
Divine Path of Destruction

"Obey my order! Do you think I'll go easy on you just because you're a woman? Ha. Well, what a pity. I'll tell you that I'm a proud supporter of gender equality. So if you keep wasting my time I'll show you how intimidating I can be!" One of the brightest minds of the year 5,000 dies after causing the zombie apocalypse. Due to strange circumstances he is transported to a different world, in this new world there is something called Cultivation, which is used as a means to obtain power. Due to his innate curiosity and great passion for research, he decides to delve into the mysteries of the world. Will he be able to make it? Will he finally be able to feel satisfied in life? He will embark on his journey on a path to success.

EIR_PEI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter 33

While within the higher plane chaotic times were approaching due to everything that happened...

Bai Yingzu was sitting in the Bai City Park, always heading there once he finished his walk in the morning, that had been until before he started his training to strengthen his physical body.

A year had already passed and he still couldn't figure out why his body wasn't getting stronger with the exercises, it was obvious that Bai Hui and Bai Yi had done very well. Even though they weren't strong enough to be able to surpass an entire kingdom in strength, he reckoned that it was still possible to win against people from the same kingdom a couple of stages above them.

But Bai Yingzu was different. No matter how much he trained his body, he could never surpass his current cultivation strength. He was an early stage energy realm cultivator. After breaking through to that level in a single jump he also hadn't had any upgrades to rise to another stage, it seemed as if he had been stalled by some kind of block.

One of his thoughts came to the conclusion that it was due to the few resources he had available, and while it might be true, it wasn't entirely significant either. With his cultivation technique he could absorb the spiritual energy from the environment, and although it wasn't much it still must have been a considerable amount in a full year, but even with that logic that energy was barely enough to perceive minimal changes, only a greater solidification of the cultivation bases.

With how quickly he had ascended through the cultivation realms he thought it would be a simple matter to continue and soon become as strong as those powerful beings he had described Ying Long. After all, cultivation was basically about absorbing large amounts of energy and refining it into the inner self to achieve a transformation in the inner self. It seemed that it was even more complicated than he had originally expected.

Apart from that he also had to deal with Xia Yanyu. Evidently his trip through his subconscious did not have the expected gains, although not everything was a loss. At least he had managed to get rid of that painful experience, and although he hadn't completely eliminated his dislike for certain types of women, he might still be able to interact with them in a better way.

When he got up with the intention of going back he heard a somewhat familiar voice. He turned to the spot and found a group of young men surrounding a short young woman. Bai Yingzu frowned at this and walked in their direction.


Yu Jixiao was an 11-year-old girl who had had a difficult life, however, even with so many difficulties, her personality continued to be cheerful, seeing the good things above all the bad.

In the first place, her parents had died when she was very young, barely a 4-year-old girl, and she could remember certain features on her parents' faces. She went on to live with her uncles, but they always saw her as a burden on her, that's why she was always neglected, suffering from hunger and good treatment. As a consequence, her body weakened until she developed a type of severe anemia.

After suffering from malnutrition, her growth was affected, so she was much shorter than children of the same age as her.

From the age of 4 to 8 she lived in a small town on the very edge of the southern tip of the continent. Arguably those were the hardest days for her. Her older cousins ​​always transferred the blame for her pranks to her, and not believing in her, her uncles always saw her as someone troublesome.

From time to time her alcoholic uncle hit her when he was in a bad mood, that man was a savage who, having no courage, always took it out on the weakest, lowered his head before the strong and was filled with hatred to later abuse others.

Her uncle's alcohol problems became so serious that the mayor of the city himself asked them to leave, and so they all left the small town and traveled to Bai City. There she had her grandparents on her father's side, and during that time her life improved a lot.

These grandparents treated her very well, they fed and clothed her, they showed great affection and concern for her, for the second time in her life she seemed to be truly happy. "Although difficulties exist, you must not let yourself be defeated, life is full of happy and sad experiences that will later become memories. And in the end you will discover that all the good things have even more weight than the bad." Now the words of her parents made sense.

She didn't remember her parents very well, but she knew that the time she lived with them was happy. Later, her life changed when she began to live with her uncles, and later with her grandparents, her life was so good that her life with her uncles was seen as a very distant memory. .

Although his uncles and cousins ​​were very annoyed by the good treatment he received from his grandparents, they could not do anything, after all this was their house, those elders received them well and they could not complain since they had no place to go. .

Life was so good that it seemed like a dream, unfortunately she had to end. When she turned 10, her grandparents had passed away, after all they were common mortals with a set limit on life time.

Her way of life took a nosedive, her life returned to how it was before. Her uncles no longer had anyone who could forbid them from doing what they wanted. Her uncle returned to alcoholism, her cousins ​​and her aunt continued to verbally abuse and mistreat her. In truth, all of the above seemed to be some dream and she later returned to reality to see that nothing had changed. She was so sad that she wept bitterly, almost giving up in the face of difficulties.

Inside Bai city, her life after the death of her grandparents was not good at all, her own family belittled and insulted her, and outside her children also bullied her because of her short stature and frail complexion. she.

One day her drunken uncle dropped some coins on the floor. She had an idea, she remembered that colored ball made of paper with which she had seen other children play. She picked up the coins and excitedly went to buy one of hers, she didn't have any toys so the idea of ​​having a paper ball made her very excited.

The store manager gave him the ball, however, the cost of the ball was three copper coins and she had only given him two. Feeling a little sorry for the girl when she saw her excited face, the store manager agreed to give it to her at that price.

The girl excitedly ran to the park to play, and perhaps try to get along with the other children to play, now that she had a ball she thought the children would stop bullying her and play with her. But things had not gone as she expected as these children cruelly chased her away.

She despondently walked to return, on the way she came to see a young man sitting looking calmly into the distance. Surrounded with an aura of loneliness, he was a boy one or two years older than her, with a slim build and short stature. She noted that the two were similar, at least physically.

She with a little hesitation she walked towards him and spoke a little nervously. Afraid that she would react like those children who bullied her, she acted cautiously. But realizing that the boy seemed to be a good person, she spoke with more confidence.

In the end she had agreed to play with her, she was somewhat excited since that child had said that in the future he would become someone as strong as an immortal of the legends. The young woman had heard about the stories where the heroic immortals appeared, powerful beings capable of shaking the earth and who were always accompanied by beautiful women.

They played for a while and later that boy had taken her to eat, she realized that he took out silver coins without any problem for what she considered to be someone rich, she had always seen copper coins in the hands of the uncle her. This was her first time looking at a silver coin so she was surprised how much she could buy with a single coin.

During her farewell she wondered if she could one day be with someone as good as that boy. With this thought she remembered what she had said about becoming as strong as the immortals, and the figure of that adult child surrounded by such beautiful women crossed her mind. So she couldn't help but ask.

The boy was a little surprised by the abrupt question, but far from being angry he simply smiled. The young man's reply was. "I don't think I'm exactly like them, those women just chase the fame they could gain by going with powerful figures. I couldn't bear to be with a woman interested in influencing my own power, if so I would push them away from my side myself." without hesitation. It would be ridiculous to end up marrying one of them."

She understood that answer. But after a thought she bravely asked again. "But if they really loved the older brother?"

The young man seemed even more surprised, but with a big smile that showed his good humor he answered. "Then I will be very happy to find a good woman who will devote herself completely to me."

So she made up her mind at that moment, she would be the good woman who would dedicate herself completely to him. She wanted to be, she thought that being next to such a good person would be wonderful.


The sudden infatuation of a child is something normal, it could be said that it was a stage of life. Apart from her deceased parents and her grandparents no one else had treated her well. She had found the only boy who had agreed to play with her, he was very kind and smiling, and he seemed to be so generous in inviting her to eat. This made all the sense in the world.

She had come back day after day to meet that young man she didn't even know her name. But unfortunately after their first meeting she had not seen him again. Even with that she did not give up and she continued to go day after day to the same place in the hope of seeing him again.

She had already turned 11 years old and continued to visit the place, those children who bullied her had become physically stronger and her aggressions went from verbal to physical.

On this day she had been surrounded by a group of these youths with gazes that contained ill intent.

"Brother are you sure about this?" One of the young men in the group asked.

"Of course. My big brother said that doing it with a woman was wonderful, so I decided to give it a try." Said a fat young man with bulging eyes.

"But this... is wrong." Said another young man in the group.

"Hmph. You coward, get the hell out of here if you're that scared." Another young man next to the fat man snorted and said in annoyance. The others looked at the other young man with quizzical looks.

The googly-eyed fat man nodded at the reprimand of the guy next to him. "I, Zhang Ergou, am not afraid. She may be a bit short and with a slim build, but we can't deny that she is still a girl with a certain attractiveness."

"That's right. Brother Ergou is right. Brother we can take her to my uncle's warehouse, no one will bother us there." Said another young man flatteringly.

The googly-eyed fat man nodded at the idea. "Very well. We will take her there, I will be the first and then you can do what you want. Be grateful that brother Ergou is so generous to let you try this wonderful experience." He said he acting with total arrogance.

Yu jixiao did not understand what these young people around her were talking about, but she knew that it was not a good thing. She felt a little afraid for the crowd gathered. That young man who had spoken of her to intercede for her and whom the others had made fun of her only gave her an apologetic look.

A snort reached her ears and conveyed a sense of discomfort to them. "This world has sunk so low as to discuss rape so blatantly and in broad daylight." Someone approached the group speaking with an annoyed tone.


