
Divine light: Purifier

After death, Raul became the soul of a young buck that has gained a blessing- and he reincarnated with a mission. With a new body, name, and mission, Raul shall spread the light's brilliance.

RiCrease · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Brilliant light

As I opened my eyes, I was flabbergasted by my surroundings.

Instead of being in a hospital bed, I was in a forest, probably the most beautiful one I've ever seen.

the trees were tall, with light-brown trunks, and brilliant light-green leaves shining in the sunlight.

The forest also had some sort of aura, that made it look even more beautiful.

Truly a stunning sight.

After a few moments of admiration, I quickly regained my composure.

"Where am I?"

I asked myself, looking around.

As I looked around, I caught a glimpse of something beneath me.

Hooves, dark-white hooves with white fur above them.

As I slowly got the feel of my own body, I realized I was lying on the ground in an X position.

"Why are my feet hooves?"

I looked at them with confusion, before a *Ding* sound quickly alerted me.

Right in front of me was a semi-transparent golden screen.

[Welcome Dear Soul.]

[Your soul has taken control of this body.]

[Your soul and body have been Blessed by the Great Light, and you have been given a mission to spread the light's brilliance across the world.]

[Together with your blessing, This Systemic Soul trait has been created with the power of the light that has remained in your surroundings.]

[It shall assist you in your duties.]

"Interesting... I imagine a person would be rather shocked to find out such a thing, but I don't feel shocked at all."

I said curiously but disregarded it as it was not important.

"Whether it is a dream or not, I'll go along with it."

[Message over. Regaining Control over Soul trait.]

[Please choose your evolution!]

[Current Species: Enlightened Albino HighDeer Buck.]

[Evolution options:]

[Enlightened LightDeer Buck (Adolescent.)]

[Gained Traits: Magical Air Affinity, Levitate, Lesser Purify.]

[Enlightened LightBringer Deer Buck (Juvenile.)]

[Gained Traits: Spiritual Nature Affinity, Purify, Eyes of light, Light Aura.]

[Please make your Decision. Emotional Judgement has been permanently returned.]

As a multitude of emotions overwhelmed me, I quickly snapped out of it as realization came to my mind.

"It... took away my emotions?"

I said in surprise.

Even back on earth, with the evolution of technology, it was impossible to disable someone's "Emotions".

"Interesting... I should continue though."

I said as I calmly looked over the "Evolution" Options, I quickly began thinking.

"The Light bringer Deer has more traits, which likely are some type of abilities considering this system is a trait."

I explained to myself while considering my options.

"But it is also younger than the Lightdeer, which will be a disadvantage."

After some consideration, I decided to go with the Lightbringer as it has more potential.

[Evolution Chosen.]

[Evolving now.]

As I read the system messages, a Sudden terrible itch dropped me to the ground.

My eyes teared up, but it was more of a relief as the tears calmed the itch in my eyes a bit.

I suffered silently on the ground for who knows how long before the itch disappeared.

[Evolution completed.]


I couldn't help but think, had I known it would be so painful, I would have prepared myself mentally.

[Would you like to see your new status?]

The System asked.


I replied.

[Name: Artius]

[Species: Enlightened Lightbringer Deer (Juvenile)]

[Traits: Celestial Light Affinity, Spiritual Nature Affinity, Purify, Eyes of light, Light Aura]

[Temple of light not yet established.]

[The Celestial Light Affinity has affected the Spiritual Nature Affinity and turned it into [Origin Life Affinity]!]

[Would you like a general description of your new abilities?]

A bit overwhelmed by the new information, I quickly replied.


[Celestial Light Affinity: Light Affinity of the highest grade, engraved into soul.]

[Origin Life Affinity: Life Affinity of the origin Grade, Partial Soul Engravement.]

[Purify: By channeling your light energy into a beam and sending it towards something, you will Purify them of Any Energy other than Water, Light, Or Life.]

[Eyes of light: Your eyes cannot be fooled by illusions and can see clearly in the dark. Looking into your eyes will make the observer feel relaxed, but also inferior.]

[Light Aura: Your Aura is rejuvenating and all beings enjoy being in your presence.]

As I took my time reading all the messages, I slowly understood the capabilities of each of my Traits, except for the Affinities.

However, before I could ponder about them, a sound interrupted me.


My stomach rumbled, I haven't ate anything since coming into this world.

As I began paying attention to my surroundings, I realized the sky already turned dark blue- but thanks to my eyes of light trait, I could see perfectly.

As I stood up, I found moving around to feel just as natural as natural as walking in a human body.

"Seems like I won't face these difficulties."

I sighed and relief, but quickly continued walking as I looked for food.

"What do Deer even eat? Maybe berries?"

I wondered, before coming across a small bush with a few pink berries on it.

"They could be poisonous."

I thought to myself, before I noticed a certain mark in the ground next to the bush.

a mark of a human-like foot, was on the ground.

Other than that, a few of the bush's branches looked broken and there were only a few berries left on it.

"So someone took some of the berries here.. that must mean they're safe."

I thought, in the back of my mind I was aware that they may have not been taken to be eaten, but I was too hungry to wait.

As I approached to bush, I opened my mouth and bit into one of the berries.


I immediately thought as the berry was extremely sour, but it wasn't to the point that it was inedible.

As I bit into another berry, I was surprised to realize that this berry was sweet!

"Do they have random tastes?"

I thought before stopping to observe the berries more closely before eating them.

After a bit of experimenting, I got to the conclusion that all the sour berries were a shade darker than the sweet ones.

After eating all the berries, I wasn't full, but I was satisfied.

"Should I follow the footprints?"

I wondered curiously before deciding to follow them.

As I galloped quickly along the footprints, I got to see many beautiful and strange sights.

From a horned rabbit eating a small pigeon, to an ant the size of a phone.

"It seems this world doesn't lack any fantasy aspects."

I joked to myself as I followed the footprints.

Eventually, I began to slow down as I had gotten slightly tired.

"These footprints seem like they continue forever!"

I thought, surprised.

"Should I just stop following them?"

I Eventually pondered, but decided against it as I had nothing else to do.

As I was deep in thoughts, I didn't noticed myself slamming into something.

A wooden color filled my vision as I retreated slowly.

"Did I walk into a tree?"

I quickly thought surprisingly.

However, as I retreated further, I understood it wasn't a tree.

It was a Wall!

"More like a tall fence."

I Exclaimed.

It was a tall fence built with many thin tree trunks.

As I began walking around the fence, trying to see how far it extends, I noticed I lost the footprints!

"That's a shame, I walked for so long."

I thought, as I reached the end of the fence.

"So it's about 150 meters long?"

I asked myself.

As I turned and started to walk along the new side of the fence to see how long it was, I heard a Loud sound.

A shout, to be exact.