
Divine Path of Destruction

"Obey my order! Do you think I'll go easy on you just because you're a woman? Ha. Well, what a pity. I'll tell you that I'm a proud supporter of gender equality. So if you keep wasting my time I'll show you how intimidating I can be!" One of the brightest minds of the year 5,000 dies after causing the zombie apocalypse. Due to strange circumstances he is transported to a different world, in this new world there is something called Cultivation, which is used as a means to obtain power. Due to his innate curiosity and great passion for research, he decides to delve into the mysteries of the world. Will he be able to make it? Will he finally be able to feel satisfied in life? He will embark on his journey on a path to success.

EIR_PEI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter 34

Bai Yingzu felt annoyed at such a pitiful society in this world. He was not only interfering because the actions of that group were wrong and unacceptable, but because he had recognized the girl on the ground being bullied. Although meeting her was brief, she was still an acquaintance of his that he had liked very much, so he would not let something bad happen to him being close to her.

The googly-eyed fat man Zhang Ergou turned to look at Bai Yingzu with disgust. "And who the hell are you!" he asked angrily.

Yu Jixiao widened her eyes in surprise as she saw the person arrive. After so long waiting for him, he had finally seen him again. She stood up and shouted excitedly. "Eldest brother!".

The youngsters who heard that took a step back in a bit of fear towards that person.

"Hey, what the hell. Wasn't she supposed to have no siblings?" One of the young men wondered.

"Silly! She doesn't have a brother, her cousins ​​and uncles don't love her, much less could they interfere to defend her." Zhang Ergou said to his ignorant companion while he was still glaring at Bai Yingzu.

Zhang Ergou had plans for her with that girl, he had no intention of letting her go. In his eyes Bai Yingzu was someone who wanted to take his plate away from him to eat himself. Bai Yingzu glanced from him to every face in the crowd, finally staring at the googly-eyed fat man Zhang Ergou.

Bai Yingzu could not hide his look of contempt for each of these people. "It doesn't matter who I am. All you need to know is that you're going to leave that girl alone and get out of here." His words were addressed to the other groups. And directing a cold look at the googly-eyed fat man. "As for you, you can't leave until I give you a lesson on how even the heavens have to be careful not to offend others."

Bai Yingzu would let the others go, but he would leave the googly-eyed fat man to show as an example so that this would not happen again. Incentivizing about the city, he had found that crimes were strictly prohibited. Depending on the crime, criminals could be killed on the spot, and if they were minor crimes, they would only be expelled from the city.

Bai Yingzu agreed with the measures for serious crimes, but felt that the measures for minor crimes were stupid, the reason for this was that if criminals were not properly punished, the level of these crimes would increase in the future, going from being minor crimes to being major crimes.

"Ha ha ha". The googly-eyed fat man Zhang Ergou laughed mockingly. "Did you hear that brothers? This idiot wants to steal our chance. It's sure that once we leave he can do whatever he wants with her. We can't allow that, he won't leave here until he takes a big beating from us."

The youngsters who heard this cast furious glances at Bai Yingzu, as if they were seeing a despicable thief. They moved towards him with the intention of beating him just as the googly-eyed fat man Zhang Ergou had ordered.

Bai Yingzu snorted in disgust as she watched his movements. All these young people seemed to be the same age as him, around 14 years old, maybe a year or two younger. In the future these young people would be despicable adults and later they would raise more young people just as despicable, following a circle that will repeat itself indefinitely.

At that time what future would hold for society? Bai Yingzu didn't want to live in a chaotic world like that, especially one so rotten that he could abuse people without fear of reprisal.

Bai Yingzu had changed her mind. All of them would receive the punishment for the thought and intention of performing vile acts. If he were not here right now, things would not end well for that young woman.

Taking a combat stance he released a part of his cultivation power, he didn't want to kill them, he just wanted to inflict a lot of pain on them. Bai Yingzu thought that with a few broken bones they might learn to behave better.

When Bai Yingzu released some of his cultivation power it sent uneasy feelings through the group of youngsters. Chills ran through their bodies and they realized that something was wrong. But it was already late, when they tried to run to escape they heard a cold voice. "I have changed my mind, all of you will receive the punishment."

And a powerful pressure fell on them. Bai Yingzu had increased the gravity on each of them preventing them from escaping. 9 of the 10 young people remained motionless in their place with faces of terror, the only one who had been excluded had been that young man who had tried to help the girl. Although he didn't go much at least he had tried.

Bai Yingzu still considered that since he intended to stop such acts he could save himself from punishment. After all, it was normal that in front of a group he couldn't express his position so openly, and for that reason he just followed popular opinion. In his original world, many of these situations were also seen, although executed in different areas.

Bai Yingzu walked towards the googly-eyed fat man and aimed a punch at his stomach while at the same time releasing the gravity around him. Zhang Ergou fell to the ground coughing for air, he started trembling in fear after thinking about how he would be punished by the young man in front of him.

He would never have thought that this person would be an immortal let alone that he knew Yu Jixiao, had he known he would never have had the idea of ​​abusing her. In these moments he felt cheated, they had assured him that nobody would worry about something that happened to him, and therefore he was free to act as he wanted. But he now he had fallen by a single blow from that person.

"Please, please spare my life... Great Immortal please..." Zhang Ergou pleaded through tears and snot, fearing for his life.

"Haha". Bai Yingzu started laughing at his pathetic state. It was amazing how much he could change a person after facing people far above them.

Bai Yingzu kicked Zhang Ergou's stomach causing him to writhe on the ground in even more pain. Zhang Ergou felt so much pain that he almost passed out, however, he felt a strange force forcing him to stay awake. The inside of his stomach twisted strangely giving him an unknown sensation that he had never felt before, he was filled with terror at the thought that he would spit out his organs with that kick.

He was only 14 years old so his life experience was limited, he also hadn't received such a strong and brutal blow, much less had he ever met a cultivator. Zhang Ergou was just an ordinary young mortal who preyed on the weakest. He still dared to be arrogant thinking that he could do whatever he wanted ignoring how big the world was

Wasn't he afraid to face the retaliation of karma?

Thinking of all that, Bai Yingzu was filled with even more contempt and fury towards this pathetic existence, he felt the urge to end this miserable life that would only bring chaos to this world. Now that he had come to this world, his goals were to continue with new research to discover the unknown, that his research and creations will help the humanity of this world would be secondary.

Clearly his goals would not be fulfilled if he continued in a chaotic world full of injustices. His original world was also not at peace, but compared to the cultivation world it would be considered paradise. If in the future he were to form a family he would not be sure that nothing bad would happen to them, that such despicable beings would continue to exist would be a risk for his children and descendants, even for himself today.

His mind had been filled with murderous thoughts, for the first time in his life the idea of ​​killing a person crossed his mind, he considered it for a long time, he was even sure he wanted to do it. Bai Yingzu was not a murderer, apart from killing animals during his military training he never stained his hands with human blood, he had never thought that there would come a time when he would have to.

For someone like Bai Yingzu to consider this as something that had to be done without looking for other alternatives, he must feel extremely threatened, a threat to himself and also to his loved ones, both present and future. Bai Yingzu was not someone cold, it was certainly a bit difficult to get along with him since what had happened to him a long time ago, but still he did not refuse to interact and create new bonds.

He considered this because he still held out hope that in the future he would find the right woman and start a family with her. That he would be a good father and a good husband, that he would care about them and do whatever it took to keep them safe. His vision was always projected into the future, with each action he took into account the consequences later, that way he believed that he could at least minimally prepare against contingencies.

Suddenly he remembered a movie he had seen a long time ago, the movie was about a former soldier who had won many enemies over time, he had believed that he did not have the right to take the lives of his enemies, and for that reason he handed them over to justice thinking that this way they would pay for their crimes.

Later he forgot about them, and after several years he left the military and started a family. He had a sweet wife, a little son and two beautiful daughters. One day while he was coming back from work he noticed something strange, the door was not closed as usual. This little detail made his heart clench, he quickly entered the house, the only thing he had found was 4 charred corpses and a recording camera in the middle of his living room.

What was on that camera was a three-hour video of his family being tortured. His wife and daughters were repeatedly raped by several men, to later tear off his skin and slowly cut each of his members. As for his little son who was only a few months old... Those men were ruthless.

Bai Yingzu knew that this was just a movie, but he was sure that he was not that far from reality. The story of the film was totally logical. What could anyone expect who would let his enemies live? The moral of the film was clear, end the threats and give them no opportunity to act against them.

Bai Yingzu had understood that in this world he could not let his enemies roam free, so he had thought of two options, one option for each type of person in this world. In the case of a common mortal he could let them live, but he always had to make sure that none could return to take revenge and become a more serious threat in the future.

As for the cultivators, he was sure that they could not be allowed to live. A common deadly psychopath would be easily treatable using the first option, but no joke could be done with a cultivating psychopath. The reason was that they viewed beings weaker than themselves as insignificant existences. They didn't even consider weak people as humans, for them they were just worthless ants.

Bai Yingzu withdrew her killing intent and erased those murderous thoughts from his mind. But he still angrily kicked Zhang Ergou's stomach again and subsequently stepped on his crotch using the powerful strength of his cultivation. *Crack. Zhang Ergou turned pale after feeling something break, a piercing scream full of pain and misery resounded to the surroundings, even the people passing by couldn't help but turn to see what was happening.

After crushing the nasty member he did the same with both arms and legs, breaking the bones of each. He finally stomped on Zhang Ergou's chest and broke his ribs. To the eyes of those who stopped to watch what was happening this was a cruel sight, they saw Zhang Ergou's pitiful state and felt sorry for him.

His companions who were also paralyzed turned pale, with the blood drained from their bodies at the thought that the same fate awaited them as well. Goosebumps and scalps taut from him they tried to beg for mercy, but it was too late for them.

Once Bai Yingzu was done with googly-eyed fat man Zhang Ergou's punishment, he continued with the others following the same process. On that day saw the birth of 9 eunuchs created in the most painful way possible. Bai Yingzu had made sure to destroy the spiritual veins of each of them so that they could not be a threat in the future.


