
Divine Necromancer

Tyler died young because of a heart problem and couldn't afford a cure. He got a second chance to live but one filled with many thorns. Will he be able to survive in a world where strength decides the law?

MS_Reddy · Fantasy
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13 Chs

My Attributes and Level Ups (1) (NEW!)

Before I go to the next hunt, let's see if it is true about cosmic grade class.

I mean, this was knowledge humans got from other races. There was never a recorded Cosmic Grade class in human history. If there was, no one else knows about it.

I mean most humans or any race for that matter would have common and Uncommon grades. The Rare Class holders are considered Elites and make up most of the top powerhouses today.

There was only one Legendary Class holder that appeared in the human race, Yuran Holden. The other classes, though we know that they existed, have never appeared in humans. Even in other races, there aren't many.

Those races awakened a long time ago, so a few legendary classes in their races is not a mind-boggling thing.

The highest grade they now possess is Ancient Class, which is an Elf. They once did have a cosmic grade class holder but died during the fourth trial. It was because of the awakener's sacrifice, that the elves survived and were able to migrate to Athos.

It was actually good that the Elf was the only race that held that class. I mean, there are few races that entered this world, that like destruction more than creation. If they were the highest grade class holder, the world would have ended in their hands long ago.


Okay, I don't need to think about all those things for now. Let's see what my new status looks like.



Name: Tyler

Age: 16

Race: Human

Class: Divine Necromancer - Cosmic (Unique)

Level: 3

Rank: None

Talent: Evolution

Physique: Griffin (F)

[Griffin (F): +1% Strength; +1% Constitution; +1% Dexterity]

Strength (STR): 47 (0.47) + 5 (Sword)

Constitution (CON): 49 (0.49)

Dexterity (DEX): 51 (0.51)

Wisdom (WIS): 49

Intelligence (INT): 50

Vitality (VIT): 49

Mana Points (MP): 490 + 300 ( Rank 0)

[Per every level gained, in addition to Base MP, an additional MP of 100 is gained until rank increases. This applies only to spell caster classes not physical classes.]

MP regeneration: 5 MP/ 10 min

Skills: Eyes of Fallen; Flame Retard; Lesser Regeneration; Lesser Magic Reflect; Double Loot;

Spells: Summon Skeleton; Mana Drain; Physical Shield; Magic Shield;


Wow, I mean WOW!

I am like a level-40+ common grade class holder. I mean this is pure cheating. I can at least beat a level 20 enemy without losing a single time.

Though these appear as a level-40 awakened, these are not, because there was a Rank-Up trial once we reached level-20. When we move from Rank 0 to Rank 1, there would be a huge boost in the attributes of the Ranker.

How much the boost would be depends on how well one does in the Rank-Up trial.

The Rank-up trial would be a quest, depending on the class, and once the quest was completed you would get a boost in the attributes that are useful for your class.

If it was a spell caster, there would be an increase in WIS or INT. For physical classes, the increase would be in STR or DEX. For crafting classes it would be CON.

Sometimes there would be an extra increase in VIT, depending on the completion rating. Moreover, when one ranks up, they would gain a perk. The first perk when one reaches Rank-1 is a sub-class, which looks almost like the Main Class, but different.

This is why even levels are next to each other, a difference in ranks matters more than one would think. 

Anyway, with these attributes, I am good as long as the monster is not a Ranked Monster. I can move freely around in the beginner areas. I should find some hidden areas to hunt. I don't want the incident from yesterday, which wasted my time.


I went to the quest board once again. This time I chose quite a bit of quests to hunt. I wanted to hunt boars and wolves which would be in the forests. The quests are related to wolves and boars would lead me to the forests.

So I took a few more quests that require one to enter the forests. The reason I was interested in hunting the boars and wolves was because there shouldn't be many who are at the level to hunt wolves and boars.

<Quest: 10 Kill Forest Wolves (0 10)>

<Quest: 10 Kill Wild Boars (0 10)>

<Quest: 10 Kill Forest Snakes (0 10)>

<Quest: 10 Kill Grey Rabbits (0 10)>



Normally I wouldn't have selected Boars for a quest. One would be advised to run away as soon as they see a Boar, as they have this [Maddened Rush] skill, which when activated would make the boar more agile and powerful too.

A strike from the boar would even empty the health of an awakener that was levels above the boar. It would be an instant kill for the one who was at level 3, but my case was different. I have much higher stats than others and I am sure that I would level up a bit while in search of the boars.

Once I was done with these quests, I had to return to the village before the sky darkened. I mean it is required as the prowess of the monsters increases in the night. Of course, the experience or rewards gained would also have a proportional increase.

It was well and good if one considers the rewards but there are chances that Field Bosses appear during the height of the night, which would have double the attributes than it would have during the day.

It would be a death sentence if one encounters it. I know I would have still two more lives here, but I don't want to waste them on this.

Anyway, let's see what else I would encounter in the forest.


Oh, man, this is not what I thought to encounter by coming early to hunt in the forest.

I thought, I would make the best use of time and level up quite a bit but this is not all that I expected. I never assumed to meet this, not this early at least.

Fifteen Boars!

I mean why are fifteen boars together? Shouldn't they be away hunting for food by themselves?

Why are they here all together?


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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