangshan said, his family and next generation were also implicated, that would be too great a cost.

Wang Dajun had a son and a daughter, his beloved children. No matter how ruthless he was to others, he couldn't bear to harm his own children. What Tangshan said about the four female ghosts haunting his family terrified him.

"What... what should I do? How can I prevent them from haunting my family?" Wang Dajun surrendered and feared. He didn't think much about what would happen after his death, but he had to think about the living.

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