
DND Realms: The Rise of the Titan-Dragon Prodigy

Titans, near-divine creatures born alongside the most ancient gods.The dragon, a mighty predator at the top of the food chain of countless worlds.Muria, who inherits the bloodline of the Titans and Golden Dragons, sits on a throne.Red dragons, blue dragons, green dragons ...... bronze dragons, red copper dragons, brass dragons ...... amethyst dragons, crystal dragons, emerald dragons, and many more dragons bow under the throne. Cloud giants, mist giants, stone giants, frost giants ...... storm giants, mountain giants, tide giants ...... countless giants bowed before the throne. A king's power is not just to kill and conquer! ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Book&Literature
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344 Chs

Chapter 162: The Vast World

"Hmm, wait, how large is the territory of Norton Kingdom?" Muria wondered. If the territory of Norton Kingdom was as small as a Southeast Asian country from his previous life, then he better just develop quietly.

With such a small country having five legends, the density would be astonishingly high.

So, he turned his gaze once again towards Andro, who stood there waiting for Muria to leave.

"Do you have a map of your country?"

"Yes!" Andro nodded. As a member of the Norton Kingdom's upper echelon, he naturally had a map.

"Give me one." Muria said naturally. Seeing a hint of hesitation on Andro's face, he added, "It doesn't need to be too detailed. Just a simple one that allows me to identify directions and locations, knowing the positions and sizes of the various countries on the Ionian subcontinent will suffice."

In Eralasia, maps aren't something everyone has access to; they're considered a military resource. The more detailed the map, the more valuable it is. Without certain strength and status, one wouldn't even dream of touching it.

Hearing Muria's request, Andro secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He really couldn't afford to give away a too detailed map. The consequences would be too much for him to bear, involving too many issues.

"Muria, I have a commercial map drawn by my merchant fleet. If you don't mind, you can take a look." Saying this, Andro took out a bundle of scrolls from his finger, then with aqua-blue fighting spirit emanating from his body, formed a hand shape to deliver the map to Muria. He didn't dare get too close to Muria.

"Hmm!" Muria's body didn't move, but an invisible pair of hands took the map and unfolded it before his eyes.

A zero-level spell, Mage Hand. It creates a pair of transparent hands, a very practical spell, perfect for showing off.

The first thing that caught his eye was an irregular outline of a continent labeled in the common language of the continent: Ionia.

This was the name of the subcontinent where he was currently located, as Cassio had told him before the teleportation. So, seeing this name, Muria could confirm that the irregular shape on the scroll represented one of the twelve subcontinents of Eralasia.

"Tsk, Norton Kingdom has quite a large territory," Muria noted, seeing the kingdom's area taking up about one-twentieth of Osroene on the map. Don't underestimate this one-twentieth; considering the vastness of each subcontinent, it's quite significant.

How large is a subcontinent? Here's a simple comparison.

When in the Titan Isles, Muria had seen a world map of Eralasia.

The Titan's territory itself was comparable in size to Australia from his previous life, surrounded by the slightly smaller Eternal Isles and two landmasses of similar size.

And around these four landmasses were countless islands of various sizes. When Muria visited the Golden Dragon Mother's castle, he had to use teleportation arrays instead of flying due to the vast distances.

The Titan Isles, nearly equivalent to the Eurasian continent on Earth, were thus very prominent on the world map.

However, there were even more conspicuous features on the map, such as the Mainland and the twelve subcontinents.

Not to mention other subcontinents, just Ionia alone is ten times the size of the Titan Isles, roughly equivalent to Earth's surface area.

And this is just one of Eralasia's twelve subcontinents. Above them is the even more vast Mainland, plus an ocean area nearly equal to the landmass... This is a vast world!

Although specific data is not available, Muria can make a simple estimate based on the map. The territory of Norton Kingdom is about half the size of the Titan Isles.

This too is an astonishing size. However, according to the map, although Norton Kingdom is vast, its land utilization rate is pitifully low, with very few areas suitable for building cities and habitation.

In fact, this is the case for most countries in Eralasia, where the land utilization rate is very low. This is because the reproduction rate of mid- to low-tier monsters in the wilderness is too high, with one batch after another seemingly endless.

"Hmm!" Muria's expression shifted as he focused his mental energy on the map section marking Norton Kingdom, which then slowly enlarged, revealing roads, city names, and becoming more detailed.

This map wasn't just a simple depiction of lines; it was a low-level extraordinary item.

"Interesting!" Muria smiled, looking at Norton Kingdom filling the entire map. This effect was almost as good as the map apps on his smartphone in his previous life.

However, compared to his previous life's smart maps, there's still a big gap, especially since it lacks the most important positioning function, preventing Muria from determining his exact location.

"Let me see, where is Krasov territory?" Muria searched the map and quickly found the location of Krasov territory, easily recognizable due to its significant size.

Soon, Krasov territory began to enlarge, filling the entire map, with towns, villages, roads, and markers for high-level monster dangers all displayed in great detail.

"You, come here!" Muria, looking at the highly detailed map, gestured towards Andro.

"Muria, what do you need?" The middle-aged noble asked cautiously, his composed and elegant smile now gone. Andro was frightened by Muria's series of actions, becoming subdued. So, he was somewhat reluctant to approach Muria.

"Sigh!" Seeing the hesitant lord, Muria didn't bother to elaborate further. Extending his hand, a gust of wind howled, and a giant wind hand formed in the air, mimicking Muria's hand movement, reaching for the middle-aged man.

"Splash!" Sounds of flowing water echoed as aqua-blue fighting spirit surged from Andro, forming a shimmering half-dome shield, attempting to fend off the giant wind hand. But it was futile; the fighting spirit shield shattered upon contact.

"I am a second-class earl of Norton Kingdom. If you touch me..." Before he could finish his warning, the wind hand grabbed the earl and brought him before Muria.

"Point out my current location." Muria didn't even look up, focusing on the map. This extraordinary map, while impressive to the people of this world, was somewhat lacking for him, mainly because it lacked a positioning feature.

"Point to the location!" The earl, trapped in a whirlwind, was baffled, "You're not going to kill me?"

Muria looked up, puzzled at the elegantly dressed Andro, "Why would I kill you? What benefit would that bring me?"

"Uh!" Andro was taken aback. Kill him, what benefit? He was a noble, a lord with his own territory, rich among the golden warriors. Killing him would surely bring a windfall.

"Just point out the location." Muria grew impatient with this human whose mind seemed a bit off.

"Here." Andro obediently pointed on the map. He realized the young man before him meant him no harm, merely looking down on him somewhat.

"Hmm!" Muria glanced at the spot Andro pointed to, memorized his current location, and then stored the map away. He then took out a piece of metal shimmering with azure light and, after releasing Andro, casually tossed it into his arms.

"This is your reward!"

"Blue jade steel!" Seeing the radiant blue metal in his arms, Andro was stunned. His aqua-blue fighting spirit stirred, ready to burst forth...


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